Thanksgiving feast

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Once I spotted Samantha running down the stairs and walking towards the kitchen with my granddaughter and son- in-law.

She siad "hey mom what's cookin?".

I replied by saying "why don't you look on the counter".

I said "yummy" with a smiled at her.

As the family were talking and cooking while christmas songs were playing on pandora by my phone that is connected to the speaker.

Four minutes later.....

Samantha pov

When I was done talking to my mother, I went to Justin beacuse he called me to get crystal as I walk towards them.

He handed me our daughter carefully as I carried her, I giggle at her cuteness.

I said "awww someone needs a diaper change lets go to mommy's room...shall we and as for daddy, stay outside, girls only" as he chuckles as he soonly gaved me our daughter's bag.

Crystal and I went up the stairs to my room to change her diaper once we made it into my room.

I walked towards my bed and layed her on my bed and started to change her diaper and it was stinky.

Minutes later...

Soon as I was done changing her diaper.

We went back down to the living room as  the christmas tree was ready and standing tall.

As I was admiring the view of our traditional family tree with the ornaments that has all of our names on it, I see my dad's name on a golden one.

Felt like tearing up.

I sat on the couch with my baby girl in my arms and started to cry while holding crystal.

I hard my aunts voice "hun, samantha are you okay?" as she walked towards me and sets down right beside me and wraps her arms around me.

I told her that I'm crying beacuse my father left forever and missed the holidays, she replid by saying "sweetie he didn't leave he's still here in our hearts".

I looked up at her as she wiped my tears away and smiled at her and she smiled back, said "your father still loves you ok" and she then she gaved me a hug.

My mom said "is everything alright here?".

My aunt and I said "yea everything is alright" with smiles on our faces.

My mom told us to come to the dinning room for the feast so we followed her to the dinning room.

The feast

Once we made it to the dinning room we see food on the table and christmas songs were playing as well and my family and I are around the table standing behide the chairs that were gonna set in then my uncle told us to do a prayer as we did.

We closed our eyes and started the prayer and this is the prayer.

"On this joyful evening we are all gather here as one to celebrate this day together to enjoy the food that god gaved us as a gift from above to grow strong and staying alive, we've been through alot but eventually we had made it and we are truly deeply blessed and thankful for giving us the strangth to move on and go forward in life....Amen."

We then opened our eyes again after that we had to say what we were thankful for before eating so once we said what we were all thankful for we all then sat down and started to eat and talk.

Hours later....

Were full and we enjoyed the feast and we began to talk and I asked Justin what time is was it.

He said "I don't know my phone is getting fix and I forgot to ware my watch" as I sighed and said "okay".

I went back to the living room to look for my purse but wasn't there.

I found my phone on the kitchen counter and turned it on to only discover that my phone was on two percent now.

I needed it to charge it so I crack my code qickly to see what time it was.

It was 10:30pm so not to late so I found my charger and charged my phone.

I got Crystal up from my little sister's old play pin as she was sleeping I held her in my arms and made my way back towards the kitchen to see my other family members talking and cleaning.

As the hours passed, it was now twelve pm, how time flies.

I then told Justin that it was now time to go and that said "okay".

Crystal and I were getting ready to leave as we were waiting for Justin to get ready as we were all ready to go, we then said "bye" to my family by hugging.

Three minutes later.....

Once we made it into my car. I had opened it with my car key and all of us hopped in and got settle in while buckling up and started the car and the radio was on.

One of Justin's new songs was on witch was "ColdWater" was playing, we sanged along while smiling quietly because little girl was sleeping in her carseat as we drove back home.

Hours later....

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