Chapter nine - So this is how it's all going to end...

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Finally the weekend had came. It was a much needed weekend, I needed rest and I just needed a break from everything in general.

I knew that Allison and Isaac would be round today, they've started coming round unannounced, they usually come round more than once a day too. I reckon that they could sense that I had emotional problems, that i wasn't all there. But obviously they wouldn't say anything about it incase their wrong about it (which they aren't) so instead they just check up on me to make sure i'm okay and that i'm not doing anything stupid.

Currently, I was doing nothing. I could do with their company right now.

I had heard from my parents, they were making their way home today. I was unsure on how I felt about that. I guess they weren't too bad, it was just sometimes, the things they done, the things they said, their attitude towards me. I was sure that they had the same thoughts and opinion of me that everyone else has about me, they really didn't seem to care most of the time. I'd literally be sat there, feeling so god damn depressed, wanting to die, feeling like my life couldn't get better. I was metaphorically screaming for help and they didn't even acknowledge it, in fact i didn't think they were even aware of my emotional issues.

I heard a car pull up outside, It saw Allison's car that had pulled up, Isaac was with her too, Isaac always comes.

They were here again, good job I didn't decide to do anything drastic in the past hours. I watched them as they got out of their car, socialising, chatting... I had always wanted a sibling, just to experience what it was like. But i was an only child and i'm pretty sure that my parents won't be having anymore kids.

I heard the knock on the door, it was them. I sighed before faking on a smile and putting on a front which would mean pretending that everything was okay. I opened the front door, I looked awful... My hair was up in a messy bun, and i just looked rough in general. I hadn't really bothered with myself if I'm completely honest. Isaac was stood there, he was wearing a checkered shirt and some jeans. He looked quite smart actually, it wasn't his usual bad boy style. Allison was just wearing a flowery dress, she looked nice... She always looked nice, she had always presented herself in such a nice way.

"Hey Lydia." Allison smiled at me, before looking about in my house. Yeah it was mess, tidying was one of my weaknesses, I hated tidying... I just found it unnecessary. When my house is a mess, I tend to know where everything is and when it's clean I can never find anything because i've put it away. How ironic? That just shows that tidying is a complete waste of time. And if i'm honest I have more significant things to be doing with my time, like being depressed and drowning my sorrows.

"Hey smith." Isaac smirked. I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Hey guys thanks for coming round... What do you want to do?" I asked them.

"Horror film." Isaac instantly replied.

"No, no. I hate those films Isaac, i always have... You know that, and that's why you want to watch a horror. Lydia! Can we please not watch a horror!?" Allison whined, she had made such a big deal out of it, I didn't realise she was such a drama queen.

"Fine, fine... We won't watch a horror film. Instead we can all talk amongst ourselves." I shrugged, it was a boring option, a really boring option. But it was better than nothing and we would all be keeping each other company.

For the next fifteen minutes, we made small talk with one another. Their were loads of awkward moments, the conversation tended to be weak. But i hoped that Isaac and Allison would leave soon. Don't get me wrong, they're my friends and i'm really grateful for their friendships. But I needed to be alone, I needed to be myself...

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