Strange Girl

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Chapter 4

"Come on Adelynn , I dont want to be late!" Amaya said dragging Adelynn with her.

"Your apointment is like, the fourth. So we have plenty of time." Adelynn annoyingly reply's

"But we might miss some jucicy stuff" Amaya moans. They carry on walking to room 3 and they see quiet a few girls walking that way too. So Amaya drags Adelynn even faster. They are the first to get there, so they stand out side the double doors.

"You open it Princess" Adelynn offors and Amaya just giggels and figgets from getting excitement and giddyness.

"Welcome~" seven voices say in unison. 'Fancy' Adelynn thinks as she enters the Host Club room for the second time today. Adelynn leads Amaya to a little seating area to wait for Amayas turn. At this moment a group of girls come in and make there way to their designated Host and behind them is a girl who has long straight black hair and grey eyes. She slowly makes her way over to the waiting area and seats herself at the very edge of the sofa.

"So which Host are you coming to see mademoiselle?" Adelynn asks and the girl gains a light blush on her cheeks.

"The Twins." She anwsers.

"And would you care to tell me your name?" Adelynn politly asks

"Suzume Makoza."

"Adelynn Rose, your name suits you well, your hair is as black as a sparrows beautiful feathers." Adeline said holding a lock of Suzumes hair then staring into her eyes smile, causing the girl to blush even more.

"So are you having a shared appointment later?" Amaya asks Suzume.

"Yes I am." Suzume smiles.

"So can you tell me whats your favourite thing about Hikaru and Karou?" Adelynn asks Suzume.

"Their brotherly love is so tabo, I just love it." Suzume anwsers whilst turning her body back and forth whilst daydreaming with hearts in her eyes.

"So are both of your favourite Host is Hikaru and Karou?" Adelynn asks the girls sitting with her.

"Yes!" They both anwser in unison making them both giggel. Both Suzume and Amaya start talking to each other like long lost friends soon forgeting about Adelynn, but she just sits their and smiles until they both get into deep conversation, and Adelynn gets up and walks over to Kyoya who coincidently has no clients.

"So Kyoya why are you seated by youself?" Adelynn asks taking a seat next to Kyoya.

"I have had all my clients for the moment." He anwsers not looking up from his computer.

"Already, its only been twenty minutes, I would of thought you would of had a lot more customers than that." Adelynn said confused.
"Kyoya?" Adelynn asks and recieves a 'hum' from Kyoya." What do you prefer, your laptop or your notebook?" Kyoya stops typing for a second, looks at Adelynn and smirks.

"And why do you ask this?"

"Well you like to write things down about people or work out money problems in your notebook but search things up on your laptop about people, so I was just wondering which you prefer to do." Adelynn wonders, looking at him in the eyes not breaking contact. Kyoya just sits there and furrows his eyebrows at her.

"And how do you know this?" He ask

"But that would be no fun." Adelynn anwsers. Kyoya pushes up his glasses and light flashes across the top.

"Your an interesting girl Miss Rose" Kyoya said and goes back to typing.
"I take that as a compliment." Adelynn said smirking and stand up and moves over to Haruhis table.

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