Chapter - 8: Sisters Before Misters.

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Jade's P.O.V.:

I brushed my teeth as fast as possible while my mom made my breakfast. As I was getting ready, Armaan rang the doorbell. I feel sorry for him. I mean this guy was genuinely looking forward to meeting me. It is not even his fault that Zayna is admitted but he will have to wait. I will never ditch my girl for a guy, especially not in this situation. I chose to wear an Iron-Man graphic tee with black yoga pants.

As I walked/ran into the dining room hand combing my hair and tying into a bun, he was sitting there with my dad and grandfather. He checked me out with a confused look on his face.

"Are you seriously gonna wear your PJs to meet my parents?"

"HEY! These are NOT PJs. And about the meeting..."

"What's wrong? Something happened?"

"Ummm, yeah. My best-friend is admitted to the hospital. I have to go see her. I am sorry for ditching you."

"Don't be sorry, I understand. Let me come with you or at least drop you?"

"Sure. Maa, I'll have the sandwiches on the way."

I took the tiffin she gave me and walked out of the house with Armaan. His looked like a Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. Black, Stylish and Fast. But the car logo was something weird. [A/N: SHOWN ABOVE]. He opened the passenger's side door for me. #chivalry. I sat and started giving him directions. But I couldn't stop thinking about Zayna.

Oh God. Why would she do that? It could be anything. But if it wasn't that serious, Aunty would've told me.

Get a grip Jade! Jumping to conclusions will fuck you up, mentally. Take deep breaths. Keep your back straight. Look out of the windshield. Look at the trees passing. Armaan is also here.

", what car is this?"
"It's called Jupiter. It is specifically designed for wormhole travel. Our space research centre has hired a company for manufacturing such cars. While travelling through a wormhole you need to turning into a human smoothie. A wormhole has enough gravitational force to rip you apart at a molecular level. So, this car has been designed to overcome the force. It equalises the pressure from inside."

*awkward silence*

"So what's up with Zayna?" A great way to break the ice, huh?
"To be honest, I really don't know. I had six missed calls from her in the morning. I called back but she didn't pick up the call. So I called up her mom. Her mom's voice was like, you know, quivering. That's so not like her. At first she said that Zayna is sleeping, then she informed me that she is admitted to the hospital. I remember that she may have cried last night at The Ball. I am just so worried, I mean I'm such a bad friend. I couldn't even pickup her call. She must have-"

"Hey, whatever it is, it's not your fault. You were tired af, so you couldn't stay awake. We're here. Remember; it is NOT your fault."

"Uh, yeah. I'll try and not go ape shit on myself." I replied with a forced smile. You can't expect me to smile genuinely when my best friend is admitted.

I sort of power-walked towards the reception and asked for Zayna. Then I saw her mom sitting on the sofa in front of it. She was sobbing uncontrollably and Zayna's elder sister was comforting her. That was it. A tear rolled down my face. I do not know what is wrong with Zayna, but I now I do know that whatever it is, it is FUCKED UP. Holy Cow, what did she do?

"Aunty? What happened? Where is she?"
"She is in the ICU right now. She had lost a lot of blood. She...she had attempted..." and a fresh flood of tears trailed down her really red face.

Okay, WHAT?

This is not happening. This is so not happening. I mean I knew she was depressed a few weeks ago. She was having fights with her Other Half, Jeet. I didn't know it was this bad.

What have you done Zayna?


Author's Note:

I know this was a really short chapter like just 730 words.
I know I am taking my own sweet time in updating, but I really appreciate the readers who have the patience to deal with it.

Smriti <3

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