Will Stay Forever Even If All Is Lost

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All I remember is a pain in my chest and people screaming for them to get the stretcher. I tried to get up but there was this invisible force holding me down. It was also holding down my eyelids which I couldn't open which left me in the darkness and unknown. My chest burned like claws scratched it and it was difficult to breathe. My whole body aches and I felt a sickly substance all over me. I kept trying to get up but I couldn't. I then remember seeing bright, blinding white lights which made me get scared cuz I didn't know what was happening.

My heart stopped beating twice in a long period of time but started pumping back up again soon after. It was weird cuz I felt like I was alive but I couldn't get up. There were wires hooked up to me and I was put in a huge room. I heard Taylor's voice talking to me which calmed me down. I wanted to get up and hug him so bad. Dad was holding my other hand and I wanted to squeeze it so bad. Suddenly, I felt fire in my veins and I started screaming from the pain on the inside. I heard the heart monitor go flat and Taylor screaming. I tried to get up but couldn't. Suddenly everything was just a sea of red, fire, and pain.


They got Jade's heart started again but are going to have to keep her in for a while. Cameron drove me home since I was too devastated to drive. My eyes were red and puffy and my cheeks were tear stained. When we got home, I flopped on the bed but didn't sleep but instead cried. Why did this have to happen to her and not me!? As I finally drifted off to sleep, my nightmares started up and without Jade here, they wouldn't go away and they came back stronger than ever...

4 am in the morning...

My phone started ringing and thankfully woke me out of my nightmare. It was the hospital. They want me and Cameron down there now. I agreed and woke up Cameron eager to hear the news. When we got there, we weren't allowed to see Jade so they took us in the back room to talk.
Me: how is she?
Doctor: well, her lung is collapsing and won't stay stable.
Cameron: what do you mean?
Me: is she going to be OK?
Doctor: *shakes head* unfortunately no. We will have to cut off her life support as she is too much for us to handle.
Me: NO! You can't do that! She's my life.
Cameron: *voice cracks* is there any other option?
Doctor: I'm sorry but no. The support is being cut off as we speak.
That's when I heard the faint sound of the flat line for the heart monitor. I ran to Jade's room. There she was peacefully lying only without a beating heart or any life within her. "I'll leave you to say goodbye," the doctor says. He then leaves me and Cameron with Jade. I kissed her cheek and all around her face. "Oh my baby girl." I started crying softly and a tear rolled down my cheek onto her hand. Cameron was shaking so he had to leave. "Don't with baby. I'll always love you. Remember... Forever." I then kissed her hand. That day I lost the love of my life. Little did I know, she would be born again...

Don't worry the story's not done yet. It's gonna get really good and interesting in the next chapter. All I'll say is Taylor married someone but then Jade is reborn again. All I'm saying. Don't worry it's getting good.

The Pawn of Fate (Previously known as 'Adopted by Cash') Under HEAVY EditingWhere stories live. Discover now