Valentines Special

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Chapter 15

Valentines. . . Valentine's chocolate. . . So much fun. . . agh!' Adelynn enters the school gate and looks at the building. She stops to take a deep breath. She check the clock tower. '9:14, 16 minutes till form starts.' Adelynn runs up the stairs, then stops.
"Hikaru, that's not funny. She probably has been given chocolate before." Karou said.
"Then why do you think she always try's to change the subject when we ask her about it? Besides, we'll see, remember Kyoyas Suprise." Hikaru said. Well the Suprise Adelynn already new about it. 'If Kyoya wanted it to be a Suprise then why did he put it on the Host Clubs website, he's a bit dumb if he thought I wouldn't find out.' Adelynn thought as she watches the twins walk by, along with the other students. As she stood there going unnoticed, just like she wanted, turning into the chameleon that she loved. The bell went and all the students rushed to their home rooms. Adelynn slowly walks to her classroom door and opens it, and is presented with something that will be burned into her memory. The room was pink. Not the pastel pink the walls of the school were, but bright, fucking, pink. Adelynn could just feel her breakfast in her throat.
"Which fucking idiot decided that bloody bright pink was a good idea?" Adelynn mumbles looking at the room in disgust.
"Adelynn!" A voice shouts, and only one person could have that of annoying voice.
"Good morning Renge." Adelynn smiles.
"Do you like the room? I decorated it myself!" Renge shouts with a big smile on her face.
'No it's hideous' " Wow it's wonderful Renge." 'Did you find it in the depths of hell?' "Where did you come up with such an amazing idea?" 'Defiantly the depths of hell' Adelynn said looking around the room with a fake amazed look. Adelynn felt a tug at her sleeve and she looks at Renge, who has pink cheeks. "Yes Renge." Adelynn questions raising an eyebrow.
"I got you something for Valentines." Renge said handing Adelynn a box of chocolate. Adelynn looks at the box in her hand.
"Wow, thanks Renge." Adelynn said smiling at her. Classes went along normally with bits of love activities such as poetry and love equations and Adelynn did her homework at break. Then her phone went off.
Karou: Shadow King wants u in the clubroom ;)
Adelynn: Why?
Karou: Club
Adelynn: So helpful ; ) I'm coming.
Adelynn put her phone in her pocket and jogs to the clubroom. She stopped before the door and smilies to give positive signals to her brain and makes herself happy. She pushes open both doors and stands in front of them.
"You wanted me?" Adelynn asks smiling. Kyoya was sat in his chair writing in his notebook.
"Yes. You have lots of deliveries." Kyoya said pointing his pen to her table.
"Deliveries?" Adelynn whispers and looks at her table. All around and on top of her table was chocolates and presents. Adelynn stood there staring at it.
"You have clients after school so you need to clear the table." Kyoya instructed. Adelynn slowly walks over to the table and piles up the presents and puts them into Tamaki's emo corner.
"Do you need any help Adelynn?" Haruhi asks.
"No I can do it by myself." Adelynn said still moving, not stopping to have a conversation.
"Wow Adelynn you -" "- have lots of gifts." The twins said popping up behind Haruhi. Adelynn just ignores them and carries on moving all the stuff. "Why are you putting it there though?" Hikaru asks.
"Because when Tamaki gets upset he can't go into his corner and we can all watch him sulk. Speaking of the idiot King, where is he?" Adelynn asks, only halfway through carrying massive boxes.
"He's getting gifts." Karou said.
"I wonder who gets the most chocolate on Valentine's?" Hikaru thinks out loud.
"Your making this into a contest?" Haruhi asks.
"Why not?"
"We're bored."
"Yeah. Anyway I'm totally going to win." Adelynn said popping up behind Haruhi.
"You're done already?" Haruhi asks and Adelynn nods.
"So how many chocolates did you get?" Adelynn asks the twins.
"62" they said in unison.
"No. Each?" Adelynn asks again with a smirk.
"21." They said with less enthusiasm.
"I'm so~ gonna win this." Adelynn smirks.

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