Chapter 16 Moving On The Wrong Way

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Kelleys POV
My days after my mom passed have been the same. Which consisted of staying at home and doing nothing. I barely had an appetite to eat and had no motivation what so ever to play soccer or to leave the house. I was tired every day even though I did nothing at all. I ignored all of my text messages and phone calls as well. At this point I didn't even feel like playing soccer ever again.
As I laid in bed my sister came into my room.

"Kelley you are a mess. When was the last time you took a shower?" Erin asked.
"I don't know and I don't care."
"Come on Kelley you at least need to take care of yourself. I know this is hard but at this point you need to accept it and move on."
"Move on? Really? How am I suppose to move on when I feel like everyone is leaving me?" I say raising my voice. "It's easier for you to move on because you haven't experienced as much loss as I have."
"How about soccer and the national team? How about your best friend Alex who's waiting for you in New York with the national team? How about your god damn future Kelley?
"I don't care about any of that right now! Just get out of my room and leave me alone!" I yell.
"I know you care about all of it. I'm not saying you need to forget and move on right now but you need to start moving on because you can't stay in this room forever." Erin says as she begins to leave my room. "And don't say you don't care about Alex because you guys are best friends and you love her." Erin says then leaves my room.

This is my life and I get to do whatever I want. I'm not ready to move on and I don't know when I will but for now I'm remaining the same. The only thing I got out of what Erin said was about Alex. She is my best friend and I do love her. I checked my phone for the first time in a couple days and saw 26 miss calls and 53 text messages all from Alex. The one person who cared about me most. I felt terrible not answering her calls or texting back but right now I just don't know how to talk to her. I will talk to her soon just not now.

More days went by and I still haven't done anything. But today I decided to start moving on. I got out of my bed, took a shower, then ate breakfast and actually finished what i was eating. After breakfast I grabbed my car keys and went out.

Moving on was starting over for me so I decided to get a job somewhere. I applied to a couple restaurants and I was in my car going to this diner called  PeachTree Diner. It was a diner that I always go to so the owner knows me. When I get there I was greeted by Greg, the owner of the diner.

"Kelley, how are you?" He asked.
"I'm doing fine." I said with a smile.
"I haven't seen you in a while, how's soccer going?"
"Um I quit playing soccer." I said.
"That's new. I always pictured you in a USA jersey." Greg said.
"I just lost interest in the sport."
"Well you'll find something that will interest you. Anyway you can work here no problem." Greg said as he hands me a t-shirt that had PeachTree Diner on it.
"You can start working tomorrow."
"Thank you Greg. See you tomorrow." I said with a smile as I grab the shirt and leave.

I get in my car and drive back home.

"Where'd you go Kel?" Erin asked.
"I got a job." I said.
"PeachTree Diner."
"Because I wanted to."
"What about soccer? Soccer I suppose to be your job." Erin says.
"I'm done with soccer Erin and this is me moving on so be happy with it." I said as I left the house once again and walked to the field I always go to hoping Morgan would be there.

As usual she was there.

"Hey." I said as I approached her.
"Kelley!" She says as she gives me a hug.
"How are you Morgan? How's Virginia?" I asked.
"In doing great and Virginia is amazing l. I'm on break right now though. How about you? How's the national team?"
"I quit soccer..."
"Really? Why? If you don't mind me asking."
"Well you know my mom passed away and like I just can't find a way to get back into it. I'm just trying to move on now."
"I'm sorry..." Morgan says.
"It's fine. And now that I'm here I can help you out with soccer and stuff. I'll be your personal coach." I said with a smile.
"Yep. When your on break you can tell me and I'll see you in this field."
"Thank you!" Morgan says.

I coached Morgan for about an hour then we both went back to our houses. This is a good change for me and I know this is what I want. When I got home I ate dinner, took a shower then went to bed.

Erin's POV
Although Kelley seemed fine, this wasn't right. All Kelley talked about was soccer and the national team. And now that she is on the national team she isn't taking this offer. She isn't moving on the right way. I want her to play soccer, the game she loves on the national team.
I grabbed my phone and called Alex.

"Hello?" Alex says
"Hi Alex, it's Erin."
"Hey Erin, what's up?"
"Kelley. She needs someone to talk to her and you're the only person she will listen to. So if you can and whenever you can come down here and talk to Kelley because she's changing."
"I have a break in two days I'll be there."
"Thank you. I know it's a lot to ask for you to fly down here."
"I don't mind and besides I have to talk to Kelley as well."
"Okay. Well see you then." I said and hung up the phone.

Authors Note: I apologize for not updating! I've had a lot of things going on and haven't had a lot of time to update. But I have a lot of ideas for the next couple of chapters:) thanks for reading!
Happy Easter!

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