Chapter 8 Exhausted

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Kelley's POV
Being at Stanford was amazing and was already a lot of fun. Christen and me practiced together when there was an open field practice since tryouts were in a week.
Christen was a great friend and we both helped each other out while in Stanford.

Today was an off day so we both just hung out in our dorm room.

"So who's that?" Christen asked as she pointed to a picture of me and Alex on my desk.
"That's Alex. She's one of my best friends."
"She looks nice. Hope I can meet her one day."
"Hopefully when we are all on the national team."
"Very true."

It was fun having a roommate like Christen who played the same sport as you and had the same dream as you because we can relate to so many things.

Since I didn't have much to do, I decided to call Alex and Hope. I stepped out of our room and First I called Alex.

"Hey Kel!" Alex says through the phone.
"Hey Alex! How are you?"
"I'm great. It's been fun so far here. How about you? How's college treating you?"
"It's been awesome. Already made some new friends."
"That's great! So when are your soccer tryouts?" Alex asked.
"Next week. I've spent countless hours practicing on the field and I don't know I don't feel prepared enough."
"Don't be nervous Kel. I know you'll make the team."
"This is my first soccer tryout that you aren't at though."
"You'll be fine trust me. You're better than everyone including me. Just believe in yourself because I believe in you. You're unstoppable on the field Kel."
"Thanks Alex."
"No problem. Hey I have to go to class now. I'll talk to you soon. Bye Kelley!"
"Bye Alex have fun!" I say then hang up the phone.
Alex makes me so much more comfortable even through the phone which is probably why we are best friends.

Next I call Hope but she doesn't answer. Probably has some classes or something. I decided I'll call her later tonight.

"Did she answer?" Christen asked me as I walked back into our room.
"Alex did but Hope didn't. I'll call her later though."
"It's a good thing that you are still keeping in contact with your friends. It really demonstrates what a real friendship is like."
"Don't you have any friends you still talk to?" I ask Christen.
"No not really. All my "friends" ditched me during senior year of high school. Christen says.
"Why'd the ditch you?"
"I really don't know. I guess I wasn't cool enough for them. But I wasn't gonna change myself to be friends with them."
"Awe I'm sorry."
"It's fine really. I've moved on to bigger and better things and now I have a friend who is better then all of my old friends." Christen says as she smiles at me.

Later on before I went to bed I decided I was going to try and call Hope but again she doesn't answer. I set my phone on my night stand and begin to drift to sleep.

"Good night Kelley." Christen says.
"Good night Christen." I responded then i went to sleep.

Hope's POV
I sat in my dorm room with bottles of beer covering the floor. I looked at my phone and saw another miss call from Kelley. I sigh as I finish another bottle and throw it on the floor.

Kelley wasn't here to stop me like she usually does with everything. What was I doing to myself? I have goals and other things to be following and here I was in my room finishing bottle after bottle.

I needed Kelley to tell me what's right and what's wrong.

Soccer tryouts

Kelley's POV
Today was soccer tryouts. I was a little nervous and really excited. Once Christen and me were ready we went to the field where tryouts were. A lot of girls were already there and since both of us were freshman it was a little intimidating.

We both sat down and put our shin guards and cleats on. Once we finished we went where all the girls were. The coach talked to us about all this stuff that I want really paying attention to. Once he was done talking tryouts began. Since Christen was a forward, we were split up for almost the whole tryouts but we were together when we had breaks.

"How's it going?" Christen asked me during one of our breaks.
"Good. I'm exhausted though."
"Same here. But I've been watching you and I'll be honest. You are 10x better then all the other defenders. Like you are just kicking ass out there."
"You're doing a great job to Christen. I know you'll make the team no problem."

After our break we both went back to our spots. We did a lot of drills and basic skills for a defender. They were really easy for me because the skills we were practicing were similar to the ones Alex and I used to do at our field back home.

Once tryouts were over Christen and went to the locker room, took a shower, then went back to our room.

"I'm defiantly gonna be sore for like the next 3 days." I tell Christen.
"Same here. Oh my gosh I could really use some couch time right now."
"I'm going to sleep when we get back to our room."

We both complain about how tired we were all the way to our room. When we get to our room we both collapse onto our beds exhausted.
Thank god that was the only tryouts we had. Literally two days worth of tryouts were put together into one day so there would only be one day of tryouts.

As soon as I was in bed I fell asleep instantly.

When I woke up the next morning my phone rang so I answered it.

"Hello?" I say through my phone.
"Hi this is Saint Francis Memorial Hospital is this Kelley O'Hara?"
"Um yea."
"Okay good. Do you know Alex Morgan?"
"Yes I do."
"Okay well she has you down as an emergency contact."
"What happened?" I ask worried.
"Ms. Morgan was sent here two days ago after having irregular heart beats and chest pain."
"Is she okay?"
"Doctors ran tests on her and she should be fine but if you can it would be great if you can come by to sign some papers."
"Okay. I'll try to be there as soon as I can."
"Thank you have a good day." The nurse says.

I sat on my bed frozen trying to think of what to do.

"Is everything okay Kel?" Christen asked.
"Not really. I need to go see Alex."
"Why what happened?"
"She was having heart issues."
"Well let's get you packing." Christen says as she grabs my bag and starts putting my clothes in.

After I packed a couple of clothes I was ready to go.

"Thank you Christen."
"No problem. And we have a 4 day break so it's a perfect time for you to go. You won't miss anything."
"Hey everything is going to be okay."
"I hope so."
"I'll see you later Kelley. Call me if you need anything."  Christen says as she pulls me in for a hug.

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