Fujioka Family

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Adelynn sat at the dining table, scooping coco pops into her mouth as she boredly scrolled through the social media. She sighs in boredom 'perhaps I should give Haruhi that tea set I was talking about?' Adelynn ponders. She remembers when she was at Haruhi's and her father had complained about their China, so Adelynn had offered hers and said it was no fuss, as it was an odd set that they had gotten cheaply as a present.
"Addie!" A voice calls as they popped their head into the dinning room.
"Yeah?" Adelynn asks as her mom approaches her. She was a Japanese woman with brown hair, brown eyes and a beauty spot above her lip. And not looking a day over 25 either.
"Shouldn't you be out playing with those boys?" Akiko asks.
"You know I'm just protecting them, I can't 'play' with them." Adelynn replies boredly as she shovels more cereal in her mouth.
"Oh play it off, me and Mrs Hittachin have a bet that you will end up with one of them. If not those boys though, how about that darling Ross, hmm?" Akiko asks as she ruffles Adelynns hair.
"I hate Ross with a passion, he thinks I have an 'emotional attachment' to the boys." Adelynn quotes the air as she does so, scrunching up her face in disgust.
"I know he is a bother, but try to make friends." Akiko pleads.
"I can't. I should be gone once those threats have been traced back." Adelynn said as she looks at the flipped image of herself in the spoon.
"You can not tell me you will not miss Haruhi, Addie?" Akiko raises a brow.
"I only spend more time with her because she has no bodyguards or security systems at her house." Adelynn replies.
"Why don't you invite her over her for a sleepover then?" Akiko asks, sitting at the table, placing her hand on her cheek.
"Because that would blow my cover, you know they think I'm a poor sh*t with low income." Adelynn snares, but it wasn't aimed at her mother.
"But if they can not come into the house, then how will you sneak a boy in your bedroom?" Akiko asks, astonished.
"You know a normal mother wouldn't want her daughter to become pregnant at the age of 16, right?" Adelynn asks, pointing her spoon at her mother.
"A normal mother would not allow her child to become the bodyguard of the aristocrats." Akiko replies with a smirk. Adelynn rolls her eyes, pushing her empty bowl forward. Akiko laughs, knowing she'd caught her daughter this time. "I do not know why you became a bodyguard, but I guess it was in your blood." Akiko sighs sadly. Adelynn grasps Akiko's hand in hers, giving her mother a sad smile.
"I'm going to go give Haruhi that tea set you were going to throw out." Adelynn said as she stood up.
"The ones from Hawii? I'll come too." Akiko claps.
"No, stay here." Adelynn deadpans.
"Aww! But I wanna meet Haru-chan!" Akiko's whines.
"No. You're staying here and are going to greet dad when he arrives." Adelynn tells her. Akiko pouts, then lightens up.
"Only if you allow Arthur to drive you there."
"Then the house has no security." Adelynn scowls at her mums persistence.
"Oh hush. We have Sarah. She will put up the lazers and such and the house should be fine." Akiko grins as she pushes Adelyyn out the dinning room and down the hall.
"Arthur!" Akiko coos. An elderly man appears, tall and skinny with gray hair. "Please drive Addie to her friends house." Akiko asks sweetly as she brings out the tea set from no where.
"Will do my lady." Arthur's British accent breaks through his words.
(Yes, British butler, got a problem?)
Adelynn stood at the front door as Arthur went to pull the car up.
"Sarah, double your security alerts and keep the cameras on. Arthur and I are leaving the house." Adelynn sat as she looks at the tablet sticking out the wall, next to the door.
"Will do mistress." A robotic female voice spoke back as the MyTech symbol appears on the device. Adelynn walks out the front door and hops in the BMW and sighs. This wouldn't take that long, and seeming it was the weekend Adelynn could spend some alone time with Haruhi. The car pulled up outside Haruhi's building complex and Adelynn hops out the car.
"Would you like some assistance Adelynn?" Arthur asks. Adelynn smiles and waves him off with one hand, the other hold the box of China.
"I'll be fine. You can spend the rest of the day off until four o'clock, that's when I'll be needed to get picked up." Adelynn tells him. Arthur smiles slightly and nods.
"Thank you."
"Anytime." Adelynn grins as she walks up to the building. Then she freezes at the bottom of the stairs. The first thing she sees is two gingers.
"Adelynn, what are you doing here?" Karou asks, and everyone looks over to her in surprise. Adelynn shakes her head and gets rid of her surprise.
"I came over to give Haruhi something." Adelynn said as she lifts the box in her hand for emphasis.
"Oh? And what is it?" Kyoya asks.
"None of your business." Adelynn purses her lips.
"Rose-chan! I didn't know you were coming over too!" Honey shouts happily as he holds her legs.
"Yeah, just to see Haruhi." 'Now I have to deal with all of you too.' "I best get moving, need to give these to Haruhi." Adelynn said as she hurries past them. She walks into Haruhi's house, not bothering to look around and puts the box on the side quietly and turns to see Tamaki on top of Haruhi.
"If you're going to do something so indecent, you shouldn't leave the door open." Adelynn cocks her hip. Tamaki looks over at her in panic.
"Oh hi Adelynn, is that the tea set?" Haruhi asks, not seeming to care about the position she's in. Adelynn furrows her brows at her, sweat dropping. 'At this rate my OTP is never gonna happen.' Then a thunder of steps is heard and a flamboyant redette appear at the door.
"I'm home Haruhi, hey why did you leave the door open?" Ranka asks, flipping her hair only to stare at the scene in bewilderment.
"Hi Dad, how was work?" Haruhi greets.
"Hi Ranka." Adelynn waves with a smile, seeing the panic on Tamaki's face and laughs under her breath. Ranka shuffles over to Haruhi, quickly throwing Tamaki off his little girl, smiling as if nothing had happened.
"I'm sorry, I hated having to leave you alone last night. You must of been lonely." Ranka consoles his daughter.
"That sound. . . He hit really hard." Haruhi croaks.
"Go Ranka." Adelynn cheers snidely from the side.
"Oh Adelynn, what a pleasure it is to see you again, but oh dear, my left arm has been bothering me lately. It's so saw like I went hand-to-hand with some ferocious beast." Ranka rubs her shoulder. Adelynn sucks in her lips to hold in her giggles.
"Please sir, it's not what it looked like." Tamaki stretches his arm out, his skin paying as Adelynn's body shakes from the giggles she refused to let slip. Then Tamaki snaps.
"Hot tea! I'll get it for you! Do you use firewood to boil it Haruhi? T
Your dad wants tea!" Tamaki shouts, running around with the kettle in his hand. Adelynn smirks as Ranka stomps on Tamaki.
"Oh my, would you look at that? I seem to have come across a pest. Would you like to tell me why you're talking to my daughter with such Informalities young man?" Ranka asks as Tamaki screams.
"Hey Boss, what in the world is taking you so long?" Hikaru asks, leaning against the door frame.
"Wow, check out that person we passed down stairs was Haruhi's father." Karou widens his eyes.
"Hikaru! Karou! Help me out here!" Tamaki pleas. Adelynn sniggers as the twin step on top of him, approaching Ranka with smiles. She locked eyes with Haruhi and smirks, making the brunettes blood run cold.
"Finally made the moves on Haruhi didn't you boss." The twins chorus, makings Adelynn clutch her stomach. This was one of the many reasons why she didn't hang out with them outside of school. She worried that she'd enjoy it too much.
"No! I'm not a ladies man! I'm a nice guy, I care about her!" Tamaki shouts. Adelynn widens her eyes at him. "I'm being completely honest." Tamaki kneels down. "I care about Haruhi like she's my own daughter." Adelynn clicks her tongue. 'Asshole. Getting my hopes up.'

"Don't blow up their ego." Adelynn comments, scowling as she sips her drink.
"Don't worry Adelynn, it's fine. In fact, let me tell you boys to call me Ranka." Ranka smiles. "That's the professional name I use at the transvestite bar I work at."
"Professional name? You mean like a stage name?" Honey asks.
"Exactly like that Mitsukuni."
"Hold on, how did you know my name sir?" Ranka smiles.
"You two are third year Mitsukuni Honenosuka and Takashi Morinosuka and the two of you are first years in the same class as Haruhi. You're the Hittachin twins, but I'm not sure which one is which. I've heard a lot about you."
"What? So Haruhi to,d you about us?" Karou asks.
"No, Kyoya told me about you two over the phone." Ranka turns to Kyoya as roses appear around them.
"You know you really are a beautiful person Ranka." Kyoya compliments.
"Oh stop." Ranka blushes.
"What?!" The host club shouts as Adelynn deadpans. That sure was like him.
"Kyoya!" Tamaki grabs Kyoya's shoulders.
"We've been in trusted with the care of his precious daughter. It's only natural that we introduce ourselves and give periodic reports." Kyoya sips his tea. "Ordinarily that would be your job, wouldn't it?"
"I'm impressed the club has such a capable president, but wait a minute, your only the Vice President, aren't you Kyoya? I guess that president of yours is pretty much a good for nothing." Ranka smiles innocently as Tamaki falls into depression.
"You never mentioned this to me dad! Why did t you say you've been getting calls from Kyoya-Senpai?!" Haruhi shouts.
"What am I suppose to do Haruhi? You rarely tell me anything about school." Ranka pouts.
"Wow. Ranka sure does act like Tamaka." Adelynn whispers boredly.
"I suppose that's why Haruhi handles him so well. I'd like to mention Adelynn, I could never get in contact with your parents no matter how many times I tried. Is there a reason for that?" Kyoya asks.
"Wait Haruhi! Where are you going?" Ranka asks.
"The super market." Haruhi said boredly. "I have to go shopping and I want to do it by myself. So aloof you just stay here and try to behave yourselves." Haruhi instructs.
"Wait! We want to go to the commoners super market!" Hikaru shouts.
"I wouldn't push it." Ranka tells him. "Once she's made her mind up about something she'll never change. When she decided she wanted to go to Ouran Academy she did all the enrolling paper work by herself. Well I respect her independent spirit but I wish she'd be a little more dependant on me sometimes." Ranka sighs. "I hope you boys know how grateful I am. Since she found you she seems to be happier. She's enjoying herself. Wouldn't you agree Tamaki Suoh?" Tamaki lights up.
"You know who I am?" He asks.
"Well of course I do. Haruhi's told me a thing or two about you. You're the host clubs bumbling president right?" Ranka inquires. The twins and Adelynn snigger under their breath. "Come to think of it, you're the one that didn't realise Haruhi was a girl until the very last moment. You're clueless aren't you? Pretty pathetic." Tamaki sulks again. "Now that we've gotten introductions out of the way, how would you boys like to have a little fun?" Ranka asks. Now his is why Adelynn likes him.

Adelynn walks down the street with a bored expression as the boys hid behind a lamppost.
"You know you look more suspicious when you hide?" Adelynn tells them as she follows behind Haruhi quietly.
"You're so good at this Rose-chan! Like a secret agent!" Honey shouts happily as the rest of them talk among themselves. Adelynn looks down at him blankly.
"Yeah. Like a secret agent." And she carries on moving. "But I want chocolate. I'm gonna get a chocolate bar." Adelynn said boredly as she enters the shop and leaves the group. She wanders away from them and picks up a random bar and pays for it before standing near the entrance, leaning against the wall and taking out her phone.
"Adelynn Rose, I need you to check through my public information and see if anyone has tried to get through it."
"Right away miss." A voice came through. Adelynn leans it against her ear and shoulder and opens up her chocolate bar, and starts eating it. "It seems that the Otoori foundation has tried to get through, miss." They inform her.
"Back everything up and then use an outside system to get through. If I works, then obviously we need to fire someone, if it fails, pat yourself on the back." Adelynn hangs up and stuffs the rapper in her pocket and creeps up behind Ranka who was watching Haruhi and Tamaki.
"You're going to have to let her go one day." Adelynn tells him with a soft smile.
"I know, I just never knew that day would come so soon." Ranka sighs sadly.
"No one wants to give away their daughter, but you should be happy as long as she is, right?" Adelynn chides.
"Yes, as long as she's happy." Ranka smiles. "Thank you Adelynn, thank you for looking after my daughter." Ranka had a soft looking his face. Adelynn's lips set into a firm line.
"It's my job as-" then Ranka looks at her. A look of innocents that didn't know the potential danger Haruhi was in for being near the host club. Adelynn swallows.
"It's my job as her friend to do what's best."

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