Chapter - 9: Tears, Blood and I.C.U.

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Armaan's P.O.V.:

"She is in the ICU right now. She had lost a lot of blood. She...she had attempted..." and a fresh flood of tears trailed down her really red face.

Jade was just standing there, visibly shaking. Her hazel eyes had turned glassy. Her lower lip was quivering, while she was trying not to cry. I couldn't stop myself and I engulfed her in a bear hug. Jadis didn't hold back or resist the hug. She simply hid her face in my chest and let out a really silent sob then took a deep breath. She let go of me and I saw tears slipping down her face. As I tried to wipe them away she stopped me and did it herself.

"When did she do it?" her voice was pretty strong for a person who was just informed that her best friend is in the ICU.
"She must have done it last night," Zayna's sister replied, "We found her in her bathroom this morning."

"Oh... She had called me multiple times last night. I should've picked up the call. I really should've..." and her voice broke. But she didn't cry and that was worse. Holding in your emotions is something you should avoid at all costs in such situations. They start building up walls inside you. Then you start getting numb, day by day, second by second. After this will come a time where you don't feel shit. You just feel like shit and then you start doing shit.

She held up her hand and motioned me to stop.

"What did the doctors say about hee condition?" She asked in a low voice.
"They said that there's a 50-50 chance they'll be able to save her. Like mom told you, this bitch lost a lot of blood. Why would she even attempt this shit?"

"I wish I knew, I really do. I am so stupid." and she slumped down on the seat beside Zayna's Mom. I took the seat beside her and was planning on placing my arm around her.

"Armaan, you probably should go home, you know. I don't think I'll be able to meet your parents in this state. I am really sorry for-"

"Hey stop apologising for fuck's sake. It is not your fault, all right?"

She nodded but her eyes still held guilt in them. "But you should go, it's of no use if you just sit and wait here. Excuse me, I need to call some people."

I got the hint that she needed sometime with her friends. I understand her situation. But I just hope she won't continue pushing me away. I need to talk to her about my ancestral line too, though now is not the appropriate time. Maybe I should just go home. Yet, how can I just leave her like this? She'll probably feel more comfortable with the people she's known for longer time.

"I'll stay with you till your friends arrive, I'm not leaving you alone right now." I said, more like commanded.

She was dialling someone while she looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes with her last night's eye liner still smudged around it. She was at least a head and half shorter than me. She faced me and wrapped her free arm around my torso and said, "Thank you for understanding my situation, love." Probably the friend she was calling hadn't woken up yet so she wrapped the other arm around me. I hugged her back, "I'll always be here for you, Cutiepie." We stayed like that for a while then her cell started vibrating. She broke off the hug to answer it while I searched my pockets for that device.

What the fuck?! I just had it on me. Ahh here it is. It was a device specially designed for communication between the two worlds. It comprised of two pieces; one for each world. Messages were sent through Morse Code with the help of the L.E.D.s on each. Jade could use it to communicate with me from this world, if she wanted to.

"Jade? Take this. I hope you know Morse code, cuz you gonna need it. This device will transmit the signal to its pair and I will receive the message. Type it in Morse. The device has the printed codes behind it. On the left side, yeah that button, you need to-"
"Tap it for a dot and hold it for a dash. Yeah, I've used Morse before for coded messages." she said grinning. It wasn't fake. "I'll tell you the story later. I promise."

She looked behind me and her expression changed. Was it just me or was she really getting angry?
I turned around to see a guy in a black hoodie and brown cargo pants. His fair face had sharp features, like sharp enough to cut vegetables. He had dark brown doe eyes and black hair. His eyes has bags underneath them.

Who was he and why is Jadis, my Jadis, pissed at him. Maybe I should stay a while longer. I am not leaving her with him. I mean, I trust her, not him. Jade marched past me towards him. Obviously, I followed her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" she hissed. "You need to stay far, far away from her, you asshole."

"Jade, you need to understand that I didn't mean to hurt her. It just sorta happened." he replied in deep but weak voice as he placed his hand on her right shoulder. "Get your hand off me," she shrugged it off, "and what do you mean ' didn't mean to hurt her '? She fucking attempted...suicide... What did you do?"

She felt silent. Her eyes glistening, her full lips quivering. She was biting her lower lipto control it. She was holding it in for too long. Saying the facts out loud hurt more and feel more real. Not good, definitely not good.

At this moment, a doctor came running towards us and went running towards the room where Zayna was kept.

Uhh.......What the hell?

The doctor just saved this guy's neck. I don't even know his name. I do not even want know.
Jade's eyes widened up as she followed the running doctor. I don't think she's allowed to enter the area where the I.C.U. is. A nurse blocking her path proved me correct.

After an agonising wait of one and half an hour the doctor came out of the room. By this time the other two girls had come here, Iyla and the Bitch, Akira. Why did she have to come?

The doctor did not seem to carry good news. He faced Zayna's mother and said,

"I am sorry ma'am, she had lost too much blood. She is comatose. We don't expect her to wake up anytime soon."


Author's Note:

A tight hug please<3.

*hugs you*

All right, I am sorry for the wait.

Again, thank you for being so patient and bearing me.

I know it gets annoying and I am extremely sorry for it. ❤

I'll write again soon.

Smriti <3

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