Chapter 6: 4AM In LA

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*Mature Themes Below*


My meetings had gone perfect earlier...and once the ink dried NU by CynSantana was going to be featured in LA fashion week exactly two months from now!

I'd worked so hard, The NU line was like my baby. My team and I worked our asses off pushing the brand and it was paying off.

I had another meeting in the afternoon with a boutique owner on Sunset that needed another designer. They would only be asking for small shipments of my stuff to see how well it would do but if it went well NU was going to get pretty big.

I guess the time zone was fucking with my sleep pattern because I was wide awake. So I did what I always did when I couldn't sleep.

I rolled the paper between my thumb and index finger before licking it and sealing it perfectly. Sitting there on the balcony of my hotel room, I felt better than I had in so long. Erica and I were in a good place...better than before.

Business was taking off, and I was smoking some good Cali shit on my balcony at the W.  What? It relaxed me!

I take a few pulls and blow the smoke into the night air. I notice my phone vibrating beside me and I focus on the name.

It was Erica. I blow out the smoke I'd inhaled and answer.

"Hey E." I take another pull. "You okay? It's late" I blow out.

"I'm good. Just driving round' with over 300K of clothes and shoes in my car." She says sarcastically.

I'm guessing Chateau Shad was no more.
I ash my jay out and step back inside my room. Was it wrong I was a actually excited?

"What happened?" I ask tying my robe completely.

"I gave bitch boy his ring back. He got all heated huffing and puffing his chest out. I'm just about to find a hotel for the night. I just wanted to see if you were up"

Bullshit. She wanted to stay with me, which was cool. I would never turn my back on her when she was down and out. It was just the type of person I was.

"I'm at W. You can stay with me tonight if you want. It'd be kinda wasteful to pay for a room for one night don't you think?" I ask

"Cyn are you sure? I know you got other shit going on. I can find a place for the night." She says knowing damn well she wanted to be here.

"Of course I'm sure. I'll make sure there's a key at the desk for you."

"Thanks Cyn. I'll be there in a few" she says ending the call.

After I finish my little session back out on the balcony I run into the bathroom and try to get myself together.

I run the brush through my natural curls, I knew I wasn't  going to have time to straighten it. Then I open my pink silk robe fixing my bra  and  looking at my body in the mirror. I looked good, high...but good. Lastly I take a swig of mouthwash to get rid of the smokey scent on my breath.

Suddenly I hear the room door opening and  I find myself a little nervous. I try my best to shake it off and I make my way out of the bathroom.

When she sees me her initial frustration fades and she smiles at me.

"Hi beautiful." She says to me, making my heart melt.

"Hi" I whisper back as I make my way over to her. I kiss her cheek. "Sorry you had such a shitty night...can't say I'm not happy it's over but I'm still sorry that it went down like that"

She laughs. "You don't have anything to be sorry for, I'm better already just being here"

"Good, cause I'm glad you came" I say seriously.

"Yeah?" She asks with bright eyes.

I nod. "Yeah."

I reach my arms out, wrapping them around her waist. I look up at her and she looks down at me. We stare at one another briefly, and finally I just kiss her lips.

I catch her by surprise at first but she follows my lead. Her tongue slipping into my mouth and tangling with my own.

Erica grabs a handful of my hair pushing our lips together, deepening our kiss. She pulls me away subtlety and my eyes open.
Why was she stopping?

She moved both hands to the sides of my face. I leaned into her touch as she whispered out a soft "I love you Cyn"

Those three words placed my heart in her hands again. Damn she had me open.

"I love you too" I reply pulling her over to the bed.

I have a cute little seductive smirk painted on my face as I force her to sit and I climb on her lap.

At this point Erica is looking at me like something to eat. I lean in and kiss her lips softly and reach down between us to untie my robe.

She admires my body before she helps me out of my clothes. I do the same for her in between kisses and light licks on her neck.

Her hands are taking their time touching me in all the right places. I moan when I feel her tongue slide over my nipples.

She lays me back on the bed, kissing down my body. When she's finally between my legs I spread them just a little to give her better access.

She kisses my inner thighs before letting her tongue work its magic on my clit. My back arches as she takes complete care of my body and it doesn't take long before my legs are shaking and she has me just where she wants me.

"Oh shit! Baby I'm....I'm about to...oh god!" I scream as she makes me cum and for a few seconds the room is spinning. She comes up between my legs with an accomplished smirk.

I curl my finger signaling her to come up. She does, sliding right between my legs and hovering over me.

"I would ask if it was good for you, but I already know it was" she winks at me.

I giggle pulling her into a kiss. I taste myself of her lips.

"Don't flatter yourself mmkay?" I say against her mouth.

I rest a little, collecting myself. We share a couple lazy kisses before I begin licking and kissing down her toned abs.

I pull her lower half right over my face, my hands grip her ass and I pull her pussy right to my mouth.

Erica grinds her hips into my mouth. I watch her riding my face, I see what my tongue is doing to her.

She's moaning out a slur of Spanish mixed with I love you's. Her moans were so sexy. I can feel her movements becoming steady and she's coming undone right on top of me.

"Damn" she breaths out as she settles beside me in bed. Her breathing was still a little heavy as she settled.

She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her beautifully naked frame.

"That was beyond amazing" she says breathlessly, peppering light kisses on my skin.

I chuckle and pull her closer. "Fucking right. The best you'll ever have"

She's silent, but her breathing is steady. I look down at her closed eyes. She was sleeping. Little baby was tired out.

I laugh to myself as I stroke her hair and find myself drifting off to dreamland right along with her.

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