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Frank and Gerard were sat in Starbucks on table 9. They were both chatting away, sipping on their beverages. Frank, as always, had a latte. Gerard however had a black coffee. Frank was sat in his usual seat, which faced the counter. So unfortunately Frank could see his sister who will surely give him hell when he gets home.

She knows Frank is gay, but she's never seen him with a guy before. Frank doesn't really have friends, so seeing him with a boy would astound her.

"So," began Gerard, "tell me about yourself."
Frank blushed slightly, lost for words. He wasn't quite sure what to say. It's not like Frank lives an interesting life that will make Gerard intrigued.

"I guess, not to brag, I'm quite wealthy." Frank began, avoiding eye contact with Gerard in case he thought Frank was just another snob.
"I like music, mostly artists like Green Day and A Day To Remember. I like Lattes's and pretty much Starbucks in general. My favourite store is HMV and I am actually homosexual. What about you? Tell me about yourself."

Gerard was frozen, thinking about what he just heard. But, be then smiled.
"My full name is Gerard Arthur Way, and I come from an average family. I love coffee in general and musicians like David Bowie and Morrissey. I have a brother who is a bass player in a band and I draw my own comics. I guess my favourite store would also be HMV and I am Bisexual."

Gerard smiled. "I never knew you were gay." Gerard said quietly. "I asked you out but I never thought you were gay!"

"Keep your voice down!" Frank demanded. "Not many people know."
Gerard snickered, "your secret us safe with me, babe." He said, winning.
Frank rolled his eyes and laughed. "Shut up!"

"Can I tell you a secret?" Gerard whispered.
Frank nodded, moving closer to Gerard.
"I kind of wasn't dared to ask you out." Gerard confessed, getting a bit nervous.
'I knew it...' Frank thought. He rolled his eyes and patted Gerard's head like a dog. "It's okay." He assured, "may I ask why you asked me out then?"

Gerard looked at Frank like he was crazy. "Do you really not know?" He asked, easing an eyebrow.
Frank shook his head.
Gerard sighed and chuckled.
"I like you obviously." He began, taking hold of Frank's hand. "I always see you around: sitting here when I walk past the window, I see you in HMV a lot too. I always see you looking at the keyrings, cardholders and badges at the back of the shop near the posters. I also saw you once at the aquarium with a girl. I seem to see you every where. I thought you looked really cute and I wanted to get to know you more. So, I asked my friends what to do and they said I should ask you out. I thought I'd be less embarrassed if I said I was dared too."

Frank just stared into Gerard's beautiful eyes, taking in what he was just told.
Then, Frank finally clicked on to something.
"Wait," he began, "you sure you aren't stalking me?" Frank chuckled.

Gerard shook his head.
"Nope. It was just a coincidence."
"Phew." Frank laughed.
"Except from the times where I'd purposefully take the route that will take me past Starbucks just so I can see if you're here."
Frank blushed a little.

Then, there was a silence. The two guys didn't know what to say. Gerard was embarrassed with his cheesy confession, and Frank was overwhelmed and blushing far too much.

Suddenly, Kourtney arrived.
"Hello there, lil bro!" Kourtney said in a sing-song voice."
"Hi Kourt." Frank said, waving a little before sipping on his latte.
She then looked at Gerard and then back at me.
"So, Frank," she began, "who is this?"
"This is Gerard." Frank introduced, extending his arm towards Gerard."
Gerard smiled a little. "Hello." He greeted.
"Is he your boyfriend?" She teased, earning a mild nudge by me.
"No Kourtney, in fact we're just friend's! We've just met."
Kourtney nodded in a sarcastic manner. "Sure." She said. "However, I don't think you hold hands like that with someone you've JUST met."

Frank looked down and realised that his and Gerard's hands were still entwined.
Frank quickly pulled away, a blush now being painted across his cheeks.
"Well, I'll let you two get back to whatever this is."
Frank's cheeks turned an even darker red at that point.

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