Chapter 11: Getting Weapons

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I sat for the next twenty minutes trying to figure out what had just happened. Zane had come in looking crazed and tired. He forced my mind into the past. We saw me, not frozen, when I was around fourteen. I knew what Elementals were. People were beating me up because they knew I was one. Zane yelled at me, then stormed back out of my room.

What just happened?

I needed answers. No one was giving me any. All I kept getting was more questions. Personally, it was starting to piss me off. I gazed over at the door into my room. How did Zane get around with no doctors? I paced towards the exit. Trish can walk out whenever the hell she feels like it by lighting her wiring on fire. Zane most likely broke down his door with his super strength. I don't want to be confined anymore. I'll let my own damn self out. I began to stare at the steel. Let me out. A mechanic sound switched at the door flung open. That's more like it.

I stepped out of my room and peered down the pure white hallway. Now which way do I go? I turned to the left and walked quickly down the hallway. Weapons. I need weapons. I began hyper aware of my surroundings. Quiet, silent. I don't hear any footsteps...yet. Light buzzing of something electronic in the hallways. My eyes flickered up to a camera in the top left corner before the hallway changed directions. Damn. I bent down and took off my shoe. I slid my sock off and placed my shoe back on. I threw the sock up a couple times before it'd wrapped around the camera; blocking it's view. Good. The hallway turned down to the left with a sharp turn. A glass door was to the left. I looked inside. Lily. I caused the door to open.

Her head snapped up and her green eyes bugged out. "What are you doing here? Where are your doctors?"

"Lily get up. Come with me." She frowned but she didn't object. She grabbed a dark green jacket hanging off the side of her bed and put it on. She straggled after me down the hallway.

"Now where are the others?" I asked.

"I...I don't know. Bree, what are you doing?" I honestly don't know. But this new found freedom felt too good to stop. I need to find the others. After that, I have no idea what we'll do. First though I need to find us some weapons.

"When was the last time you saw your doctors?" I avoided her question. Lily bit her lip and frowned.

"Today. They told me they were going to test on me in two days. Testing my powers." I kept my pace the same as we rounded another corner.

"Don't let them test you Lily. Don't. Refuse to show your powers no matter what. They're looking for someone. A leader...or at least that's what Jacob thinks. Just don't give in." She nodded. So she's seen her doctor today and I haven't seen mine in a couple of days. What's up with that?

Lily had to run to keep up with me as I raced to the next door on the left. Who's in here? I opened the door by a simple look at it. Lily once again glanced at me in awe. A beautiful built male flowed out of the room with giant angel wings. Rider. He ran up to me and hugged me tight. Why the affection? I patted him lightly on the back. What is he doing?

Rider pulled away and smiled at me, "Are we escaping now?" Maybe. I honestly have no idea. I just shrugged in response.

"Weapons room," I told him, "Do you know where it is?"

"I do," Lily's small voice squeaked.

Rider and I followed down a few more hallways before she stopped at a garage style door. That's interesting. She paused and looked back at me. I stepped forward. I took a deep breath. We don't know what is on the other side. Question: is this all too easy? It certainly seems that way. I shrugged the question off and forced the door open.

Millions. Millions of weapons. Any a person could think of. There were shelves upon shelves of them. Guns, knives, swords, axes, bow and arrows, machetes, crossbows, and lasers. This is amazing. I let out a small laugh. This is like heaven for a warrior. Rider went over to the bow and arrows and slung them over his shoulder. Lily stood back and watched as Rider and I gawked. They should've known better than this. They should've hidden these better. Actually, they shouldn't have it here at all. We're magical-like beings obviously. They had to have known we'd find a way to get to these. I grabbed two knives and placed them into my belt. I brushed my index finger across the tip. It'd punctured the skin and blood dripped down. Sharp. That's good. All these weapons are sharpened. A hand clasped my shoulder. I felt my body heat up to Rider's touch. I turned around. Oh God. That's not Rider. A doctor gripped my arm tightly. No. I looked behind him to see Rider and Lily pinned to the floor by at least ten doctors. No! No. I tried to shake free of the the Doctor's grasp.

"Let them go!" I screamed. "It's my fault. Punish me, not them." Question: why am I defending them? Answer: It's not their fault I got all rebellious all the sudden and didn't notice doctors walk in.

"Bree shut up. It was our choice," Rider snapped.

A doctor sent a punch to his face. Who does this doctor think he is? He can't just do that. With my free arm I grabbed the knife from my belt. I sliced at the doctor holding me. His hand flew off and blood spewed from his exposed bone and skin. He began yelling. God. I can't believe I did that. Another two pairs of arms grabbed at me and I kicked and screamed. No. They can't take me. They can't. Something punctured my neck. Question: what was that? Answer: they injected me with something. What? My legs felt loose. No. I fell onto the cold cemented floor and glared through blurred vision at Rider and Lily. They struggled against their own doctors. My arms became heavy and numb and my heartbeat slowed. My tongue swelled up in my mouth.

"Run," I barely mumbled to them. "Run."

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