Chapter 7 Leaving

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Kelley's POV
Today Hope was leaving for college and then in two days Alex and me would be going together since we both were going to California.

I went in my car and drove to Hope's house so I could take her to the airport. Once I got to her house I saw her already saying goodbye to her parents. When I pulled up to her driveway I got out of my car and helped her put her stuff into my car. Once everything was packed we both went into the car and started our drive to the airport.

"Are you excited?" I ask Hope.
"Yep! But I am going to miss seeing you."

"I'll miss you to Hope. But we'll keep in touch." I say as I smile at Hope.

Finally once we got to the airport I helped carry some of her bags. We went through security then finally waited for her flight to be called.

We both talked about the future and about joining the national team since both of our dreams were to be on the national team and We also talked about all the memories and fun times we had together.

As time went by Hope's flight was called.

"Well i guess this is a goodbye." I say.
"For now. I'll be seeing you soon Kelley."
"Don't do anything stupid when your there but still have fun okay?"
"I will. I'll call you when I get there." Hope says.
"Okay. I'm still here for you whenever you need me."
"Thank you Kel." Hope says then I pull her in for a long hug. Then Hope picked up her bags and started walking away.

"Wait Hope I forgot something." I yelled out. Hope turned around then i jogged over to her and gave her kiss.
"I love you Hope." I say with a smile.
"I love you To Kelley."

After that I left the airport and went home. Once I got Home I grabbed my cleats and a soccer ball and went out onto the field I always go to. When I get there as usual Alex is there.

"We meet again Morgan." I say.
"As always O'Hara."  Alex says with a smile.

"We'll make these last two days we have together amazing." Alex says.

We both do our usual 1 on 1 games on the field. Once it got dark we both took our cleats off and sat on the grass and watched the sunset.

"You know I've never had a friendship like what we have so thank you Alex for sticking beside me through everything even through our fights we have once in a while." I say to Alex.
"You're perfect Kelley. You don't deserve anything but the best and I'm glad I can give that to you through our friendship."
"I'm gonna be lost without seeing you everyday."
"You'll be fine Kelley because My name is on your phone so you can call me anytime and because you'll always have me inside." Alex says as she puts her hand on her chest.

Those two days went by super fast and next thing you know we were both packed and ready to go to college.

Alex and her parents stopped by our house so we can drive to the airport together. I got in my car and Alex got in her car and we drove to the airport. Once we got there we went through security and stuff then sat down and waited for our plane to be called. Luckily we both were riding the same plane so we wouldn't be bored."

"Those two days went by way to fast." Alex says.
"I know we need more time to do everything."

Finally when our plane was called we both said our goodbyes to our families then we went off and got on our plane.
Once we found our seats I let Alex take the window because I'm still kind of afraid of heights.

"Are you scared Kel?"
"Um yea kind of."
"Do you want me to hold your hand?" Alex says in a baby voice.
"Oh shut up Alex... But yea i need to hold your hand because this lift off part makes me sick."
"Okay." Alex says with a laugh as she grabs my hand.

Once the plane was in the air I relaxed a little. We both didn't sleep because we wanted to talk to each other for as long as we could.

Finally after a long flight to California the plane landed at the airport. We both got off the plane then we grabbed our bags. Then unfortunately we had to say goodbye.

"I dreaded this moment." I say.
"Me to." Alex says.
"Promise me you won't replace me like everyone else did to me."
"Never in a million years will I replace you Kelley your my best friend."
"I'm going to miss you Alex."
"I'm gonna miss you to Kel. But remember we're miles away from each other. I'll be seeing you real soon. I love you Kelley."
"I love you to Alex. Have fun."
"You to Kel." Alex says as I give her a hug as we both go our separate ways.

Once I get a Taxi I put my stuff in the car and the driver takes me to Stanford. I looked out the window in awe. California was beautiful. This is why Alex loved Cali.

When I get there I thank my driver, grab my bags and begin my adventure in college.

After about an hour of checking in and stuff I looking around the campus then I begin to walk to my dorm room. When I find my room I knock on the and girl opens the door.

"Hi! I'm guessing your Kelley?" The girl says.
"Yep that's me." I say.
"Awesome! I'm Christen Press nice to meet you. Christen says as she extends her hand for me to shake.

"Well come on in. Let's get you settled in here. I walk into the room and set my bags down. I look at Christen's side of the room and see lots of soccer stuff.

"So you like soccer?"
"Yep and I play it. How about you? Any sports?"
"Soccer to.
"That's awesome now I have someone I can talk to about soccer." Christen says.

Christen helped me unpack all my things then finally I was able to relax. I could tell it would be fun here.

Authors Note: sorry it took me a while to update and sorry this is kind of a short chapter. I kind of got my phone taken away so yea:| But yea hope you liked this chapter:)

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