Chapter - 3: The Masquerade Ball

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Jadis' P.O.V.:

My girls came home around 1. We were literally talking about anything and everything. Iyla was wearing an emerald green gown with puffed up shoulders. She had really long and really light brown straight hair. Akira chose a peacock blue coloured gown with black lace. She had shoulder length jet black hair. Zayna preferred a gown in shades of brown which complemented her almost blonde wavy hair.

My mom came in to paint my face with the various colours from her box. She applied black eyeshadow as the base with red in the centre slowly fading out to the dark side. It was glittery. She applied a bit of blush to enhance my cheekbones. Then finally a blood red coloured glossy lipstick. It was beautiful. Not that I am gonna want this again. But I did look good. Next, I slipped on my evening gown which fitted me like a second skin. The lower part was full of layers of cloth to make it fluffy. I looked so damn hot in this. It hugged my torso and was free from just above my waist. I twirled around in front of the mirror and heard some stifled squeals. I looked behind. My mom was just standing there admiring her handiwork while my friends were clapping and squealing looking at me.

"Way to go girl, you finally look like a girl." Zayna remarked.

"Thanks?" I answered.

"But seriously though, you look pretty." complemented Akira.

"Thank you, babe." I replied with a smile.

"You do look like a vampire though. No offense." Iyla said between her giggles. "Yeah I kinda do."

My mom finally said, "You look amazing Jade. Any guy will be lucky to even catch your eye." Then she gave me forehead kiss and left to get ready.

My mom bought a Violet and black sleeveless gown for herself. She has an extremely fair skin so that really suits her. It frills and fluffs on its border, and black bow in centre of the chest area. It has a violet outer skirt ending above the knees with black inner skirt. The skirt is also fluffed up with layers of clothes. The men of the house are dressed in the traditional tailcoat and bows. It is 5:30 by the time everyone is dressed up.

Dad drives us to the banquet hall. It is decorated in shades of red and black with bits of violet. It is magnificent. It dimly lit with soft white lights. My mom had bought me a mask to match with my dress.

*the picture is there at the start*

Around 7:30 the hall starts looking crowded but my pendant was still as cold as the atmosphere around. I met so many people who were my grand-dad's friends, my dad's business partners, and my mom's friends. I had invited everyone I knew, regardless of whether I talked to them or not. Well, most often actually showed up in costume for which I am grateful.

I danced around with every person who had the courtesy and courage to ask me for a dance. There was no trouble of any sort. No drunken people messing up and starting fights. No party-poopers to fuck up the mood. Everything was going as planned. My grand-dad was looking at me every now and then hoping I had found The One, but all I could do was return him an apological smile. My pendant hadn't even heated up. Well that won't spoil my mood. I won't let it. The cake cutting ceremony was held around 8. After that, I stepped out on to the balcony for a while because it was getting humid inside.

Now, I noticed something weird. My pendant. It was heating up. NO KIDDING MY PENDANT IS HEATING UP. I pointed it random directions hoping to find my way to The Other Half. I kept following the trail. I crashed into so many people on my way. I crashed in to my mom also. Then she saw me holding my pendant, so she helped get the hell out of that Hall. It led me to the garden in front of the banquet hall. There were a couple of drunk people here and some others smoking. I was really hoping that my guy does not smoke because that is something I cannot bear. Now the pendant had started giving out a slight reddish glow. I was following the path while looking at the pendant when I crashed into a really tall and bulky guy. I looked up to say sorry. But I was speechless. He had matte black hair in the hot messed up style. He was wearing a black blazer and trousers with white t-shirt and maroon bow. His eyes were of a greyish blue shade. His face was sculpted by God himself. High cheekbones with a well-defined jawline. He was wearing a pair of red and black geek spectacles. I just muttered sorry somehow and start moving ahead. Then I realized something. My pendant was growing colder besides losing the glow. I retraced my steps and ended in front of a hooded figure sitting on a bench in the lawn.

I approached him, "Excuse me mister, but May I speak with you for a moment?" I politely asked as my parents have drilled these basic etiquettes in my head.

"Yeah?" he asked in his deep, manly voice and looked up.

And FML, it was the guy I had crashed into before.

"Holy shit. You are my The One."


"Look at your pendant, dude."

"Umm, okay."

He took out his pendant from a pocket inside his jacket. It was the other half of my heart. It was glowing with a reddish aura like mine.

He looked at me in the eye and I stared back. Both of us were rendered speechless. I didn't know what to do. Seriously. I wanted to hug him but I didn't know whether he was a hugs-and-cuddles type of person. I wanted to ask him a bazillion questions which clouded my mind. After a moment or so, he got out his hand, "Armaan, nice to meet you." He said taking my hand and kissing it. "Jadis, you may call me Jadis." I somehow got out. "You might be wondering where I am from and stuff like that?" he inquired.

"Yeah. Tell me about it. Where are you from?"

"Well, not from this world at least."

"Haha. Seriously, where are you from?"

"Babe, I am serious. I am not from your world."

What. The. Actual. Fuck.


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