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Chapter 14

In this chapter this means there talking in English and the normal is Japanese just so you don't get confused

Adelynn ran into the host club room and sat herself down on a arm chair next to a window. She was smiling and looked around the room. She only had one more week left here and she was smiling about all the things that had happened to her since she had been at Ouran. Who knew that just thinking about her friends could bring a smile to her face? This proved her attachment to the club.
"What's in the bag?" Hikaru asks as he appeared next to her.
"Some new stuff I have." Adelynn smiles as she puts the bag in her lap.
"What's in it?" Karou asks. Adelynn grins as she takes out black sun glasses with silver line next to each lens. Hikaru picks it up and puts them on.
"We could of got you better ones." He dully said as he looks around the room. Then Adelynn removes an electronic device and hands it over to Karou. He blinks at it and presses the button on it.
"Wow! I though you where poor but this is state of the art iPad." He marvels as he looks at the lock screen. "What's the password?" He asks as he looks at Adelynn expectantly. Adelynn laughs at his stupid attempt and takes the iPad off him.
Password: [haruhilookslikeatanuki]
The hardest password to guess is when it's only something your friends have heard and has punctuation signs in it. Adelynn smile to herself as she scan through all the innocent apps on her iPad. She hands it over to Karou as he looks through them himself. He sat their playing on Angry Birds as his brother watches over his shoulder.
"Hi Adelynn." Haruhi greets as she walks into the music room. "Where's Tamaki-Senpai?"
"Worrying about you boyfriend already Haruhi?" Adelynn asks sarcastically as Haruhi cheeks go pink. Adelynn laughs at her and they continue to talk together and joke with the twins, waiting for the rest of the club to arrive.

|||Time Skip|||

Adelynn sighs in relief as her customers for the day left her and the rest off the members still had clients to deal with. Adelynn sits back in the seat next to the window, feeling the breeze hit her and she sighs in relief at the open window next to her, giving her a view off the maze and rose bushes outside. She felt excited as she took out her iPad and sunglasses. She curls up in the chair and turns the device on, but types in a different password.
Password: =astalapastadouchébag=
Her device flashes black then the special apps came up on the screen. Ones that where specially made from MyTech's secret anarchy, that the. . . Government used on special occasions. Not only was MyTech for the people of the world but the government also used it for missions as such; and Adelynn could do anything with it, as long as it had something to do with electronics or information about people. Her facilities were endless and their was almost nothing she couldn't do.
She felt excited as she looks through all the untested apps or apps that would be counted as illegal outside of America. . . Which Adelynn was. (But this is Adelynn we're talking about, if she acted as badass as she is all the time then they'd no way she would listen to the law.)


(. . . Listen to the law kids.)

She looks around the room and sees everyone smiling and laughing and it brought a small genuine smile to Adelynns face. She brings the camera up and takes a picture, names appear above all the faces and it gives you general information about each person when you click on their names. She clicks on Tamaki Suoh and a list of basic information comes up. A grin flickered upon her lips as she clicked the home button on the IPad and slid on the sunglasses. She looks around the room then moves them up her nose, pressing the edges of them where the sliver line buttons where placed before looking around the room. Then something peculiar occurred. The room turns black and white, but that wasn't the thing that had struck her as odd. A red line materialise across the room and Adelynn follows it and sees it pointing at one person.

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