Chapter 9 You'll Never Be Alone

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Alex's POV
I laid in bed worried to hear what the doctor will say. As I was waiting a nurse came in to check on me.

"How are you doing Ms. Morgan?" The nurse asked.
"Please call me Alex and im doing fine."
"Okay, Alex. Can I do or get anything for you?"
"Can you call my friend Kelley I think I should have her down as an emergency contact."
"Okay. I'll be back then." The nurse says as she walks out.

When the nurse walked out the doctor came in.

"How are you Alex? Do you have any family coming?"
"I'm fine and the nurse just called someone."
"Okay. Well I did get your results from your EKG. You have something called Arrhythmia which is just a fancy word for irregular heart beats. This could be a sign of other serious heart diseases that can happen to you."
"Will this affect me playing soccer?"
"It can. If you do play soccer then I will have to give you a heart rate monitor just so you know how your heart is and if something seems off you would have to stop any physical activity you are doing."
"Okay thank you."
"No problem. Please do call me if you need anything." The Doctor says as he leaves my room.

I turned the tv on in my room and ended up watching a USWNT game that was on. Watching soccer defiantly got my mind off things.

Just then the nurse came back in.

"Your friend Kelley answered and said she would be here as soon as she can."
"Thank you."
"No problem." The nurse says and walks out.

The next day

"Hey Alex." I turn towards the door and see Kelley.
"Hey Kel." I say with a smile as Kelley walks over and gives me a hug.
"How are you? What happened?"
I'm fine I just had irregular heart beats nothing serious."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."
"Why didn't you call me sooner?"
"Because I knew you had soccer tryouts and I didn't want to distract you."
"Alex, you know you come first before soccer.
"I know i just really wanted you to do good during the tryouts and not just think about me."
"Well I did do good."
"Did you make the team??"
"Not sure. My roommate Christen said she will tell me tonight or tomorrow."
"I'm sorry you aren't there to find out yourself in person."
"It's perfectly fine Alex because I'm with my best friend which is always fun."

I was more then grateful that Kelley was here with me. You know, with us being in college our lives are so much busier.

We both caught up on what's happening in our lives which was fun. It seems like forever since I've seen my best friend.

"By the way how is Hope? Have you called her?" I asked Kelley.
"Um yea I've tried calling her but she never answered or called back. I'm kind of worried about her."
"She's probably busy but I'm sure she is fine."
"Yea I hope so."

"Alex I think I'm falling in love with Hope..."

Honestly I was a little alarmed when she said that. I mean it seemed obvious that Kelley had feelings for Hope.

"Like I don't know if I should tell her or if us being together is even a good idea." Kelley says.
"Well first I think you should tell her because maybe she feels the same way about you. And if she makes you happy and you feel safe around her then yea I think you guys should date."

"Okay thanks Alex."
"No problem."

After that we kept on talking about other things then I found myself starting to fall asleep.

"Do you want me to leave so you can sleep?" Kelley asked me.
"No I want you here Kel." I say as I make room on my bed for her.

Once Kelley was comfortable in bed I turned to her and smiled.
"It's been a while since we've had a sleep over."I say with a laugh.
"Yea it's been a while." Then Kelley put her hand on my chest.
"Are you okay Kel?"
"Yea I just want to make sure your heart is beating fine."
"It's fine I promise."
"Okay. Well I think we both need some sleep now."
"Yea. Goodnight Kel i love you."
"Goodnight love you to Alex. And know that you'll never be alone and that I will travel a thousand miles to see you."
"You won't ever be alone either Kelley. I'll stand by you till the end."

When I woke up the next morning i saw Kelley still asleep beside me. I smiled at the sight of her. A couple minutes later she woke up.

"Good morning sleepy head."
"Good morning." Kelley says tiredly.

"When do you have to leave?" I asked Kelley.
"Tomorrow morning which means we have a whole day together."
"Yay! Once we leave this hospital I'll bring you to my college and show you around."
"I'd like that." Kelley says.

Once the doctor comes he gives new a couple things. Then Kelley and I had to sign a couple papers. After that we left the hospital. We took a taxi back to my dorm.

When we get there I thank the drive and then i lead Kelley to my dorm room.

"Well here it is." I say as we enter my room.
"Wow I'm surprised it's not messy."
"Oh shut it Kelley. I'd really like to see your room."
"One day you will."

After showing her my room we walked around campus and talked just about everything.

"I like it here. It's really nice." Kelley says.
"Think about changing schools?"
"The only reason I would change schools is to see you every day. But Stanford is where it's at."

"Do you wanna go to the soccer field?" I ask Kelley.
"Cleats?" Kelley says with a smile.
"I'll bring a ball." I say smiling back at Kelley.

We go back to my room and I give Kelley some soccer clothes to wear. I give her an extra pair of soccer cleats that I have and then I bring a ball. Once we were ready we walked to the soccer field where our games are at.

"Wow this is an awesome field."
"I know right? I love it."

We do what we usually do on the soccer field which consists of our 1 on 1 games.

"Well it's defiantly been a while since we played on the same field." I say.
"Yes but once we make the national team we'll be inseparable on the field."

Once it got dark we both went back to my room. We ordered some pizza and relaxed.

Then finally we both decided to go to bed since Kelley was leaving early tomorrow morning.

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