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The sun was falling as darkness was beginning to settle over the deserted beach. Deserted, apart from the two boys, hands entwined, walking across the beach with the golden sand tickling their toes.

Frank was surprised that he was enjoying today, but who wouldn't? A day to relax, go to the park, meet a good looking guy, go to Starbucks (best coffee shop in the world), go to an arcade and take a nice relaxing walk across the beach, it was a good day indeed.

Frank smiled and closed his eyes, embracing the silence while the thoughts of today's past events played out in Frank's mind.

After finishing their cups of coffee, Frank and Gerard were ready to leave the shop. That was good for Frank as he wouldn't have to watch Kourtney and the other workers gossiping and giggling about the two guys. Frank just prayed Gerard didn't notice, except it was kind of impossible with how loud they were gossiping.

It was obvious Gerard hadn't organised this date properly: he didn't even have anything planned. It was cool though, made it a little spontaneous and Frank liked that a lot.

It was almost automatic now when Frank would grab Gerard's hand. Some people would say that he holds his hand far too much than necessary but Gerard hadn't said a single complaint once so Frank didn't bother letting go.

By this point, the boys were just walking with no certain destination in mind. It was only when they were approaching an arcade near the seaside that Gerard suggested they go in.

It was the classic date, Frank wasn't going to lie. But that doesn't mean it was terrible as it really wasn't. Frank was in fact really enjoying himself tonight.
He didn't want to admit it, but Frank was indeed getting attached to Gerard despite them only knowing each other for a mere few days. But Frank didn't care.

Gerard seemed like he was enjoying the date too. He was always smiling, as if he was overjoyed with the fact that he was out with someone. He seemed like if anything else mildly interesting occurred he will just burst from the overwhelming excitement. Frank was okay with that too. He was happy that Gerard was enjoying the date instead of just him.

"Frank I got it!" Gerard exclaimed, jumping up and down a little.
Frank looked to his left, seeing Gerard a yard away jumping up and down in front of the grabber machine with a purple stuffed bear in his hand.
Frank smiled and laughed, noticing that people were beginning to stare.
Frank abandoned what he was doing and jogged to Gerard and hugged him.
"Well done!" He praised, "I can never win on them damn things." He pouted.
Gerard patted his head.
"It took like $10 to finally get it so its not like they're easy to use for me either." He laughed.

Frank let go if Gerard, fixing his hair that Gerard just messed up.
"They're so tricky. I'm surprised you won something!"

Gerard fakely looked offended.
"Excuse me," he started, "do not doubt me!"
Frank laughed, falling onto Gerard a little. "I don't doubt you, honey."
"That's good."

After a good hour of ticket winning, game failing, bumper carting, chip eating and coca cola drinking, the two exhausted boys finally left the arcade, heading towards the setting sun.

The colours of the sky were mesmerising: a mixture of yellows, purples and pinks blended together and created a setting that almost looked like it was out of a painting.

Frank sighed as be removed his shoes before stepping onto the hot sand. The heat travelling up his body as he wiggled his toes, trying to get used to the new weird feeling.
Gerard copied Frank's action's, and stepped onto the sand bare foot.

"The sand feels nice between your toes, doesn't it?" Gerard asked rhetorically.
Frank moaned in agreement, "if it didn't get fucking everywhere in the house I'd probably like it more." Frank cursed, causing Gerard to snicker at the remark.

Once again, Gerard's and Frank's fingers entwined, as they had a slow walk down the beach.

The sky was beautiful. Half of it was a mixture of purples, pinks, reds, ornages and yellows while the other side was a mixture of deep blues, light blues and purples. The simplified version if that description is that it was breath taking.

"The sky is beautiful, isnt it gee?"
Frank stated, staring at the mesmerising sky.
Gerard sighed in agreement but then raised an eyebrow.
"Wait, gee?"
"Yup." I chuckled, "From today onwards, that is my new nickname for you, gee"
Gerard laughed, "so..." He paused, "does that mean you want to see me again?"
Frank was silent for a while. "Maybe. Why, is that a problem?"
Gerard shook his head fanatically. "No, no! Not at all! I'd be happy to do this again with you, Frankie."
Frank snickered, "is that your new nickname for me?"
He nodded and squeezed Frank's hand. "Yep, 'cause you're my little Frankie."
Frank squeezed Gerard's hand back, and they both kept walking in silence. However, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Instead it was rather comfortable. The sort of silence where you don't need to speak to one another to say that you're really enjoying their company.
The sort of silence that lovers bathe in. The perfect silence for Frank Anthony Iero and Gerard Arthur Way.

That brings us back to now. The two boys were still strolling across the beach, the skies darkening ever so slightly and ever so subtlety that neither of the boys noticed.

Frank rested his head in Gerard's shoulder and whispered: "Is it okay that I don't want this day to end?"
Gerard chuckled. "Not at all Frankie baby." He stated, resting his own head on top of Frank's, breathing in the fresh cherry scent of his brown locks of hair.

Getard whispered, "please don't think I'm being creepy but, your hair Smells really nice."
Frank giggled. "It's not creepy, thank you." He stated, whispering the last part.
"And thank you." Gerard replied, "thank you for agreeing to go on a date with me. I know it was the shittest way to ask someone out."
Frank laughed. "Don't worry about it," he started, squeezing Gerard's hand, "it wasn't the best way to pick someone up but it sure was memorable. It'll probably stick with me forever."
Gerard joined Frank with laughing and they continued walking, until they saw a gazebo of some sorts just ahead.

Frank being the random guy he was, left go if Gerard's hand and ran to the white wooden painted gazebo and stood under it.
"Come on, gee!" He yelled, waving at him.

Gerard ran to catch up to Frak, completely out of breath when he reached Frank.
"God, Frank." Gerard exclaimed between pants and gasps for air.

Once a silence settled over them and Gerard's breathing finally regulated, the boys stared at the sand and ocean from the gazebo. They were both leaning on it, completely silent.

After a while, Gerard scooched as close as he could to Frank before wrapping his arm around his waist.

Frank closed his eyes, to soon open them being face to face with a stuffed purple bear.
"I want you to have it." Gerard stated.
Frank took it, analysing the bear.
"Thank you." He whispered, kissing Gerard's cheek.
"You welcome." Be replied.
They resumed to admiring their surroundings in silence.

"Today was nice." Gerard said quietly.
Frank nodded, "It really was." He admitted. "I wish it would never end." He finished, looking into Gerard's greeny brown eyes.
Gerard stared back, completely mesmerised by Frank's.

Like every romance film ever, Frank's and Gerard's faces started drifting towards each other. It felt like forever, but eventually Gerard's lips collided with Frank's, moving in sync with each other. They fit together like a key and a lock, Romeo and Juliet, and like a jigsaw. It was if these lips were destined to connect. In the end, it was like Frank was destined to meet Gerard.
Was this destiny?

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