Simple Mistakes (Counterpartshipping) [Yuto/Yuuto/Ute x Yuya/Yuuya]

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Requested by: shyannada141


"No, I'm not forgiving you," Yuya pestered out while leaning his head on the car window.

"Yuya it was a simple accident, everyone makes mistakes. But you're usually the ones making the mistakes." He answered.

"I know I do but don't go off saying that it was 'simple' because it wasn't." He sighed out.

"It was small Yuya." He rubbed his shoulder.

Yuya sighed and leaned onto his lover. He kissed his cheek and nuzzled his shoulder. Yuya rubbed his arm. Yuto continued to pay attention to the road. He tried not to pay attention to Yuya. It was fairly distracting. The snow was falling and it was dark. It wasn't safe to drive.

"You spilled the wine on my Dad. Red wine." Yuya murmured.

"The cat was pestering me so I fumbled causing me to spill some wine on your Father." He answered.

"You know how hard it is to get red wine out of a white shirt?"

"Yes Yuya I do. Speaking about cleaning clothes, I've been doing the laundry for the last two months. It's your turn to do it Yuya."

"Nope, you're doing it. You spilled wine on my Dad."

"That's unfair."

Yuya kissed his cheek again. Yuto smiled lightly and rubbed his waist. The boy smiled and kissed his lover's cheek once more. Once they were at their home Yuto kissed him. He kissed back of course and pulled away. He got out of the car and went into the house. Yuto got out as well, he went into the house as well.

"Yuya, I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed his cheek.



I hope it wasn't that bad.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V and ZEXAL {One Shots} {Character x Character)Where stories live. Discover now