18: Theyre Back

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"Mom, mom!" Frank cried into his phone, "mom!"
Frank paced across the living room, "mom, its okay!"

Gerard walked in and raised an eyebrow, questioning what was going on.

"Mom, I was going to tell you but you were away! I couldn't." Frank groaned, "no, no, don't cry." Frank sighed.
Gerard hugged Frank from behind and mouthed 'you okay?'

Frank nodded and Gerard rested his head on Frank's shoulder. I swear, he didn't do this as an attempt to listen to what Frank's mom was saying.

"Fine..." Frank groaned. "I'll come over to talk...but you're not making me come back! I'm happy living here."

Gerard let go of Frank and ruffled his hair.

Frank hung up and sighed. "My mom wants me to go over and talk about how I moved." Frank groaned and collapsed on the couch that was conveniently behind him. "I don't want to talk to her about moving! There is nothing she can do that will make me wanna move back home..."

Gerard sat next to Frank an rested his head on Franks shoulder. "Do you want me to come? "

"Maybe..." Frank began, "...she might not like it though..."

"Why not?" Gerard asked, "didn't you say that I should meet your parents some time?"

Frank shrugged. "Yeah, I guess I did."

"Well, let me go. She'll see how happy you are with me."

Frank smiled and hugged Gerard. "Okay then. Go get dressed, we may as well go in time for dinner." Frank said, signalling that Gerard was only wearing a loose T-shirt and his underwear.

"You're mooching food from your mom?" Gerard asked.

"Of course." Frank laughed. "Move out and steal her food, it's a great idea!"

Gerard chuckled and pinched Frank's cheeks. "You're adorable, you know that?"

Frank pushed Gerard's hands away. "I wouldn't know that if you didn't tell me 24/7."

Gerard stood up after ruffling Frank's hair. "Well, I'll go get dressed then." He said, on his way out of the room.

Frank shouted after him. "Make sure you put something smart on!"

"I will!" He yelled back, before disappearing up the stairs.

Frank stood up and stretched.
'Better get ready myself, still need to brush my teeth and dig for something smart to wear.' Frank thought, following Gerard up the stairs.


The door was red; an auburn red. A golden knocker was in the upper centre, shining as if it was brand new. It was Frank's parents house. Frank in his navy blue suit, Charlie in her glittery pink dress and Gerard in his coal suit, stood opposite to the door.

Frank gulped.
'She's gonna kill me. Mom..dad. God. Maybe she'll lay off with Gerard here? Yeah, Gerard will scare her a little. I mean, he's dressed like death himself so she'll probably just be quiet.' He thought.

He looked at Gerard. He looked a little nervous himself. Gerard noticed Frank was uneasy so he swiftly grabbed his hand and squeezed it.
"It'll be okay," he assured, "like you said, there is nothing they can do to make you move back home."

Frank nodded, "I hope they like you."
Gerard chuckled, "why wouldn't they," he joked, "I'm handsome, smart, and just amazing"
Frank laughed. "Yeah, you are."

Charlie stood next to Gerard, looking at her father and his boyfriend chat away. Then, she looked at the knocker. Slowly, she moved closer to the knocker on the auburn door. Frank and Gerard turned to the door, hearing the sound of someone using the knocker. Simultaneously, they stared at Charlie wide eyed.

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