Chapter 18: i... I didnt know..

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Chapter 18: I .. I didnt know..

Knowledge is the wind on which we fly. When we do not know is when we die. And die, we must.

Eva's POV:

When I awoke, I felt the familiar headache of a hangover.. But I knew this was different. I was beaten, badly.

All of my ribs broken. Or at least badly bruised. I stirred slightly, only for pain to smother me and to have a breath of utter pain escape my lips.

It was unimaginable that I could be in this much pain. I opened my eyes to see looks of pity staring down at me. I squeezed my eyes closed and reopened them.

Those same faces were still looking down at me.

"Quit it." I said sitting up wincing in pain.

"Quit what?" Harry said.

"Pitying me."

"We aren't.." He trailed off

"Yes you are now quit."

"Alright. How's the ribs?" Kade asks

"They hurt." I say breathlessly as I look up at him in tears. I haven't been this badly hurt ever.

I look down not being able to meet his eyes.. They pity me... And every time I see my reflection in their eyes I pity me too. I'm 19 and I just got my ass handed to me.

I need to figure out who did this..

No sooner than the question is asked my phone rings.

"Hello?" I gasp

"Hello Eva Dearest! It's mummy! Or well mummy's sister. I'm the one who you met yesterday.. Sorry about your injuries. That's just preliminary. They will get worse. Any who. I'm proposing a deal." The devils voice floats through the phone

"Sorry I don't make deals with the devil." I spit out. Everyone looks at me and I shake my head, not answering the unspoken question

"Oh well. Here's my preposition any way. So I will leave you alone, if you become my sniper.. Yes yes. I know. You won't ever do that. But, I will get your ribs treated, I will pay you, and you won't be harmed again. Neither will your friends. They will have our protection too."

"How do I know you can protect them?"

"We are the Mafia. The Russian mob if you will allow. And you will just have to trust us." That devious russian tone comes from across the speaker. I sigh .. I don't have a choice.

"Alright.. But if you break your promise.."

"I won't. Have a nice night or well day Eva." Then she hangs up. I throw the phone at the wall and put my head in my hands.

"Eva... Who was that? What did they want?" Harry asks.

"I... Um. That was.." If I tell him the truth he will leave me and I will have to kill him.. It's the deal.

"Spit it out Eva. It can't be that bad."

"You'd be surprised." I whispered


"Alright fine. That was my aunt.. She might be part of the Russian mafia and she may or may not be my boss now.." I cringe at the intake of breaths I hear.

They are shocked and disappointed . Especially harry.

"What will you be doing for her?" He asks.

"I will be their sniper.." I whisper.

"I did it for you. They would have killed us all and everything we've done would have been for naught."

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