Chapter 8: Soon

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It's been almost three weeks since I'd been back in the city. Business had gone great out in LA and I was already having tons of shipments coming out of the NU office to the boutique out there.

Not to mention prep for fashion week that was right around the corner.

I missed Erica but as much as I really wanted to stay wrapped up in her, I did have a life back on the east coast.

And truth be told I was still scared. I was scared to give my all to Erica again. I hadn't been able to tell her just yet, but I was still hurt.

Now it wasn't like we'd broken up and she had sex with Shad. We broke up and less than 8 weeks later she was engaged.

I was trying to get over it. I wanted this fresh start but in the back of my mind it still bothered me.

Even with us being on opposite coast though we talked everyday. She'd been decorating her new place.

I got to see it before I left LA and it was pretty damn nice. Her biggest focus was King's room.

I loved how much Erica loved King. No matter what the media may have said she was the best mother to him. I witnessed it with my own eyes.

But with him moving all the way from Miami, this was going to be a big change. So she wanted everything to be perfect.

"I'm back" Erica says through the camera as she returns back to the face time call. We talked every day since I'd been gone. No matter how busy we got, we made time for each other always.

"How does it look" she asks turning the camera so that I could see the decor in what was going to be King's new room.

"It looks really good. He's gonna love it!" I say looking at how perfectly she'd put everything together. "You've got the eye babe, I'm tellin' you. You should come make over my place out here" I add as I turn over in bed.

I watch as Erica makes her way to her own bedroom. It's not quite finished yet but I can tell it's coming together.

"Or you can come out here and maybe stay more than a few days next time."

I took a pause looking her in the eye. "You know I would, but if I'm being one hundred percent honest E, I'm still a little scared to go back down that road again. I guess I just wanna know where we stand in all this"

Although E and I had been talking since I left LA it seemed as if she was a little more distant. I wasn't sure what changed, and that was why I kept this wall up.

I never could tell what Erica was thinking. Sometimes she could make me feel like I was the only person who mattered in the world and other times she had me guessing.

"Boo you know where I stand. I told you Albee and I talked. You know I jump too fast sometimes and he let me know that. I'm just taking my time with us this time around Cyn. I don't wanna lose you again. But hey, look at me. It's only you. Okay?"

Her words are reassuring. Although I don't know how I feel about Albee still. I hadn't seen him since E and I broke up.

I don't know where he pulled the information out of his ass that he told her on the show but it still rubbed me the wrong way that he just decided to make something completely false up.

"Yeah we should take our time, definitely. And we will. Just don't be out there thinking you can act single. If it's only me, you better act like it." I say playfully but sternly.

"Am I not single?" She asks quirking her brow up.

I didn't know how to answer her. On one hand I was completely in love with this girl...I didn't want her with anyone else and I didn't want anyone else. But on the other hand I still held on to some stuff that hurt me before.

I guess if this was going to be a new start I had to accept what had happened and move on.

"I don't know Erica, are you?" I ask

"Im with you Cyn" she says simply. "Like I said there's nobody else. I think that's all I have to say about that"

I'd heard it before but I was going to to take her word for it.

"Don't get cute" I say rolling my eyes. "So when's the big day? When is King coming officially?" I ask

"I'm almost done Chubby's room. I just want it perfect but if everything goes according to plan I'm hoping sometime next week. Im gonna fly out to my moms in Miami. And he'll come back with me. I'm nervous though Cyn...its the first time I'll actually have him with me full time" she sighs and I can see the doubt on her face.

Erica had nothing to be nervous about. The way she was with King...the way he was with her, it always melted my heart.

"Stop it. King loves you, and he's gonna love it there. Don't over think it."

I guess I should be telling myself what I was telling her. As tough as Erica was though, I knew underneath it all she had some stuff she needed to deal with.

"You think so?" She asks me as if I'd lie to her.

"I know so. You're a good mom and I know King feels the same way." There's a tone of certainty in my voice as I speak.

She smiles at me.

"Damn I wish I could kiss you right now." she says causing my cheeks to turn red.

This girl could always make me blush and as scared as I was I found myself falling deeper and deeper for her again. Maybe even deeper than before.

"I know you miss my kisses. Just gotta hold out until I'm back on the west coast. Then you can have all my kisses" I say blowing her one through the camera.

"Soon I hope" she says with a pleading face.

"Soon" I say simply. "Soon baby"

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