Everything Is Ruined

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Catía's POV*

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm. I groaned and rolled to my side to turn off my alarm.

But then it hit me.

Today is the dance!

I practically jumped out of my bed and sprinted to the shower. After 20 minutes of taking a shower, I quickly dried my hair and picked an outfit to wear. I put on a maroon crop top with white high waisted jeans. I threw on my grey leather jacket and I slipped on my maroon vans. I quickly put my hair in a bun and ran to my closet. I pulled out my dress and admired it for a minute. I was so excited for the dance but then I realized that I didn't have a date. I got sad but I had Bailey as my date, so that was good. It's better to have Bailey than have no date.

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking me breakfast. She made pancakes, sausage, and eggs. The aroma hit me and then I heard my stomach making whale noises. She placed it in front of me, and I gobbled down my food.

"Catía slow down." My mom told me

I just nodded my head and kept eating. Once I was done eating breakfast, I washed my plate and grabbed a bag of hot cheetos out of the pantry.

Before I got out of the house, I hugged my mom and said goodbye. I grabbed my dress and car keys. I sprinted to my car and threw my stuff in the back seat. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and called Bailey. It was ringing for a couple of seconds until I heard Bailey's voice.


"Hey. Bailey I'm on my way, so make sure you have your dress." I told her

"Okay, see you soon. Bye"


I hung up and put my phone back in pocket. I turned on my car and revved off to Bailey's house. In only 10 minutes I was already in her driveway. She was already outside sitting on the steps.

"Hurry up Bailey!" I yelled

She grabbed her things and opened the passenger door. She threw her things in the back of the car and relaxed in the seat.

She turned her head to face me and said, "For the love of god, could you please be more patient."

I winked at her and said, "No problem."

I backed out of her driveway and drove to school.

In 20 minutes we were pulling up into the school.

"Remember to leave our dresses in the car, okay?" Bailey reminded me

I nodded my head and got out of my car. I locked the car and we walked into the school. In every corner you can hear people talking about the dance. The school was beautifully covered with decorations for tonight. Some people were already dressed up for the night, which was a really bad idea.

As we were walking we saw all of our friends by Valentina's locker. Bailey and I greeted them.

"Hey Bailey, hey Catía." Valentina said while giving us a hug.

"Hey." I replied

I shifted my eyes and I saw Luke coming over. I just looked down at the floor and sighed.

"Hey Catía." Luke said to me

I barely looked at him while I gave him a sad smile. He shifted uncomfortably and put his hands in his pockets.

Valentina started a conversation to clear the awkward atmosphere.

"So the dance is going to be so much fun!" She squealed "And I finally have a date."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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