Chapter 6: Your soul, your thoughts... your salvation, your trust.

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Harry's POV:

I stared at Eva, her chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath. She had woken me up, frightening me beyond being able to go to sleep again. I don't know what scared her like the, but I will find out. She looked scarred beyond repair in those few seconds of consciousness. The other day she told me I was her angel, I am sure she didn't mean to say it out loud, but it was mumbled to me right before she fell asleep on the beach. She doesn't believe she is heavenly, she said something about drawing her wings on. She has to be wrong. She cant have a past that could be that bad.. Right? I sure hope not. My past was great, I have almost no regrets. I decided to go for this look, I don't necessarily want to do the punk things like drugs, different girl every night, or anything like that. I am just a punk for the looks. I wonder if she is who she appears to be.. With what happened last night, she either had a vampire nightmare, or she isn't who she looks to be.

Eva's POV:

I woke up with Harry absent. I know as soon as he sees me he is going to ask what happened last night, and I don't want him to know. I get out of bed as quietly as I can and make the bed, so it is nice and neat. I look around for a pen and paper, and locate one on his nightstand, one with a note already on it. I pick it up and recognize Harry's perfect words.

"Eva. I'm downstairs, meet me down there when you wake up. We need to talk about last night. -H"

Sorry harry but that isn't going to happen. I take off the used sticky note and lay it aside. I pick up the pen and write what is needed (A/N: you'll find out what it says later, its important, so pay attention when it comes up.) and then I open the window and jump, landing perfectly. I straighten up, and run off toward the old alley, toward the ditch, toward my life that I got ruined in. My feet carry me further and further, closer and closer to where I really want to be. I slow down to a walk as I reach the gates. I look out and 100s of the same shapes, same stones, same stories, until my eye lands on the one different stone, a different shape, a different story. I run as fast as I can, jumping over peoples graves, to reach my destination. When I get to Reece, I fall to my knees, and sob. I yell and scream and let my feelings overcome my motions. I take my trembling hand and trace the name, the date, the story, with my fingers. I yell at the ground, under which my savior lay. I ask why he left, yet getting no answer. After hours of self desecration, self loathing, and hatred, I get up, with what little energy I have and walk to the beach, my safe haven.

Harry's POV:

I decide to go check on Eva, she should have been down by now. It's 5 in the evening, and still no sign of her. I quietly open the door to see.. no one. The bed has been made, and I see another note beside the one I left for her.

"Harry, I'm sorry if I scared you last night, but why I gave you such a scare I cannot explain. I cannot explain why I cant either. I'm sorry that I have to be so vague, but its the way it has to be. Please don't look for me, you wont find me, but if you must look for me, know I'm in a place you wouldn't dare to go, for someone as innocent as you would be killed. My world isn't for you, so I am removing you from it, I cant let someone else die because they would rather die than live without me, so I'm not giving you a choice, you are going to live with out me. I'm sorry Harry. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, please do.

Forever sorry -Eva."

Tears leaked down my face like a faucet you cant turn off. The pen running together as my tears wet the page. I looked around to see how she could have possibly gotten out. I see the curtains billowing in the winds as it flowed in the open window. I cant believe she was desperate to 'save' me that she jumped out a second story window. I need her in my life, and I am not going to just let her push me out. I ran downstairs and explained everything to the boys.

"I am not going to let her be out in this world by herself." I argued.

"Harry.. If Eva doesn't think it is safe for you, then it isn't. She isn't a stupid blond that does things for no reason. She lets people in as far as they can go with out getting hurt. Unfortunately for us, that's not even skin deep. She does what's for the best." Liam argued back. They didn't want me to go look for her, even though she said I could if I have to. Well... I have to. I didn't even respond. Instead I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. Before I got to my car, I saw a muddy, dirty girl with an angel wing tattoo sobbing on the beach. This time I wasn't about to let her go. She was going to let me in, no matter the cost.

"Eva." she looked up, her eyes swollen, she had been crying for hours. She stood up and spoke, her voice cracking and breaking on every word.

"Look Harry, I know I owe you an explanation. I owe you a lot more than an explanation, but you have to understand, I cant give it to you. The cost for the information could cost you a lot." I didn't hesitate before responding.

"How much? What will it cost me?" I say starting to take out my wallet. She shook her head.

"Don't take out your wallet Harry." I looked at her confused.

"Then what does it cost? If it isn't money, what could be so important that I wouldn't be able to pay it." I ask starting to get annoyed.

"Harry I'm not letting you do this. The price isn't worth it. I am speaking from experience Harry." She snaps.

"Eva. Its my decision on whether I want to pay it or not. Now tell me--" she cut me off.

"Your soul, your thoughts, your safety, your salvation, your trust." she lists harshly, still not looking at me.

"So.. basically.."

"It costs you your life, Harry..." She says finally looking at me. Oh. Well that wasn't what I expected.

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