Don't Cry Over That Scum Bag

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I ran into class and luckily no one was in the classroom yet. I looked at the clock and it ready 12:40 I was four minutes early to class, so I put my head on my desk and locked my jaw to keep the tears from coming out. Bailey was going to be in class soon, we have every class together. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder . I spun around and I saw it was only my best friend, Luke.
"Hey girl!" He said cheerfully. Before I met Luke I thought he was gay but when I got to know him I realized that he wasn't, it was just his personality.
"Hey." I said very gloomy
"Girl what is wrong?" He lightly hit my hand "Tell me everything."

I took a deep breath and told him everything from bumping into Victor to Shaley flirting with Victor. When I finished I was in tears.
"Catia don't cry over that scum bag there are plenty of fish in the sea, besides someone needs to put Shaley in her place, you know I have a torture chamber in my basement." Luke suggested.
"Luke we are not going to torture Shaley." I chuckled
For they rest of the three minutes we had to ourselves we made up different plans to torture Shaley, but of course we won't actually do it. Just then the bell rang signaling every there is one more minute 'till class starts. People started taking there seats, then Bailey came in.
"Catia I've been looking for you everywhere!" She screamed while throwing her hands in the air. She saw my face and asked "What's wrong?"
"Ask Luke." I replied
"What did he do." She asked angrily. She walked over to him and Luke told her everything.
"Okay everyone sit down class is about to start." Mrs.Woods voice boomed over everyone.
Bailey quickly sat next to me and faced the front of the class. Then a long boring hour of algebra started.

I looked at the clock it read 1:35, ten more minutes left.
"Class pencils down." Everyone obeyed "As I, the head teacher to run the dance-" Mrs.Woods got interrupted by people talking about the dance.

She hit her yard stick on her desk and the whipping sound sent shivers down my spine then there was an eerie silence.
She cleared her throat and began talking again "As I was saying, I am the head teacher of the dance so I will keep my eyes on you, since this is your first homecoming with the seniors I will tell you somethings that happens in a dance, girls fight over who going to dance with who, a girl is crying because her boyfriend broke up with her-"
People started snickering. Mrs. Woods chuckled to her self.
"The older people making out in corners, so I don't want to catch anyone of you guys doing that."

The bell rang and everyone started shoving there things in the bag, I rolled my eyes since I take my time to put my things in my bag.
"Hurry up you turtle Mr.Dunn said we were going to do something cool, now hurry." Bailey exclaimed
Then we where on our way to science.





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