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Frank opened his eyes, only to be greeted by an unsettling darkness. His eyes wondered across the room but all he saw was the colour black, as if his eyes were stained with the colour. Like in Mario Kart where you get inked by the squid and the majority of your screen is coated in thick black ink that will slowly fade away.

Being afraid of the dark, Frank quickly turned on the lamp which was lying beside him on the bedside table, almost waiting to be used by Frank. The sudden blinding light causing Frank to squint and rub his eyes with his fists.

'Another bad dream', Frank thought, rubbing his face with his hands as if trying to wipe away the bad dreams. He shook is head in frustration and removed the bed covers, exposing himself. The cold air hit his bare legs, causing a shiver to run up his spine.
"I really need to stop sleeping in just my boxer shorts, especially in the late winter." He mumbled, lazily pulling himself out of bed and making his way to the bathroom. Having a mildly wealthy family, Frank has his own bathroom. This is good as it means Frank doesn't accidentally wake his parents in the middle of the night, however they weren't in the house right now.

The bathroom light was a pure light. A light so bright that it slightly hurt the 19 year olds eyes when he flicked the light switch. He looked at himself in the mirror which hung over the water basin. Don't worry, he wasn't being vain; He was just about to shave. The clock on top of the medicine read "6:05am".
'Its incredibly dark for this time.' Frank thought, looking at his eyes in the crystal clear mirror.
"I really haven't slept much, have I?" He mumbled, his fingers tracing the mildly noticeable bags that hung under his eyes. They ached slightly, but it wasn't much difference to his usual mornings. Usually, he'd do this exact thing: wake up from the same recurring nightmare, complain about the weather, analyse his appearance and then shave. Its the same every day, the same old boring routine.

Frank shaved, successfully not slicing his skin open with the thin blades. Frank, like most men, shaved on a daily basis. In all honesty he had to. He couldn't leave the house with day-old stubble could he?

Frank combed his chestnut brown hair that stopped halfway down his ears. He always made sure he was well groomed in the morning. Pearly white teeth, well-kept hair, smooth shaven face and no unpleasant odour coming from him. In conclusion, he's a well kept man.

Frank has a lot of tattoos. They litter almost the full entirety of his body. They're mostly black and shaded, but some are colourful and bright.

Frank was used to waking up this early for work as he has to do it every weekday. Luckily, his work place isn't very far away.

Breakfast was a delight, however this isn't anything different to any other time. Frank always makes sure that he either eats something different every day or at least add stuff to the dish every day to spice it up. No fun having the same/similar meal everyday, is it?
Today, Frank was having milk and cereal for breakfast with a glass of pure orange juice. The cereal he was having was Reese's puffs and the milk he was serving it with was semi-skimmed, just the same milk as always.

Frank was, like I said before, 19 years old. He lives in a mansion-like house with his younger sister Kourtney, Stacey his mother, and Andrew his father. At the moment, they are all out at the moment. Kourtney works at Starbucks just down the street and her shift starts at 5am in the morning (when the shop first opens) until 1pm in the evening. Franks mother and father are currently on a business trip somewhere in Mississippi. Yes, they both work in the same business. Frank, however, is unemployed. Having a somewhat rich family, Frank doesn't really have to work and neither does his sister. Frank has asked Kourtney countless times why she works and she always gives him the same answer: "I just enjoy it". She says that, but Frank has came to the conclusion that she works at Starbucks just because of the 30% discount or that she is attracted to one of the male employees. I guess the truth will never be unravelled, unless Frank decides to just believe what his sister says. But who believes their sister?

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