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Frank and Gerard both sat on the bus in silence as they waited for their stop.
It took days to find out where Louise was currently living. Not to make the two sound like stalkers, but they had to do a lot of research for this. In fact, they haven't slept for the past two days they were searching either. Well, Frank did, it was mostly Gerard who was determined to find his daughter and not Frank. Frank did want to find her, but not as much as the girl's father, Gerard. Gerard had drank more coffee in the past few days than the last month, and that's saying something!

Luckily we found them. They were only in a town on the outskirts of the city. Wasn't very far away at all. So, Frank and Gerard got on a bus and waited for their stop.

After being on the bus for an hour, Frank realised how huge this city was. He's only seen a small fracture of the city and he thought THAT was huge.

The bus stop was coming up and Frank quickly ring the bell. Frank turned round to tell Gerard that we were there but Gerard was fast asleep. Frank smiled at Gee, he's never seen him sleep before, he looks cute. Frank hated to do this but he woke up Gerard.
"Huh, what's happening?" Gee groaned, stretching and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"We're here." Frank said in a sing-song voice. Frank grabbed Gee's hand and dragged the half conscious man off the bus (after thanking the driver of course).

Frank looked around, noticing that they were already at the house.
"Must be convenient to have a bus stop right outside of your house..." Frank said, staring at the detached brick house.
"Yeah..." Gerard agreed, doing the exact same thing as Frank.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Frank asked, getting a little nervous. "I mean, this is going to change your life."
Gerard nodded. "Yes, I'm ready." Gerard grabbed Frank's hand again and squeezed it, "its gonna change my life but with you by my side everything will be okay." Gerard pecked Frank's lips and smiled.
"Are you sure?" Frank questioned.
'I'm sure."

Hand in hand, Gerard and Frank walked towards the oak door.
They were probably walking at an average speed, but to Frank it felt like it took forever to reach the front door. Frank got nervous.
'Gerard should be the nervous one, not me!' Frank thought, his own voice yelling at him in his head. 'This is ridiculous'.
Trying to put a brave face on for Gerard, Frank took in a deep breath, stood up straight with his head held high and smiled at Gerard. Gerard smiled back, looking a little nervous himself.
"It'll be okay" Frank whispered to Gee.

They approached the door and stopped. Suddenly, everything became so real. This is REALLY going to happen...
Gerard took in a sharp intake of breath and knocked on the door.
His heart felt like it stopped and he broke out in a sweat. Gerard was worried about being rejected, the chance to see his daughter is close yet it could be so far away if Louise doesn't allow Gerard to see her. Thoughts ran through Gerard's head as he mildly panicked. Gerards breaths became sharp ad he began to panic. Frank leaned in and hugged Gerard.

"It's okay," Frank began. "It's all going to be okay." He assured, kissing Gee's forehead.
Gerard kissed Frank's lips. "I love you Frankie." Gerard said.
Frank smiled. "I love you too gee-bear"

The door swung open and the nerves returned. A blonde haired woman stared at the two. She was smiling. Well, at least until she sae Gerard, it just kind of faded away. Nervously, Gerard just smiled and waved. "Hello, Louise. It's been a while."

Louise nodded. "Yes, its been a while."
Louise turned to Frank. "And, who might this be? A new husband?" She mocked.
Gerard pulled Frank closer. "Ha, ha, Louise." Gerard smiled. "This is just my boyfriend, Frank."
Frank waved and she waved back.

"Well, its nice to meet you Frank." She smiled, shaking Frank's hand.
"Do you guys want to come in?"
Frank and Gerard exchanged looks and nodded. "Yeah, sure." Gee, said.

All three of them sat in Louise's living room, sipping coffee she had just prepared. "Well, I think I know why you're here." Louise stated.

Gerard nodded. "Yeah..."

Louise nodded, placing her mug on the coaster and looking right at Gee.
"I've been waiting for you."

"What do you mean?" Gerard asked, curious to why someone who pushed him away would be waiting for him to return.

"Gerard, I'm SO SO sorry for pushing you away." She said apologetically, "I don't know why I did. I guess I was just mad."

Gerard nodded. "It was my fault too..."

After a good half an hour of chit chatting, a conclusion was made.

"Gerard, I've decided to let you see her."

Frank smiled and squeezed Gee's hand. "Isnt that great?!" Gerard smiled and squeezed back. "Yeah, it is."

Louise smiled at went upstairs.

"Gerard this is amazing! You did it." Frank squealed, pouncing onto Gerard and hugging him tight. Gerard chuckled and hugged back, kissing his forehead. "This is great, Frankie!"

Louise retreated downstairs with a young girl holding her hand. Gerard stood up in shock and just stared at her as she walked in.
"Gerard, this is Charlie. Charlie, this is Gerard, your Daddy."
At the word daddy Charlie looked up.
My daddy?"
Gerard began to tear up and smiled. "Yes, honey..."

Charlie let go of her mothers hand and ran towards Gerard who quickly sunk to his knees to be her height. She ran into his arms and he kept her there, hugging her and quietly crying into her shoulder.

"I always told her that her daddy would come back...I was worrying that he wasn't going to but, I guess I was right." Louise stated, smiling, folding her arms and looking at the father-daughter love between the two.
Frank smiled and walked over to her.
"Youre strong for letting him see his kid again, I know it will be a change for you." Louise nodded.

"Yeah, it will be tough. But I've decided it was right, I've actually been planning it for a while now."

Frank nodded and looked at Charlie and Gee who were talking and playing around.
"Frank, I've been thinking and..." She paused, "...maybe Gerard can have Charlie for a little while. You know, like a holiday."

Frank stared at Louise in shock. "Why would you do that..."
Louise shrugged. "I just feel like its best you know." She said. "It's been so long since Gerard has seen her and he has a lot to catch up on. It's not like it going to be forever either."

Frank nodded and smiled, opening his arms for a hug off Louise. She smiled and hugged Frank. "Youre very generous," Frank complimented.

"Thank you." Louis laughed.

"Don't worry Louise, me and Gee are going to take good care of Charlie.

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