Chapter 9: i never intended to play you.

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Eva's POV

I woke up and inhaled the intoxicating smell that is harry. I stretched and tired over already thinking about the past nights events. He should have never seen me like that. It was weak. Weak. You were weak Eva, weak. You should be punished. And punished I shall be. I got up and walked into my bathroom locking the door. I took out the blade. I wasn't going to kill myself. I was always told to keep up with the number of times I have had to do this. This was number 4. I have only been weak 4 times in my life. I took the blade and traced a 4 into the delicate skin. Blood I instantly poured from the wound. I wrapped it up, wincing from the slight pressure applied. I walked back into the bedroom to see harry sitting up in bed, looking around and rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Harry. Like a cup of Coffee?" He moaned and nodded. He looked as though he had been drunk off his eyes.

"I don't think the smoke will ever come out of my lungs." He groaned. I winced. I had forgotten he hadn't been smoking.

"Harry. I'm so so SO sorry. It will NEVER happen again." While you're there I added in my head.

"Eva.. What happened to your wrist?" He asked getting up quickly and coming over.

"Nothing that concerns you Harry." I said angrily, storming out of the room.

"To hell if that doesn't concern me." He said just as angrily, grabbing the injured wrist tightly. I didnt even wince. No reason to make that 4 a 5.

He ripped off the bandage and stared intently at the mark.

"What in the hell does 4 mean?!" He yelled. I was really getting tired of his yelling. It was pissing me off.

"Like I said. It doesn't concern you. BUT if Mr. Harry FUCKING PERFECT Styles MUST insist on being IN MY BUSINESS it is a number in how many times I have been weak. It was 3 until yesterday. So. There. I cut a four into my wrist because I was always told that you should know how many times you have been weak and keep it under ten. When you reach ten, you become emotionally unattached, therefore you become strong Enough to never be weak. So THERE. Are you happy now? IS THAT WHAT YOU NEEDED TO HEAR?" I screamed slapping him across his perfectly sculpted jaw.

"Get the fuck out of my house." I said lowly, darkly, and very intimidatingly. Then I turned around and stalked back to my kitchen to get that damned coffee. It was way too fucking early to arguing with out coffee.

Harrys POV.

You have got to be kidding me. That bastard Reece is still controlling her and he is fucking DEAD. Jesus. Ok. Louis will know what to do. I left like she said and raced back home. Louis has to be able to help. He has to.

Eva's POV.

I have had my morning coffee and I'm fully alert. I know what I have to do. And I'm not afraid anymore. Nothing is more important. Reece will have to forgive me. This is what he would want. I hope. I really hope this isn't a mistake. Just a big mistake. I have to trust the enemy this time. It isn't ok. It isn't ok for me to be like this anymore. I am going to change. For better or for worse.

Louis POV

Harry came busting in the door.

"You have to help me." He said, beginning to explain everything.

What Eva had done and what it had meant. We had to stop her, I knew her next move. And it wasn't pretty. It could kill her, if the want the after plan if it didnt get her killed. If death is her plan, this is her solution. And we have to stop it.

Eva's POV (A/N: sorry for all the POV switches. I'm trying to make this longer.)

***I ran and ran alley after alley. Street by street I found him. I had finally found him. And he would be mine. I knew it. He can pretend that he hates me. But I Know he wants me. I looked down and realized that, in my haste, I had forgotten a shirt. My angel wings in full display. Oh well. The figures I had seen had turned a corner and I heard that sweet familiar voice carry around the corner and entangle me in happiness. I couldn't make out the words, I was just lost in a voice that it seemed like I hadn't heard in ages, or maybe it was because I hadn't heard it in ages. Or maybe I was hearing it differently because I now knowI love him. I turned the corner to call to him. To confess. To start anew.

"Hey--- what the fuck?!" I look to see a familiar face. The man of my dreams. And my now ex- best friend, making out.

"Eva I can explain .. Please please explain. I would love to hear this." I say dryly, laughing humorlessly.

"I-I....... I don't have any excuse. And it's probably not going to happen again. But because I'm single I mean. Why not?" The curly headed green eyed monster of my dreams said back to me.

"I Came, Harold, to tell you I finally realized it was you to whom I belonged now. I realized I loved you. Now? I belong to Reece still, and I love no one alive at the moment. You have made a mistake. You just signed you're own death contract with the Devil herself." I said. He looked grief stricken. HA. He had not seen that coming .

"Have fun in hell, you bastard." I say to Satan(harry). "And as for you, you no good, two timing, back stabbing BITCH.. I have a personal hell to send you to. Do remember what happened in 2010, my darling?" I asked feigning innocence. Her face paled.

"Well to my Hell bastards. Have fun my pawns. I never intended to play you, until you began the game." ***

I sat up, waking from the terrible dream. I was laying in my counter as my coffee got cold. (Everything in between the ***'s is her dream.) I drank my chilled coffee and ran to Harrys house. I really did love him. I swear. I was just to caught up in my own mind to see it. I ran inside the enclosing gates and opened the door and ran right in, not bothering to knock.

I saw louis first.

"LOUIS. Where is Harry?" I asked desperately.

"Like you care." He spit out at me. Harry. Harry told him. Oh god. I let out a string of Russian curses.

"I NEED TO TALK TO HIM. YOU CAN YELL AT ME LATER." I say aggravated. This seemed to please him, so he pointed me to his room. I nodded my thanks and ran to the door, knocking loudly, but not saying a word.

"Louis I thought I told you--- what do you want Eva." He said... Wow. That hurt.

"Harry I--" he cut me off.

"If you are going to apologize save your breath." He said.

"I'm not apologizing. I came to say--" he again cut me off.

"Look. Just go." He said turning to go.


LISTEN TO ME." I said fed up with us bullshit.

"I came to say I love you. And that my heart belongs to you now, whether you want to keep it safe or to crush it. My world right now, it's in your hands." I say breathlessly. I'm so nervous I'm almost sweating. I don't sweat. It's gross so I just don't.

Instead of saying anything, he brought my face to his and passionately fought a battle of love, where the reward, was passion... And maybe a little tongue ;)


So how was that?

Some Heva action yeah?

What did you think!? I was like on the edge of my seat writing that!! OMG. Lol.


Vote! Comment! Follow me! Message me! Something... Please ... I'm lonely ...

Until Next time. <like tomorrow>



Ps. I really like to hear what you Guys think about this story!

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