Chapter 7: A New Beginning

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Erica POV

Cyn woke me up around noon with round two, as if last night wasn't more than enough. I wasn't complaining though. I could never have too much of her.

"I gotta get upppp" I whine softly as I lift my head up from her chest. We're wrapped in silk sheets, her arms are wrapped around me holding me close.

I didn't want to leave her, if I had it my way we would lay here together all day. But outside of this little love nest, we had other things to take care of, people to see, and things to do.

"Five more minutes mom!" Cyn jokes grabbing my chin and pulling me into a kiss. "Nah I'm kidding. I need to get my ass up too. I have that last meeting today." She yawns.

I always admired that Cyn was a hustler much like myself. No matter what obstacles she faced, she was determined to go and get it.

We don't want to but we force ourselves out of bed. Cyn heads for the shower and I follow behind her.  What? We were only saving water.

When I step out I walk over to the bed and grab my phone off the nightstand.  A bunch of missed texts.  None that were important enough for me to reply to.

I call my realtor letting her know I'd be there as soon as I could. Truthfully I wished Cyn could come and see the new place too. She'd fall in love with it.

I know we were just getting back on good terms and maybe I was jumping a little but when I was with Cyn I always wanted her around me.

I know even with all the sensational sex, and brand new promises it was gonna take more than that to make Cyn trust me again.

But cmon this was me, and anything I wanted I worked my ass off to get. That included Cyn too.

I was dressed by the time Cyn finally waltz out the bathroom. Her body in those Calvin Kleins was amazing. I could tell she'd been in the gym. But her body was still thick in all the right places.

"You need to get dressed before we're both later than we already are. I'm telling you Cyn, don't wake that sleeping giant again" I laugh but am dead serious.

"Boo you really thirsty and it's showing...but I like it" she winks as she starts getting dressed.

I quickly do a light beat on my face and place a pair of Chanel shades over my eyes.

Walking over to where Cyn was getting dressed I kissed her cheek.

"I'll see you a little later, since we missed our lunch know somebody wouldn't let me go this morning"

Cyn narrowed her eyes at me. "You wasn't complaining about not being let go. Right?"

I really had no argument. And to be honest it was refreshing to be around positivity. Some one who actually built you up and not tore you down.

"Yeah yeah" I say as I head out to go sign those papers.


  I got to my new place not too long after I left Cyn back at the hotel.  I was blessed that I could even bounce back so quick. Not only getting my place but paying 12 months advance in rent at the sining. After I signed the paperwork it was finally official. I had a place of my own.

I could already see what I was going to do with the space.  The floor plan was beautiful, it was open with dark wood floors. The ceilings were high and the kitchen was flawless.

I was finally free to start focusing on things that mattered. Instead of giving all my energy to someone who wasn't even worth my time. I was gonna focus on things important to me.

My bank account, my business, my family...especially my chubby and Cyn.

King was going to love it in LA. Raul and I decided we'd co-parent. I'd have him during the week and the weekends were with his father.

Really everything I did was for King. If I had to scrub floors so he could have everything he wanted and needed I would.

I didn't give a fuck about what anyone thought. I loved my baby more than life itself. I would do anything for him.

I walk out onto to open terrace. I take a deep breath ready for a new beginning.

I unlock my phone and place a call to Albee. His flight in from the DR had landed a few hours ago.  So much had happened while he was away.  So much I needed to fill him in on.

He answers on the third ring. "Bitchhhhhh I was waiting for your call!" He answers and I quickly reply "Now you know I had to call my baby when he landed! How was your trip boo?"

"The trip was good. Got black as hell, but it was good."

I laugh.  Albee's ass was a fool.

"I'm jealous, next time bring my ass in ya suitcase. You'll never guess where I'm at though" I say leaning over the railing.


"My apartment"

"I'm confused. What does an almost married woman need with an apartment E?"

"Well she's not almost anything anymore. She is single"

"I leave for two weeks and come back to ring-less Erica?"

"Little man has it. I left that along with all the furniture I bought for that rented ass crib. I was just over not feeling happy Albee. And maybe somebody made me realize a few things"

"And who would that be?"

"Cyn. Now before you say anything...let me explain. I ran into her on New Years while I was back home and we kinda just picked up where we left off. Well after a few man hours. I never stopped loving her though Al you know that"

I could tell he was letting the information sink in.

"As long as you're happy I'm happy boo. I like Cyn. I think she's good for you. Only suggestion I'll make is that you don't rush it. Ease back into it. Get your friendship back first. "

"Uh huh yeah, sure. Friends" I say knowing damn well Cyn and I had already passed friends this weekend.

"I'm serious Erica, you're my bestfriend so imma always keep it real with you. Don't go buying rings and rushing into something when you just got out of something. I'm not saying don't be with Cyn, I'm saying have fun and enjoy her. Work on a stronger relationship and when it's ready everything will fall into place."

Damn I hated that he was right. I loved Cyn and she loved me. That would never change, but picking up right where we left off...maybe wasn't the smartest idea.

Although we'd been together before, if we wanted this to last we couldn't just continue as if nothing happened. We had to be better for each other.

"You're right,  because good sex will make a bitch crazy.  And me and Cyn's sex is the best I've ever had. But there's more to us than that. She was my lover and friend."

He gags, playfully.

"To much info., and I know I'm right. You know I speak nothing but facts"

Cyn was mine and I was hers, but we had work to do. I believed in her, and I believed in us.

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