Chapter 6 Time

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Alex's POV
My heart ached for my best friend. I wanted her to be okay more then anything else in the world. I decided to call Hope knowing hat Kelley might want her here and that i needed someone to be here with me.

"Hello?" Hope answered.
"Hey it's Alex."
"Hey Alex what's up?"
"It's Kelley. Can you come to the hospital?"
"I'm on my way." Hope says.

A couple minutes later Hope was there.

"Alex." She says when she sees me. I get up from the chair I was sitting on and gave Hope a hug.
"What happened?" Hope asked.
"Car accident."
"Where is she right now?"
"In her second surgery."

We both sat down in the waiting room and waited for the doctor to come out.

"She really likes you Hope."
"Kelley. Her eyes always lighten up when she's around you. She's happy around you."
"Well that's good to hear because honestly I actually like her to but I don't want to take her away from you Alex. She's your best friend."
"You make her happy and that's what I want for her because sometimes I can't make her happy. Can you promise me something?" I say.
"Anything." Hope says.
"That you'll take care of Kelley if I can't and that you'll always be there for her when I'm not around."
"Easiest promise I came make."

About an hour later the doctor came out. Hope and I get up and walk over to the doctor.

"How is she?"
"She started to bleed again. Apparently we missed a spot during the first surgery. Now she should be stable. Again call me if you need anything or have any questions."
"Thank you." Hope and I say. We both walk to Kelley's room to visit her.

"You can go first Hope she already saw me."
"Okay." Hope says.

Kelley's POV
My body felt numb and crappy. I woke up when I felt someone squeeze my hand. When I opened my eyes I saw Hope.

"Hope" I say my voice so soft and weak.
"Hey Kelley."
"You know you can call me Kel."I say letting out a weak laugh.
"I thought Alex was the only one that called you Kel?"
"Well now you have permission."
"Okay." Hope says with a laugh.
"So how are you feeling?"
"But you still manage to look beautiful and still have your sense of humor."
"Yes I guess so." I say smiling sat Hope. After a couple of minutes with Hope she left and Alex came in.

"You know I don't like it when you scare me." Alex says as she comes in.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It's not your fault."
"What am I gonna do Alex? My dreams of going to Stanford are going down the drain because of this. My dreams of being with the national team are also going down."
"Nothing is over Kel. Your dreams are still in reach you just need time."
"We graduate in 2 months Alex. That's no where near enough time."
"I will help you Kelley. I promise."

The next day I was able to leave the hospital. My mom and Alex were there to take me home. Once we got to my house Alex helped me up to my room where I laid down on my bed exhausted.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I ask.
"Yea of course."
"When I start walking again I want you there Alex."
"No worries I'll be there."

I went to bed pretty early because I was exhausted. I wasn't going to school tomorrow so I could rest.

Time Skip 2 months later

Kelley's POV
Graduation. I guess it was something to look forward to. On to college and bigger things. It's exciting.As I finish my hair and makeup the doorbell rings. I grab my crutches and hobble down the stairs to open the door. When I open the door I see Alex in her cap and gown. She looked beautiful.

"Alex!" I say as I give her a hug.
"Hey Kel! Ugh my best friend is beautiful."
"You look beautiful to Alex."

"Do you have your letter?" I ask Alex. We both promised each other that we would read our college acceptance letters together. Mine was to Stanford and Alex's was to the University of California.
"Yes do you?"
"Yep." I say as I pull mine out. "Let's go to my room." I say.

Before I start hobbling up the stairs Alex picks me up and carries me up the stairs.
"Thank you Alex." I say as I start laughing.
"Your welcome."

We both go to my room and we sit on my bed.
"You go first."

I watch as Alex slowly opens the envelope and take out the nicely folded paper. I watch her read the letter intently.

"Guess who's going back to California?"
An ear to ear smile crosses my face as I hug my best friend.
"I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you." Alex says. "Now your turn."

I open my envelope and intently read my letter.
"I got in!"
"YES!" Alex says as she jumps off my bed and gives me a hug.

After our mini celebration of getting into our colleges we both get in our cars and drive to our high school to graduate.

When we get there I see Hope standing outside with her family.
"I'm gonna say hi to Hope." I say to Alex."
"Okay I'll meet you inside."

I use my crutches and make my way towards Hope.
"Hope!" I yell out. Then she starts walking over to me and gave me a hug.
"You look beautiful Kelley."
"You to Hope."
"So did you get in to Stanford?"
"Oh my gosh congrats!" Hope says. Then we both go inside and start to get ready.

When my name was called Alex was there to help me get up the stairs to receive my high school diploma which I was thankful for because I felt like I was gonna fall and embarrass myself.

After the whole ceremony we had a small party at my house. Alex and her family were there and some other close friends and family were here as well.

"We'll have to visit each other  when we are in college." I say to Alex.
"Yep. And I'll make sure to call or text you everyday so we can still keep in touch."
"I'm still gonna miss seeing you everyday though."
"Same here but we will still be best friends and to me that's what matters most."
"Gosh I love you Alex."
"I love you to Kel."

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