Chapter 15: You did not just do that.

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Chapter 15: You did not just do that.

Harrys POV:

I walked into the house and entered the living room where the boys were watching a football game.

"Erm.... Um... Hey?" I say

They jump up and rush over to me.

"What the fuck happened?" Louis spits at me.

"Where were you!" Liam shouts.

"With that no good bitch that's where." Zayn said snootily.

"Is that what you think Zayn? Because I think we all now that the no good bitch is good enough to kick your ass." My angels voice says from behind me. I quickly turn and run and intertwine our bodies in a hug.

"Is Charlie...?" I say referring to if he was dead or not.

"No he is very much alive." She says happily... What in the hell did I miss?

"Ill explain later." She says reading my mind like always.. I wonder if se can actually read minds?

"Guys we are still in the room." Zayn says bitchily.

"Ok Zayn. What crawled up your ass and died. I have done nothing to you. Like. Nothing. You used to like me. Is it because I'm "stealing" harry? Or .. What? Do you like making me little so it helps your bad ass ego? I might need to leave your ego is getting too big for the room." She said bitingly. Everyone looks shocked. She has had a tough day and she is about to explode. I can tell. And there is nothing anyone can do to stop the bomb Zayn has set off.

Eva's POV:

"I.. I... Um.." Zayn stutters. I take advantage of his muted silence and take out all my feelings on him.

"You can't possibly think that if I didnt think that Harry could handle being around me, that I wouldn't have disappeared by now? Harry can walk away.. Well... He could've walked away free of anything, before he got involved. He knew what he was doing.

You want to know why I am upset Zayn?" I ask and continuing before he even thinks about answering. "Because you are acting like I think that im mrs.perfect and can do nothing wrong. Well guess what mr I have a head too big for my body! I did something wrong. I'm so flawed that I don't even know why harry LOVES me. I am terrible. You want to know what I did today?" I ask looking at the boys. They nod slightly looking at me in horror.

"I. Killed. My. Mother. She betrayed me. She lied to me. And now she's dead. She would have killed me, harry, and everyone associated with him. So I will ask you one more time. Am I really a no good bitch who doesn't think of anyone but herself? I honest to god saved your life by KILLING MY GOD FORSAKEN MOTHER." I scream into the silent room. My breathing is heavy and fast. My heart is racing and my eyes are pouring tears. My arms are gesturing at things that don't exist as I try to convey my point. When he doesn't answer me I start to get furious.

"I will ask once more before I stab you. AM. I. A. NO. GOOD. BITCH.?" He is still not answering, so I reach down to my ankle and pull out my army knife.

"Ok you bastard, you asked for this." I went to lunge at Zayn and then all hell broke loose. Niall and Liam jumped on Zayn to knock him out of the way, and louis and harry hold my arms so I can't progress towards Zayn. Harry twists the knife out of my hand and louis wrestles me to the floor. Once I'm neutralized, Zayn gets up and looks down at me being pushed face down into the ground, and being smothered by louis. He starts to shake. He begins to apologize profusely. He is becoming delirious. He is panicking.

"Guys let me up. I'm ok now.. That side is over... I need to help Zayn..." When they don't move I roll and twist and eventually get out of there hold. I walk over to Zayn and put my hand over his mouth. His eyes snap up to mine and then he looks petrified.

"It's ok Zayn. You care about harry. You want him safe. I promise you, as long as I'm alive, you'll be safe. And so will he." I hug him and gather my things and get my knife from harry securing it back to my ankle.

" bye boys. I will see you tomorrow." I say sashaying out the door and slamming it behind me.

Harrys POV:

As the door slams we all finch.

"What the hell just happened." Liam asks.

I shake my head.

"I don't think we will ever know Li. I just don't even know." I say.

The other boys all nod and mumble their agreement. I walk to Zayn and clasp his shoulder and pat his back.

"Whatever you do, I wouldn't do it again. It might end differently next time.." I say and then I head upstairs to dream of my angel.

Eva's POV:

Would I have really stabbed Zayn? I mean I killed my mom but I've been trying to get a reason to do that for years...

I think about if I really would have for a few more minutes, and I realize I really would have stabbed him. The thought disturbs me. I grab a blunt from my cabinet and light up. I instantly relax and stand on my back porch taking in the events for the day.

I am now motherless by my own hand.

I put out the roll and walk upstairs to my bedroom. I flip back the covers and cuddle up and fall asleep to dream about my savior. That boy is will be the life and the death of me.

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