Chapter - 1: Midnight Wishes

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Jadis' P.O.V.:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!" my bestie shouted from the other end of the call, "YOU'RE FINALLY SIXTEEN!!" "Thanks babe, love you a lot," I reply back. "I'm the first to wish you, right?" "Nahh," I say with a laugh, "Sam wished me just before you." "Wow. Just perfect, he broke my 4 years' old record." she replied with a frown, which I could literally hear from the other side. Zayna is my best-friend for like ever. She always called me up 5-30 mins before my birthday just to make sure she is the first one to wish me. But this time my younger brother, Sam, beat her to it and wished me as soon as he saw it tick 12am.

"By the way," she asks with her voice laden with curiosity, "How's the search for your Prince Sarcasm going?" I look down to the pendant on my necklace. It's a broken half of a heart which had a jagged edge on the broken side. Everyone in this world was born with such a necklace. It's magical af. The necklaces are made of whichever metallic element/s your mother took during her pregnancy. It is supposed to help us find our true love. Mine was made of iron, copper and bits of gold. My paternal grandmother made sure that my mom drank a glass of water, in which gold leaves had been boiled, every day. The other half of this heart is with some asshole who can be anywhere on this humongous earth or worse in another century. This necklace is supposed to start glowing and kinda heat up probably when I meet my other half. But, after keen observation, I have concluded that I might not find this person because in a crowd of seven and half billion, getting my hopes up is a bad decision.

I have tried dating other guys who hadn't found their halves. But all that was an epic fail. Right now, I prefer to concentrate on my studies and building a career instead. I have been hurt thrice in those fake relationships and I am really not up for the fourth round. Too much pain to bear. Too much time gets wasted.

My parents met each other at the perfect time. My dad had given up on finding his other half while my mom was still looking for him. He was in my mom's hometown with his younger sister, as she had found her guy. That's when my dad felt his pendant grow heavier, warmer and an extremely mild, greenish blue glow surrounding it. He dropped his sister at a hotel and followed the path which his half of the broken flower led him to. He walked in the direction towards which his pendant glowed brighter. That's how he ended up on my mom's doorstep when her brother was parking his bike in the front yard. After you marry The One, your half of the pendant completes itself.
Whenever my father tells me about the first time he saw mom, his face [no kidding] lights up. He, like literally, goes into a heavenly trance talks dreamily and if my mother is in the room, he gives her THE loving look. This happens every time. Honestly, it's beautiful to be a witness to a couple so in love. My mom can't even talk about that day without turning a brilliant shade of crimson. I mean, yeah, at times it gets nauseatingly romantic but doesn't matter. At least they found each other.

I have seen some divorces happening around me though. All because either of them couldn't keep it in their pants. Like what the hell. You find your other half AND get to know them STILL you gotta go and fuck someone else. Zayna has found her other half. He looks like a mf-ing Klein model.

"Jaan, you know I rather find a parallel universe than this guy who might hurt me?" I reply trying not to sound sad. "Seriously, Jade?" She said, sounding obviously pissed, "After all this time you should have forgotten that one hell of a human giraffe." She never really liked my last ex, Ray. I had a crush on him for more than two months before I asked him out. At that time he said that he ain't interested in this shit. A few days later he asked me out himself, but broke up with me two weeks later saying he likes me as a friend only. Now it's been more than two and half months since the break up and I know that I have moved on. I have made peace with my past. I can't let it hurt me over and over again. But, it did leave horribly terrible, invisible scars. I have built these walls unconsciously with bloody spiked wires and harpoons at the top. Call me clichéd, but I did need them. I used to open up easy. Not anymore.

"Dude, it's not because of that asshole. It's just that you know that I wanna become an engineer. You know I wanna prove those sexist fuckers wrong. YOU KNOW THAT I AM A HARD-CORE FEMINIST. So chill the hell out." I retort back. It's true though. I really wanna prove it to those people who tell me that electronics is not a job for females. Yeah sure, because the boys can do their projects on their own. A study shows that majority of the females who cook for their male counterparts, do it as they know that the males cannot do it themselves. Else, they would not bother, unless it's a gesture out of love.

"I know bitch, I know." She chuckles. "Now I'll hang up 'cause I know there are people waiting. Don't stay up too late though cuz I don't wanna party with a zombie. Oh wait, you always look like a zombie."

"Dumbfuck, go to sleep. You need it. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Take care. See ya soon." I say. "Ya ya, now byeee."

After hanging up with her, my closest cousin calls. I talk with him for a while. Then I go online. I have received so many messages. People whom I don't even talk to have messaged me. I reply back to everyone. Even the people who think Jade is my full name. It is Jadis. My parents are a fan of C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia. Yet, I don't understand why would they decide to name their first born after the White Witch. Maybe because my birth took place on the coldest day of that year's December.

Around 3 am, I fell asleep. I had a long day ahead. I had a tingling feeling that a storm is incoming.

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