My Angel My Demon

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(Chapter 10)

"Everything hurts"

Selest Rosmary Night Pov:

I woke up on a cold floor with sharp pains running up, and down my body. So I'm not dead then. There was pieces of broken mirrors on the floor so I was able to see my reflection. I gasped at the sight in front of me. There was three large slices across the side of my face, and I didn't dare to touch it.

The room I was in was cemented at the floor, but the walls were made of metal. Every time I moved sharp pains went through the side of my body. Everything ached, even my heart. My Mickey I raised as a pup was now dead who knows where. My little boy was gone.

What worsened my heart ache the most was that Nexon was no where near me. I felt like half of me was empty, and I just wanted to crawl to look for it. In my heart there was a little hope that I will see him one last time. Just once is all I'm asking for because I never wanted anything more then to be in my loves arms.

Love. I never loved someone like this so fast. Is it even possible? Was the saying of love at first sight true? I fell hard didn't I world? I fell hard for the right one though. A large clicking sound startled me, and then the room felt like it was below 0 degrees. I knew what I was in now. A ice box.

Then a beeping sounded from the corner of the room.

"Oh dear you finally woken up. Having a nice chill I see. Well it seems I'm going to let you live." The deep voice said through a hidden speaker.

"Really?!?" I yelled being happy that I will see Nexon again.

"Well only for a week. Hah! You thought I would let your human body outside of my planet? Foolish, and dumb" the voiced hissed.

"Your gonna be tortured to the point you will be in shock from the pain." He laughed into the microphone.

There was no response afterwards meaning he was leaving me there to freeze. I let a few silent tears down. Nexon where are you I screamed in my head, but there was still that piece of hope swaying in my my mind,body, and soul.

He's coming. I know he will come. When he does I will run in his arms to feel the warmth, and love sweeping me off my feet again as if he was my personal drug. The drug of love that I was glad I can experience with Nexon. Forever, and always I heard him say once. Those three words will keep me breathing on no matter how much this man pained me.

The room was so cold that I thought my eyes would freeze shut. My nose started to bleed, and I started feeling faint. Sleep was over taking me. I will still fight on. Then my eyes closed shut.


Hi guys how are you enjoying the book? I hope it's good. Also check out my book"My New Hassle". You will love it as much as this book. It's more romance, and I know you will love it.



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