Big Brother Neko!

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Adelynn groans to herself.

"The gun won't go straight." Sen complains, juggling the alliance on her belt.

"Adelynn, move your hands." Hikaru instructs in agitation. "Just leave it alone, this is the third time I've helped you."

"But it feels odd. I don't like it." Adelynn scowls at said pistol.

"There. And don't touch it." Hikaru instructs her as he stands, looking over her outfit. "You pull that off." He nods to himself.

"I think her dominant personality helps her." Karou adds as he stands next to his brother, mirroring his pose.

"What? You want me to be a dominatrix now?" Adelynn smirks, watching as their faces turn red.

"Adelynn, please refrain from speaking so vulgarly in the club room. What you do outside of school is up to you, but I do not want that language inside, understand?" Kyoya tells her, amusing his own belt. Adelynn shrugs with a grin.

"But what do you know? Some men find dominant woman quiet alluring." She grins mischievously. Kyoya leaves her be, knowing he's not going to get anywhere with her. "Haruhi!" Adelynn grins, walking over to the girl.

"Yes Adelynn?"

"Your tie is crooked." She reaches down and straightens it, then looks around the room for the blond idiot. She makes eye contact with him as she ajusts Haruhi's and watches as he pouts.

"Rose-chan looks like she's married to Haru-chan." Honey giggles and Adelynn sends Tamaki a teasing smile. 'Oh Homey, you know all the right things to say, don't you?'

"Adelynn, I didn't get any of the photos for last week." Kyoya chides, his notebook in hand.

"I'll send them to you later." She waves him off, walking over to the cakes and teas that sat on a trolley.

"I'm meant to be printing off-"

"Kyoya, darling, calm down." Adelynn grins, leaning against the trolley.

"You're acting stupidly today." Ross stares from behind her as Kyoya walks off to sort out Tamaki.

"Somethings off." Adelynn squints as she surveys the room. "You have your weapon, I had to change so I have none."

"I am a weapon."

"No, your an arrogant boy who gets on my nerves. Do you have a weapon?" Adelynn repeats.

"Yes, several." Adelynn nods as she peers out the window.

"I have a bad feeling about today, and it's not because of you for once."

"How can aristocratic lady as yourself act like a commoner? If id isn't know any better I'd think-"

"Shut it Pretty Boy." Adelynn sneers.

"Right back at ya' Darlin'." Ross scowls.

"Rose-chan!" Honey sings, making Adelynn smile down at his form that ran towards her. "Rama-chan wanted us to get ready by the door."

"Okay." Adelynn nods, walking towards the door. Honey smiles at her form then looks over his shoulder at Ross and gives him a sickly sweet smile, a giggle too, and skips over to Adelynn.

"Damn prat." Ross grumbles as he pushes the trolley to the edge of the room by the window. If Adelynn's hunch about today was right, then he'd have to keep an extra eye out for any suspicious characters. As Ross leans against the wall, he hears footsteps fastly approaching the door. He scowls deeply and inches his hand towards his gun on the inside of his blazer. Then the door creaks open and he grabs the handle.

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