Chapter 2: Fumbled Your Heart

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The clock read 6:50 and Erica still had yet to find the perfect dress. She wanted to give sexy...which wasn't hard. But she didn't want the focus to be solely on her body because obviously Cyn would see right through her.

She always did. But she did want to look good. After sifting through a bunch of dresses she decided on a small, fitted, black dress with laced sides and a low backless swoop.

"Damn...even I would fuck me" she laughed to herself putting the finishing touches on her make up before quickly grabbing her purse and heading out the door.

Ten minutes into the ride Erica could feel knots in her stomach. She realized that for the first time in a year she was going to be alone with Cyn. No outside influences, no love and hip hop cameras, and no Mona doing her best to curve the situation and cause drama.

Just them, the way it used to be.  As Erica approached her destination she received a text. She waited until she stopped completely at the valet. Looking down at her phone she couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course it was a text from Shad.

Now for the last few days Erica had been in New York she had totally forgotten about her life back in LA. Once she saw Cyn at the club, looking amazing, it wasn't hard to do. Leave it to Erica to forget an entire fiancé though.

Shad iMessage: Hope you're behaving yourself. Don't be out there doing anything to embarrass me Mrs.Moss.

Erica ignored the text tucking her phone back in her bag. She slid out of her black Range and walked around the car to hand the valet the keys. "Don't scratch my baby" she said giving the man a side eye and she headed  inside.

Erica pulled her phone out again to check the time and it was 7:01. She looked around the room and quickly found Cyn. Of course she was already here. She was never late to anything.

Erica's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas and she headed over to the table. "You're still always early" she laughs. "Yeah and you're always one minute late" Cyn says with a warm smile. Erica wants to grab her and just embrace her close but they're not there yet and Erica knew that.

Erica took her seat across from Cyn and didn't waste time before she spoke. "I know being here wasn't an easy decision
to make, after everything that happened but I'm glad you came." She didn't give Cyn time to reply before she spoke again. "Before you say anything...I want to tell you that I am truly sorry for how everything ended. I know I said it before but this is coming from the purest place. I really mean it"

"I accept your apology Erica. I was over that a long time ago" Cyn replied. She shifted in her seat as the waiter walked up and took their drink and food orders. Then she spoke again. "So tell me why you really wanted to have dinner tonight."

Erica sipped her glass of wine slowly, gathering her thoughts. There was only one real answer to that question. "I don't know. I saw you last night and I really hadn't expected to, and I knew you saw me, although you were a little preoccupied"

Cyn narrowed her eyes as Erica spoke, where was she going with this?

"I missed you Cyn, and seeing you made me realize I needed to fix this. You meant a lot to me at one point...and you still do."

Cyn gave a confused look. "I mean a lot to you? So you play house all year with your fiancé but as soon as you see me, now I matter?" She was still hurting. That much was obvious.

"You don't get to do that E..." Cyn was getting emotional. She quickly collected herself and took a deep breath.

Erica couldn't bring herself to be pissed because most, if not all of what Cyn was saying was true.

"Stop. You've always mattered to me Cynthia. I may not show it, but you know how we were. I could never just forget matter who I'm with."

Cyn knew how Erica was,  and no she didn't always know how to show she cared but at least she was being truthful.

"Look, I didn't even expect to see you while I was here, but when I reminded me of a bunch of wrong decisions I made. I just wanted to see how you were. And maybe I was hoping that you missed me too" Erica gave an innocent smirk that forced a laugh out of Cyn.

"Well I definitely didn't miss that goofy ass face. But yes Erica I missed you, don't let that go to your head though." Cyn said playfully rolling her eyes.

Erica could feel butterflies in her stomach as Cyn spoke. She hadn't felt this feeling in so long. Even with Shad, it never felt like this. With Cyn it always felt right. It always felt genuine.  No matter how much time passed.

Casual conversation continued throughout dinner. They talked about everything that happened  and before they knew it hours, upon hours had passed and the restaurant was closing. How had 4 hours passed without them noticing?

As they headed out the door they didn't part ways just yet. Erica waited for the valet to bring her car around, she took a moment to really look at Cyn. She was so beautiful.

"One last question..." Erica said breaking the silence.

Cyn nodded, giving Erica the go ahead.

"You ever think about, everything we planned? Together?"

Cyn would be lying if she said she didn't  think about everything they planned together, but she decided after the entire engagement to Bow Wow to leave Erica in her past. She cared about her but she also knew who she was and how she moved. As much as she wanted that fairy tale they planned, she knew it would never work. Erica desired other things in life, things that just didn't matter to Cyn.

"Yeah I used to but honestly I wish you the best E. I'm glad we got to talk and squash the animosity, gain some more closure even, But you're getting married. I think that ended hopes of us ever reconciling this."

It hurt, but at least it was the truth. "Yeah I guess you're right" Erica said aloud. On the inside she was screaming at herself for letting Cyn go the way she did, and it was taking everything in her not to just pull a Rich and grab her by the face and attack her lips.

But she had to let her go. Truth of the matter is, she was engaged. No matter what she was feeling, that was still a fact.

It was clear Cyn didn't want any kind of romantic relationship with Erica. But it was still a hard pill to swallow. She fumbled Cyn's heart and it was a little too late to try and piece it back together again.

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