Somethings Wrong

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Chapter 7

"Come on Renge." Adelynn said holding the tray of hot cupcakes and cookies. "By the way, thanks again for helping me cook again Suzume." Adelynn said.
"It's fine. . . I like cooking." She said as she got out icing bags.
"My Kyoya will love these cookies." Renge shouts as she puts hers on a cooling rack. Adelynn looks at them. 'Their burnt.' She thinks
"Okay. . . Would you like to try one of mine." Adelynn said offering her cookies to both Suzume and Renge, giving them a happy smile.
"Oh, by the way Suzume I'll need to gets some recipe books for chocolates. Is there any you recommend?"
"I don't know, get back to me later. I'll bring some books by the Host Club later." Suzume said icing the cupcakes, not looking away. 'That's what happens when she wants to have her own catering business. I think Suzume is one of the only kids in this school that isn't taking their family's business. Must of been why I didn't mind picking her as a short term friend.'
"I hope the reading club enjoys are cupcakes!" Adelynn said smiling as she iced a batch of cupcakes, trying to be happy giddy high school girl.
"Renge!" Adelynn shouts, she hears the door creek from behind her, not even having to look. "Clean the dishes before you go." Adelynn orders, earning moans from Renge but she still did it anyway.
"I need to deliver my baked goods to my Prince Charming." Renge said making a run for it. Adelynn and Suzume roll there eyes at her and finish the cupcakes off.
"Thank you so much Suzume, I don't know a friend that would do so much for me." Adelynn said moving some of Suzumes hair behind her ear. Suzume just went bright red.
"I-It's alright. B-Besides, you he-helped me." Suzume said putting sparkles on the cupcakes.
"Bye." Adelynn said as Suzume left. Adelynn stood there for a couple of seconds in silence staring at her cookies she made. She looks over to Renges side and scowls at all the wet, still dirty, dishes.
"Well I best go see what the host club is doing." She moaned, just thinking about those idiots giving her a headache. She rapped the cookies up in a bag and walks to the club room. She opens the door. "I'm back!" She shouts. Then Renge appears, pointing her finger at Adelynn.
"And finally you, you are-" Renge starts but Adelynn pushes her finger out from her face. And calmly said
"It's rude to point, didn't anyone ever teach you manners." She said looking into Renge eyes, Renge quickly avoids contact and blushes.'What the hell did I do to make her blush?!' Adelynn thinks, groaning in her head but keeps a plain expression. Renge quickly regains her normal blood flow.
"You will be the girl that loves making others happy, but has deep dark secrets that run deep, you are also good at disappearing and always watch people suffer. You are 'The girl in the shadows'" Renge declares. Adelynn just leans to the side with raised eyebrows to look at the Host Club behind her.
"Is she being serious?" Adelynn asks.
"Y-" Kyoya starts
"Yeah, I don't care." Adelynn said as she just walks past him and flops on the couch. She goes in her bag and takes out the cookies. She inspects them and takes a big bite. She could hear Tamaki gasps.
"That's so unladylike!" He shouts pointing his finger. She looks him up and down boredly, keeping the same expression as Renge flirts with Kyoya and makes phone calls.
"Do you like sea food?" She asks still eating, Tamaki just nods, not sure what else to do. "Look." Adelynn said and opens her mouth getting Tamaki go on a rant about being a lady as the twins laugh. Adelynn lies there and eats. She sees Honey stare at the bag of cookies. She gets one out and throws it at him.
"Wow, these are amazing Rose-chan." Honey compliments.
"Thanks." Adelynn said in monotone.
"Is it me-"  "Or did she just sound like Mori-senpai." The twins say. Adelynn gets up and sits on the floor behind the sofa facing the wall and gets out a ball from her pocket and starts throwing it, repeatedly.
"Please may you stop that infernal noise Miss Rose." Kyoya asks holding the bridge of his nose; from being very annoyed from Renge and her screaming at her phone. Adelynn carrying on with throwing the ball along with a smirk on her face. Just because she was doing her job didn't mean she couldn't wined up the subject. Kyoya walks over to her looking down to her with a deadly aura around him.
"Miss Rose I would appreciate if you stopped." Kyoya said through gritted teeth with the darkness growing by the milliseconds.
"Kyoya, I would appreciate if you don't empty my locker." Adelynn said through gritted teeth. Getting everyone's attention, Adelynn looks up to him with no readable expression on her face.
"Excuse me?" Kyoya said pushing up his glasses.
"My locker. Don't touch it. I do not need your help." She said calmly and gets up facing him, looking up staring into his eyes. Kyoya stands there not sure what to do.
"I do not want club members to be bullied, especially when it can be avoided. I do not want it effecting your hosting, therefore decrease in profit." Kyoya said looking at his notebook as if he was reading it.
"We both know that's not the entire reason, and also, I don't need to be looked after by the likes of you." Adelynn calmly states before walking out the room ignoring everyone looking at her.
"Rose-chan doesn't seem well." Honey pouts.
"Yes, she seems to be rather drowsy." Kyoya adds writing in his notebook.
"Yeah, she doesn't look like she's been sleeping well." Haruhi said
"She got one question wrong in a test yesterday." Karou said.
"And? Their both scholarship students, it doesn't really matter." Hikaru said.
"Rose-chan always gets full marks." Honey said as they all stare at the door where Adelynn walked out of a second ago.
|||Time Skip|||
Adelynn sat there watching everything as the Host Club did their acting. She watched Hikaru, Karou and Tamakis acting. 'Actually their pretty good, it must be from all the acting they do in the host club.' Then it went to Honey scene. 'For some reason when Honeys being scary, its quite attractive. The clients are going to go crazy for this.' Then Honey started crying and Renge turns into Medusa. Adelynn gets up and hands water and towels over to the boys, smiling and skipping.
"Wow, it's like what happened this morning was a different person." Hikaru comments. They all stare at her, she has a girly aura flouting around her as she skips up to the boys smiling.
"Hikaru, Karou, will you get Mari Shizuoka to sign this?" Adelynn asks with a smile.
"Why do we have to do it? You do it." Hikaru complains
"I just need her to verify this information, and she'll do it if you ask." Adelynn asks doing puppy dog eyes. The twins just stare at her in shock, her puppy dog eyes are even cutie than Honey-senpai, is that even possible?
"Ye-yeah, c-course." Hikaru said facing away and snatching the paper.
"Thank you." She said waving whilst skipping away. 'Ugh. I hate being girly, even my clients don't care how I act but with boys innocents always seems to work.'
"I'm thinking of opening her up to males, do you agree?" Kyoya asks the Twins with a grin plastered on his face.
"Yes, I want to see how she reacts, she'll probably go bright red from embarrassment." Hikaru snigers. Renge started shouting and ordering people around again. "But how did we go from changing our characters to creating a movie about them?" Hikaru asks.
"And how did she get an entire film crew here?" Haruhi asks.
"Apparently she flew them in from Hollywood. Don't you recognise the director?" Kyoya asks.
"Yeah, the directed the movie Veridical Snow." Adelynn said leaning over Kyoyas shoulder. He looks at her, she looks at him and smiles. Everyone new something was up with Adelynn, but no one mentioned it. She was acting rather. . . off? Her normal witty mood and no touching hadn't applied recently since the traditional Japanese day at the Host Club.
"And another thing, how come this stupid script portrays Karou as the pitcher." Hikaru complains hitting the papers and his brother complains.
"Pitcher?" Haruhi questions
"Your playing basket ball, not baseball." Adelynn said in a duh tone.
"If you don't know what it is, never mind." The twins say in unison. Tamaki runs over.
"Haruhi, so how was I?" Tamaki asks
"It was pretty awesome, I'm suprised that you were able to get into you character like that. You were really good." Haruhi compliments and handing Tamaki a towel.
"I've discovered a new darker side of myself, I'm starting to think it might be a good idea to embrace it."
"Are you sure about that? Because I think you fine just the way you are Senpai." Haruhi said, Tamaki stops drying his hair and blushes at Haruhis remark.
"Well, if you say so Haruhi." Tamaki said sounding like a high school girl talking to there crush. Adelynn walks over to Haruhi.
"Hey Haruhi, you're on!" Renge announces.
"Okay, coming!" Haruhi shouts back, Adelynn was curious to what Haruhi was doing so she followed, she hadn't read the script because she wanted it to be a surprise, something Adelynn hadn't had in a long time. They both turn the corner to see Renge with two men behind her.
"Over here, these two gentlemen have just agreed to be in our film." Renge said
"In your film?"
"What are you talking about?"
"For our role we're gonna need some tough guys for the climax." Renge said making fist with her hands. Renge carries on with her blabbering and Adelynn just gets more annoyed with her by the second.
"Wait a minute! Renge." Haruhi try's to stop her as she drags the boys around.
"Hey. You think you can push me around? You don't even know me!" One of the boys shouts pushing Renge, Adelynn quickly jumps behind Renge before she hits the equipment. Adelynn sits there crouched on the ground facing down.
"Are you alright Adelynn?!" Renge asks.
"That guy was right Renge. You can't do that, if you judge people by there appearance then your stereotyping, and you'll never see them for what's on the inside." Adelynn said not looking up.
"What? I don't understand?" Renge say the confused on what to do.
"What happened you guys?" Tamaki asks running around the corner. He sees Adelynn and snaps, on top of her is metals poles and dirt covering her body. Tamaki runs up to the boy and grabs his collar lifting up to his face.
"What do you think your doing?" Adelynn asks coldly looking at the floor.
"Let. Him. Go!" Adelynn orders standing up.
"Now! I gave you an order, not a question!" Adelynn demands looking at Tamaki as her ponytail falls over her shoulder. Adelynn try's lifting her head, but a surge of pain went through her head so she cluches it.
"Are you alright?" Tamaki asks running over to her.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." Adelynn calmly said taking her hair down so it cascaded over her face.
"C-Carmerman! Tell me you got that!" Renge shouts.
"Yes sir!" The cameraman puts his thumb up.
"That was a perfect final scene." Renge said clutching her script. "All it needs now is a narration from my Kyoya-sama."
Then the sound of broken glass echoes outside.
"K-Kyoya-sama?" Renge stutters. Kyoya stands next to the camera with a rock cliched in his hand.
"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow there to be any records of any club member in violence. So Renge, please stop being such a pest."
"Why?" Renge asks as tear run down her cheeks. "Kyoya-sama, you suppose to tell me how well I've done and pat me on the head. Why? Why are you acting like this?" Renge falls in defeat.
Adelynn looks at her with a hint of sadness and does the unexpected.
"Don't you see." Adelynn scoffs. "You and your imagination are running wild." Adelynn said slowly making her way in between Kyoya and Renge. "That isn't Kyoya." Then she looks at her with a smile and holds her shoulder. "And it never shall be." And Renge falls to her knees and Adelynn holds her hand and lifts her chin up.
"More importantly, are you Okay?" Kyoya asks.
"I did what was needed."
"Your not answering my question, are you okay?" Kyoya asks again but more sternly this time.
"Im fine."
"Don't do that again, it was a stupid idea. You hurt so you should admit it. You shouldn't put your self in danger." Kyoya scolds.
"I will do what I know is right, and I'm not hurt and fine. My calculation were right. Everybody is fine." Adelynn said looking at him over her shoulder. She soon stands up and walks away, Leaving everyone behind.

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