Chapter 1 Save Me

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Kelley's POV
I woke up not wanting to go to school as usual. Mainly because there was someone I didn't want to see. I finally forced myself out of bed and I went downstairs where there was a plate of pancakes and a glass of milk waiting for me.

"Good morning Kelley." My mom says when she sees me.
"Morning mom." I say.

I quickly eat my pancakes and drink my milk then I go back upstairs and get myself ready for school. I grab my backpack and my soccer duffle bag because tryouts were today. I say bye to mom then I go outside to my car and drive to school. Once I get to school I park my car in my usual spot which is farthest from the school because I hate parking near people.

I sighed knowing today would be a long day and that I would be so anxious for soccer tryouts. When I get in school I got to my locker and grab everything I need for my first class which is Algebra.

"Hey Kel, ready for tryouts later?" My friend Alex asked me.
"I guess. I just don't really wanna see her..." I say.

Alex is one of my closest friends and I can tell her just about everything.
"Just ignore her and try not to pay to much attention to her."
"I'll try but she's a goalie and I'm a defender, I'm gonna be near her a lot."
"You'll be fine and if she says a word or lays a finger on you tell just tell me I'll handle it." Alex says.
"Just don't do anything stupid. I don't want you getting in trouble Alex."
"Your my best friend Kel, I'd do anything for you no matter the consequences."
"Thanks Alex." I say as I smile at her.

We both have algebra together so we walk there together like we do everyday once we got to class we took are seats and waited for class to begin. All I could think about was soccer and unfortunately, Hope.

Hope Solo is a tough girl. But what she did to me a couple years ago is what I don't like about her.

It was freshman year and all she did was bully me and make fun of me. Then sophomore year I couldn't handle it anymore soI tried to commit suicide but Alex was there to save me. Then junior year came along and she never said a word to me. Maybe she realized that I had enough.

School dragged on slowly like I thought. When it was the end of the day I met Alex by her locker and we walked to the locker room together to get ready for soccer tryouts. Once we were ready we went out onto the field where everyone was. Even Hope.

We were then split up. Goalies and defenders together and midfielders and forwards together. I looked at Alex who nodded at me and gave me a reassuring smile. I was nervous especially seeing Hope.

All through tryouts I could feel Hope staring at me and I just wanted tryouts to be over so I can leave.

Finally once tryouts were over I met up with Alex and we walked to our cars.

"So how'd it go?" I ask her.
"Not bad. It was pretty chill. How about you?"
"It was fine I guess."
"Did Hope talk to you?"
"No but she was staring at me the whole time."
"She's such a creep." Alex says.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow Alex." I say as I approach my car.
"See you tomorrow Kel. Take it easy." Alex says smiling at me.

I get in my car and drive home. When I get home I take a shower, eat dinner, do my homework, then I lay in my bed on my phone when I get a text from Alex.

Alex: check Twitter

I scroll through Twitter until I find a tweet from Hope Solo that read:
"I regret everything I've done. I'm sorry if I hurt you. You won't be hurt anymore."

I knew that she was talking about me. I wave of panic went through me. I went outside and got in my car and started to drive to Hope's house. I knew where it was because her house was down the street from Alex's.

When I approach her house I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. I then start kicking the door until it opened. I walked into her house that was dark.

"Hope?" I call out but there was no answer. I slowly walk up the stairs until I reach her room. I slowly open her door and see her sitting in the dark. I was nervous. More like terrified.

"Hope?" I say as I take a step closer to her. When I took that step closer I realized what was in her hand. A gun. She finally looks up at me and I see her face with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What are you doing here Kelley?" Hope said.
"I know what you put on Twitter was meant for me to read because you never hurt anyone but me..." I say nervously.
"Why are you here?" Hope asked.
"To save you..."
"Why would you save the person that hurt you the most?"
"Because I believe in second chances now please give me the gun." I plead. "You have a lot in your life still don't end it now."
"I hurt you Kelley..." Hope says crying harder.
"And it's okay because I forgive you. You're not a bad person Hope now please give me the gun." I say as I move closer to Hope.
"Okay..." Hope says her voice barely above a whisper. I see her hand shake as she gives me the gun. I take the gun and drop it on the floor and I go over and give Hope a hug.

"I'm so sorry." Hope said as she cried into my shoulder

Never in a million years would I think that I would ever forgive Hope Solo the girl that hurt me. But this is where things change. It's a new start for both of us. You never know when someone's life will end and that taught me nothing but to be nice to everyone even if they hurt you.

Authors Note: new account, new story ;) hope you enjoy it!

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