Chapter 17

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Alex's POV
After visiting my family and went to Kelley's house. When I got to her house I rang the doorbell and Erin opened the door and let me in.

"Hey." I said as I gave her a hug.
"Welcome back Alex." Erin says.
"So where's Kelley?" I asked.
"She's at work."
"At work? Where?"
"PeachTree Diner."
"Why?" I asked.
"She quit soccer apparently."
"So this is her way of moving on. Giving up soccer and not talking to me. Nice."
"Go talk to her. You know where the diner is right?"
"Yep we always go there."
"You can use my car." Erin says. She hands me her keys then I head out.

When I got to the diner I didn't see Kelley right away.
"Excuse me, can you get Kelley O'Hara?" I ask one of the waiters. He nods then disappears into the kitchen. A couple seconds later Kelley came out.

"Alex..." Kelley says as she looks directly into my eyes. But I don't say anything for a moment.
"Not in here." I said as I walk outside with Kelley behind me.

I sit down on a bench outside of the diner as Kelley sits down next to me.

"What are you doing Kel?"
"I'm trying to get away from my previous life. I'm moving on and starting over."
"Am I part of your previous life? You decided to move on without me and you didn't even call or text back once. What kind of friend does that? I was worried about you everyday and I waited every day for you to call me."
"I'm sorry Alex I just.."
"You just don't care about me anymore."
"That's not true Alex. I care about you more then you think." Kelley said.

"If you cared you would have talked to me. And what about soccer? Why on earth would you give up soccer? You had a chance with the national team and you blew it. All we ever talked about when we were younger was being with the national team and now that it is a reality your just going to give up on it."

"Alex you don't understand what I'm going through. I need to move on. I need to move on from the past and soccer is in the past."
"That isn't a reason to give up soccer."
"Alex this isn't just about soccer this is about me! You haven't been through what I've been through. You haven't lost anyone so close to you that when they are gone you fall apart!"

"Seriously Kelley? You don't think I fell apart when you almost killed yourself when we were in high school? You don't think I fell apart when you were in that car accident? I haven't lost you Kelley but I was so damn close to losing you and if I did I would have fallen apart." At that point Kelley was crying and I hate seeing her cry.

"What do I do Alex?"
"Don't give up what you love the most and don't give up on me."
"Will you help me?"
"Of course." I said as I give Kelley a hug. Our first hug in such a long time.
"I'm sorry for everything." Kelley says.
"It's okay."

After that, Kelley ended up quitting her job at the diner and we went back to her house. We talked about what would happen from here on out. It was good to be back with my best friend.

A couple days later we both flew back to New York to be with the national team again. Kelley was back on board with the team and it was like everything was back to normal.
Kelley's POV

After breakfast in the morning, Alex and me went back to our room and got our stuff ready for practice.

"Ready?" I ask Alex.
"Yep." Alex says as we walk to practice.

"Thank you Alex, for bringing me back up here and not just giving up on me. Like I don't know what was going through my mind when I was working at that diner."
"Im never going to give up on you Kelley, you're my best friend and you'll always be my best friend." Alex says with a smile.

As practice went on I felt so much better. I was like torturing myself by not playing soccer. Being back on the field with the national team felt great.

"You looked great today. Welcome back Kelley." Tobin says to me after practice.
"Thanks Tobin." I reply. "Hey do you know where Alex is?"
"I think she went back to her room already." Tobin says.
"Okay thanks." I said as I began to walk back to the hotel room.

"Alex?" I say as I enter our room.
"I'm in here." Alex says as I see her laying in bed.

"Sorry I didn't wait for you I wasn't feeling good." Alex says.
"Well are you feeling better now?"
"A little."
"Do you need medicine or anything?"
"I already took something." Alex says.
"Okay. Well if you aren't feeling good then in sleeping in my own bed tonight." I say with a laugh.
"I'm not infected or anything."
"I know I was just kidding." I said as I laid down next to her.

"Goodnight, see you in the morning." I said as I started to fall asleep.
"Good night." Alex says.

I woke up in the middle of the night from the sound of coughing. I looked on the other side of the bed and saw Alex not there. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"Alex are you okay?" I ask as I knocked on the door. But she just kept on coughing. Then I opened the door.

"Oh my gosh Alex.." I said as I watched blood come out of her mouth.

Authors note: well since school is almost done I'll be updating more:)

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