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Saying that the walk home from Starbucks was awkward is an understatement. It was almost painful, Frank couldn't handle this sheer awkwardness. In fact, I don't even know if there is a word in the English language that defines how awkward and painful this walk home was, especially when Gerard decided to tag along. He insisted on walking Frank home. I'm guessing he wants to talk more, which is extremely unfortunate for Frank as he hates most social situations. One on one conversations that are awkward are just horrible.

Frank smiled a little, realising that if Gerard wants to come in his home then it wouldn't be as awkward as Kourtney would be there. He sighed in relief, a small burden left his shoulders.

"So," Gerard began, speaking just to break the silence, "Are you warm? It's pretty cold out."
Frank looked down, he was only wearing a thin black hoodie. In fact, Frank didn't even feel the cold air until Gerard mentioned it. His hands now felt numb as well as his ears and toes. But, to not seem like he needed help, he just lied. "Nah, Im fine." He answered, trying to sound confident to not arise any suspicion.
"You sure?" He asked again, not completely buying Frank's story. Frank nodded. "I'm fine."
"Okay then." Gerard sighed, giving in despite still not believing Frank.

Frank stirred the coffee on the kitchen counter; a black coffee for Gerard and a mocha for Frank. Frank had to admit, it was kind of awkward having Gerard in his home, but he had no choice but to invite him inside. He had to invite him in as it started raining heavily outside, and Frank would of felt bad letting him trek all the way home in this weather.

Luckily for Frank, Kourtney was home. At the moment, Gerard was talking to Kourtney, which really kept the pressure off Frank.

Frank really wanted to straighten everything out but, his nerves always failed him every time he tried. Every awkward or mildly upsetting event in his life was always avoided by Frank as his nerves almost forced him to not get involved. For example, take his cousin Jeffrey's death. He couldn't bring himself to go to the funeral or engage in a conversation about him. That's just one major example though, there are so many little things that prevent him from straightening out mishaps and problems. I'd be lying if I said that Frank didn't at least try, its not like he has just given up.

Frank placed the coffee on the coffee table in the living room. He only had to make two as Kourtney had already made her own. Kourtney and Gerard were just talking about some random subject that Frank didn't understand.
"Thank you." Gerard said, as he picked up his mug of coffee. Frank nodded and sat next to Gerard on the couch.

"So, what else about you do I not know?" Frank asked, staring at the chocolatey liquid in his mug, hiding his mild embarrassment.

"Yeah," Gerard nodded, "I knew this was coming."
"Well, I hope so" Frank mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee.
"What?" Gerard asked.

"Well," Gerard began, " as you know I was once married." Frank nodded. Kourtney was sitting on the edge of her seat, her nosy side kicking in as she was dying to know more. "I also used to do drugs. I know, I know, it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and I regret it. In fact, my drug addiction was how I met Nova. Me and him would go to the same gathering and take drugs together. After a while, we fell in love, At least I thought it was love anyway. But, that isnt the worst thing about me. I was actually in a relationship with someone before Nova, it was with a girl called Louise. She was the same age as me and we met through highscool."

"How was that the worst part?" Frank asked? Gaining a little confidence due to his curiosity.

"You see," Gerard began, struggling to get his words out. "I kind of have a daughter with her..."
Coffee spurted out of her Kourtney's mouth as she choked. "WHAT!?" She asked? Completely shocked.

Frank was having a similar reaction. He just stared at Gerard, who was looking a little nervous himself. "You have a child?" Frank asked, almost in a whisper. Gerard briefly looked at Frank and nodded. "Yeah."
"And you didn't think to tell me?" Frank added.
"I'm sorry," Gerard began, "I mean, its not like I see her! I just didn't want to bring it up because its painful."
"What do you mean 'its painful'?" Kourtney asked, mildly getting a little frustrated with Gerard.
"Louise won't let me see her. I've only seen her for the first two years of her life when me and Louise were together."

Frank nodded. "Wow..." He mumbled, a little shocked with this whole ordeal. Frank knew Gerard was hiding something but he never knew that it was this big. Fair enough, Frank wasn't expecting Gerard to share with him all his past relationships but he felt like he had the right to know that he was someone's ex husband and someone's father. I mean, who doesn't tell their partner that they have a child?

Frank did feel a little bad for Gerard though. I mean, imagine not being able to see your kid...pretty rough stuff.

"Sorry." Frank mumbled.
"Excuse me?" Gerard asked.
"Sorry that you can't see your child. That must be rough."
Gerard nodded. "Yeah it is. Sorry for bit telling you Frankie." He apologised, placing his hand on Frank's knee.

Gerard was shocked when Frank removed his hand. "I'm sorry." Frank apologised. "But, I just need some time to think."

Gerard was shocked but just nodded. "Yeah sure. I understand." Gerard stood up, putting on his coat. "I'll just go." He walked to the front door. "And, umm, thanks for the coffee."
Frank nodded and closed the door behind him.

Kourtney hugged Frank from behind.
"I'm sorry, Frankie."
"It's okay." He assured. "I'm sure something will work out, I just gotta get my head around this crap..."

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