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A/N: OK people just coming to read this story or reading again, I just want to say that I was about 12 when I started writing this story so let's just say this story sucks. I want to take it down but there are a very remote few that actually like this story. (I don't know why.) So this story is going to go through some very heavy editing where I am going to change some parts in the story and actually try make it decent. 

Jade POV

I'm Jade. I'm 15 years old and currently living in a hell hole called an adoption agency. I was put here a while ago due to some complication in my family life resulting in death. Yeah yeah I know, this is the cliche beginning to a sob story from a child looking for attention. But trust me when I say that this 'sob story' has a huge twist. Let's just get on with it.

I was 11 when I got enrolled into Sunny Rainbows Adoption Center. Even the name makes me want to vomit. It sounds like such a nice place full of happy kids who get adopted into happy homes and live happy lives. But alas, nothing is like that. I have been adopted 3 times and two of those resulted in a traumatic childhood filled with rape and drugs. 

I wish there was something happy to add to this already depressing autobiography but I am sorry to tell you that nothing happy happens, at least not for another 10 seconds.Where are my manners. You don't even know what I look like. Silly me. I have honey brown hair that sits dull and flat on my head and pools of melted chocolate for eyes. 

Want to know a fun fact. My eyes change shades of brown depending on my mode. You know happy, sad, furious, horny, those kinds of things. They say the eyes are the window to the soul and if that's true, then my window is broken with the years of hurt and betrayal. My body is average I guess, nothing special there expect my huge ass but like, that's another story.

Anyway, I was riding my board around the beat up skate park near the adoption center, trying to find a light in my life when Evie, the owner of the center, came up to me with an ecstatic look on her face. She's one of the only people I can fathom at this place. 

"Jade, Jade I have some exciting news! Those boys over there would like to talk to you."

I looked over at where she was talking about and saw two guys, around 20, looking over at me with a sense of fascination in their eyes. They both had brown hair and both were skinny. Sighing, I walked over there to meet them where I had an interview which consisted of: 

What's your name?

How old are you?

What are your grades in school? 

What are you habits?


They kept talking to me before letting me go back to what I was doing. They called Evie back and they all went inside, closing the metal, creaky door on their way. I was a little scared as to why they wanted to talk. I can pretty much say, with 99.8% confidence, that they wanted to adopt me. To say I was terrified would be the understatement of the season. 

The Pawn of Fate (Previously known as 'Adopted by Cash') Under HEAVY EditingWhere stories live. Discover now