Candlelit Beauty- Chris Brown

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This is my first imagine ever so bare with me. 😁
     Three months ago, you got out of a 2 year relationship with your ex, Josh. He was your everything and you were his... Or so you thought. Josh had been cheating on you for the last six months of your relationship. To make matters worse, he was having an affair with you best friend  Tia. You two had been inseparable since your first day as a freshman in high school. She even gave you advice about Josh when you were crushing on him. The three of you (and sometimes four depending on who Tia was dating at the time), did so many things together that you were comfortable with leaving them together without you. They were your best friends. Both of those long relationships were ruined in a matter of minutes.

{Flashback- 3 months ago}

"You're out of snacks again," Tia yelled from downstairs. Josh and I were chilling on my bed. He was laying under me and I was sprawled out sideways across his abs on our phones; we were in the form of a cross.

"That's because you eat them all fatass. Just go get more," I yelled back.

"It's your turn to go," she pointed out while I rolled my eyes. The three of us were together so much that we started taking turns on who buys food.

"Ughh fine," I groaned. "You want anything," I asked looking back at Josh while getting up from my comfortable position.

"You," he replied looking up from his phone. I gave him a dead glare. 😐

"No, seriously."

"I was serious... But since you're asking, the usual." The usual consisted of sour patch kids, a bag of popcorn, and Cherry Coke. He has this weird obsession with Cherry Coke. It's one of the only things he drinks besides water. I put on my shoes and jogged downstairs.

"Oreos, Hershey bar, and a blue raspberry slushy?"

"You already know!" Tia laughed then stopped faking a mini heart attack.

"What?" I asked rushing over to her.

"The booty!" She exclaimed stumbling backwards.

"Shut up," I say laughing and pushing her playfully, "I was almost worried about you." I joke walking out the door. I hopped in my Ford Focus and headed to 7/11. Thirty minutes later I was around the corner from my house with our snacks. As I unlocked the door, I didn't see Tia on the couch like usual. I heard a faint sound upstairs, but ignored it.

"Food is here," I yelled dropping my keys on the table. I went upstairs with the bags in my hand and went around the railing. The sight I saw made me furious. Tia was grinding on Josh with no space between her naked ass and his bare thighs in the guest room. Dafuq is this?

"You disrespectful bitch. How dare you after the last two years we spent together?" I screamed at Josh. Yes, I call both genders bitches because a bitch is a bitch. It doesn't matter what gender you are to me. "And I know your skank ass is not doing this shit," I pulled Tia back by her weave. Usually I wouldn't think to go for the girl in a situation like this because he's the one cheating on me not her, but I'm being cheated on twice in two different relationships.

"Oh by the way, here's your slushy," I said pouring the blue substance on her head.

"My balls!" Josh screeched as the liquid dripped on to him. Talk about blue balls.

"Serves you right! I can't believe you had the audacity to fuck my best friend in my house! Fuck you thought this was!" I yelled in pure disgust.

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