Chapter 23:

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I got a desktop so my updates will be longer now!

Yet, they will not be very often.

They will be alot better written and well yeah!!

Im super excited. also, in the next few chapters there might be a few more mistakes, i dont have autocorrect on this...

I would really appreciate some feed back on this story... a few votes and a comment? or two?

I spend alot of nights dreaming up plot lines, and trying to fit them into the stroy plot.

it doesnt usually work so its time wasted.

So please vote...


Thanks :)

Okay, enough talk, on the the story!!!!!

Chapter 23:

Harrys POV:

I watched as the love of my life, jumped.

She plummeted toward the chilling water, and rocky under current. She would be swept away to never be seen again. I have lost her. I wouldnt see her again.

Why she jumped I do not know, nor will I ever know.

Shes gone to never be seen again. I have to break the news to the others. How am I supposed to do that? They loved her as much as I did! It is going to crush them.

I gazed over the ledge on which my angels wings failed her, and let her fall.

I should've stopped her. I should've told her not to leave me, I would miss her too much.

Do I jump too? Do I stay? Do I go and torture Reece? He made her leave.. Right? Did I make her want to leave?

Oh god.. Did I cause her to jump?

Evas POV:

As I fell, I heard Harry scream, along with some innocent bystanders. They would never understand. I wasn't commiting suicide, no I was doing just the opposite. I was freeing myself from all pain, I was starting over.

I slashed through the icy water and saw Harry lean over trying to spot me. Lights flared up, trying to spot me. HA. Goodluck. I am only found when I want to be. I ducked under the water, the lights illuminating the water, making it easy to see. Though that luxury was short lived. The lights soon shut off, Harry probably told them it was useless. IF I was still alive, I wouldnt be found.I am going to miss being around Harry, the boys, and maybe even Reece.


Eh, probably not, but I will write him a note too. He deserves to get a goodbye. I climb out onto the banks a few miles down, and shake off the excess water. I'm dripping, but not enough to ... Who am I trying to kid? I'm SOAKED.

To the bone, I am chilled.

I run home, to my home, and take a quick shower, pack a bag full of clothes, money, a few guns and strap a few weapons to my person, grab a few bags of grass, a bong, and a lighter and head out the door.

I am running, but this time, I will not be found.

Harrys POV:

I watched as they turned off the circular search lights, and returned the search teams to the base.

I told them to call it off.

She wouldnt be found.

I walked solemnly home, and opened the front door, lacking my love at my side.

I missed her presence already. She was such an exciting part of my day. As a band, we don't sing much anymore. I was working on a song to sing to her.I guess I wont be continuing that.. Is it worth it to even try continuing it?

I went upstairs to be by my lonesome, and slammed the hard wood door and tried to quickly find my bottle of hidden whiskey. I eventually found it, and chugged a good portion of it.

I saw half was left. I chugged that too, and grabbed the vodka. I was getting smashed. I grabbed bottle after bottle until I saw the fallen angel walk in, and grab the next bottle from me. I blearliy looked up, and groaned. My fallen goddess brought her hand up to caress the hair from her face, and brought her hand down hard against my face. Slap after slap. She yelled angry words at me, but I was too gone to notice anything besides how her lips moved. Perfection. She is simply perfection.

"Harry! Do you hear anything I am saying to you?" i Shrugged. She sighed an dthrew her head down into her hands and sobbed.

That slightly sobered me.

"It is all my fault. All my fault.. It is all my fault... All of this.." The divine girl whispered.

"No. It's mine for letting you leave." i grabbed her into my arms and we layed arm in arms all day like that. We stayed perfectly still and held each other, enjoying the silence.

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