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Frank lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about all of the shit that has happened in the last month or so. Let's see, where to begin... I guess it began with meeting Gerard at Starbucks, going on a date with Gerard, discovering weeks later he was a former husband, and then finding out he has had this whole drama filled life that he didn't even think to tell Frank. After that, for the last week or so, Frank has just been empty. It feels like he can't survive without Gerard despite not needing Gerard for almost the entirety of his life. Since Gerard spilled the beans on his past, Frank had made sure to avoid Gerard at all costs. To do that, Frank decided not to leave the house and vowed he would NEVER open the door when he hears knocking.

All that's been on Frank's mind lately was Gerard. He just didn't know what to do. Frank felt like he would of had no problem with Gerard having a past, its just the fact that he didn't tell Frank sooner that's bugging him...
He rely doesn't know what to do.
Frank likes to think he'll get over this.

He turned onto his side with the aim to look at the time on his alarm clock. Instead, his eyes drifted the bright purple bear that was sitting on the bedside table. He stared at it, letting the bear give him flashback of past memories. Frank could just remember the day that Gerard worked his ass off to win a prize from the machine for Frank. Frank didn't show it but that really made him happy. It was an honour that Gerard had spent the majority of his change on Frank.

Frank snapped out if it and smiled at the teddy bear, before grabbing it and hugging it tightly.
"I can not let all of these memories go to waste..." Frank began, burying his face in the teddy, "I need to go see him."

Frank bolted out of bed, grabbed his phone, coat and put on his shoes before be left the house, running to Gerard's house. He didn't care if it was on the other side of the city, nothing was going to stop him from seeing his boyfriend anymore. Frank vowed that he'd no longer let the past come between his and Gerard's present. He wasn't going to allow the horrid people (Nova) from his last ruin his and Gerards present either. He vowed that he would accept Gerard no matter what he was in the past, as all Frank cared about was his and Gerards present and future.

Frank was out of breath when he reached Gerard's house. Violently, he knocked on his front door, dying to see Gerard's silly red hair again, and his stupid swampy green eyes that completely made Frank melt inside.

The seconds seemed like hours as Frank was waiting for the door to open. And finally, it did.
As soon as the door opened wide enough, Frank pounced onto Gerard, knocking him onto the ground.

"Gerard, I'm so sorry!" I whined, beginning to cry a little.
I felt a hand move through my hair and a pair of soft lips connecting with mine. With his thumb, Gerard wiped away the tears that were leaking from my eyes.
"Aww, Frankie."....
"I love you Gee." I whispered.
"Love you too Frankie."

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