Chapter 3 Choosing

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Kelley's POV
When I went home after spending some time at Alex's house, all I wanted to do was sleep. I was having mixed emotions after kissing Hope, the person who used to hurt me, and Alex, my best friend for years. I liked Alex and I've had for a while now. But what about Hope? What if I started falling in love with Hope? It would only seem right to be with Alex but I know Hope needs me after what we both went through.

Pretty soon I closed my eyes and went to sleep to try and clear my head for a while.

Hope's POV
I felt better knowing Kelley was alright and that I have a chance to become friends with Kelley. When she kissed me I felt sparks go off. At that moment I wanted her to be mine but I know now wouldn't be the best time for that after what we went through. I wanted to get to know her more and become more then friends. I know that will take a while but I know we have a chance and this is something I'm willing to try. I owe her a lot after what I've done to her. Kelley is such a beautiful girl. I don't know why out of all people I took my anger out on her. Or why I took my anger out on other people... I don't care what my parents think. I have a chance and I'm not going to blow it this time.

Alex's POV
I guess it was fine that I told Kelley how I really felt about her. It had to come out at one point before we go off to college. When she kissed me I didn't want it to end. Kelley is so important to me and I feel like this is right. I feel like it would be right if we were both together. We've been best friends for years and I know everything about her and I trust her with my life. I mean we have our ups and downs but we have each other's backs at the end of the day. Kelley is more then a best friend to me.

The next day I texted Kelley to see if she wanted to hang out today.

Alex: Hey Kel. Meet at the soccer field at 1?

Kelley: Cleats?

Alex: I'll bring a ball

I got out of bed and watched some tv for a while to past the time. At around 12:40 I went to my room and put on some nike shorts and a USWNT shirt. I grabbed a soccer ball and went out to the soccer field where Kelley and I always go. When I get there I see Kelley already there. Early as usual.

"Someone's early. Again." I say as I approach her."
"I like being early Alex. It helps-"
"Get you on top of things I know Kelley." I say as I finish her sentence.
"You know me so well Morgan."
"Because I've known you forever O'Hara." I say as I smile at her.

We pass the ball to each other for a while then we play 1 on 1 for a while to which Kelley usually wins because she's amazing at defense but I beat her today.

"If you keep scoring goals like that you'll find yourself on the national team Alex."
"And you'll be up there with me Kel."
"We'll see." Kelley says with a smile.

After soccer we both sat down on the field tired.

"You know your my best friend right?"
"Yes of course. And your my best friend."
"No matter what I want to spend the rest of my life being your best friend. Can you promise me we'll always be best friends no matter what?"
Come on Alex you know that's the easiest promise I'll ever make." Kelley says.
"I know I just wanted to make sure we stay friends."
"Why? What makes you think our friendship will end?" Kelley asked me.
"Because Kelley, I want to be with you. I want to give US a try and if it doesn't work out I want us still being friends and not let our relationship get in the way of our friendship."
"Alex you know I love you in every way possible but I just need a little time to think. I promise you nothing will ever affect our friendship because we have a bond that is stronger then anything I can imagine and it seems impossible to break. I just need a little time." Kelley says.
"Take all the time you need Kel. No rush." I say with a smile.
"I love you Alex." Kelley says as she give me a hug.
"I love you to Kel."
"I'll see you soon." Kelley says as she gets up and walks back to her house.

Kelley's POV
Why do I have to think about this? I want to be with Alex because I love her and she is my best friend. When I got to my house I went in my room and just sat on my bed thinking about what to do.

If things don't go right with me and Alex we will still be friends so it's defiantly worth the shot.

Finally I was able to make my decision I'm going to make things official over me and Alex. It's what I want and I know it's what she wants.

Right before I was about to leave to go to Alex's house my doorbell rang. I quickly opened the door and saw that it was Hope.

"Oh um hey Hope." I say as I open the door.
"Hey Kelley."
"What's up? Is everything okay?" I ask.
"Yea everything is fine I just wanted to talk to you about something." Hope says.
"Okay, I'm all ears." I say as I step outside and close the door.

"I want to be with you Kelley. And I know it seems strange and maybe a little awkward but because of you Kelley, I'm changing. So basically I'm asking you if you want to be my girlfriend..."
"Umm Hope, I'm with someone already... And if I'm helping you change into a better person then I want to be your friend.
"Okay well we should hang out someday and you know, get to know each other better."
"Let's start over Hope. A fresh start starts now. Everything in the past is behind us."
"Okay, I'm Hope Solo."
"Kelley O'Hara, nice to meet you." I say as I shake her hand.
"I hope you have a great night Kelley."
"Same goes to you."

Hope smiles at me then she left. This is a good start to our friendship. We both need this.

Once Hope left I went to Alex's house like I was originally suppose to do before Hope came. Once I get to her house I ring the doorbell and Alex answers the door.
"Oh hey Kelley. What brings you here?"

I smile at my best friend. "Because I choose you Alex. It wouldn't hurt to give us a try because what won't change is our friendship. I love you Alex and your the only one I want to be with." I say as I jump into her arms and give her a kiss.

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