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I woke up disoriented, looking around my room in confusion not knowing where I was. Then suddenly it all came rushing towards me in a wave of events. The adoption, the guys, the nightmare. Oh shit, I haven't had one in three months so the fact that I had another really shook me. Maybe I just have to get accustomed to this new life with these new guys since I still haven't fully grasped it. 

I walked downstairs, well more like stumbled, to where the smell of crispy bacon and pancakes were coming from. There in the kitchen I see Cameron bent over the stove, flipping the pancakes and turning the bacon. He must of heard me come in since he turned around mid flip. 

"Good morning, Cam. Where's Nash?"

"He went to the gym. Now I want to know what all that screaming was last night. That must have been a pretty bad nightmare."

I froze when I heard him say that. I was kind of hoping he would have forgotten about the whole ordeal but I guess not.

"Um...I'm still not comfortable sharing the whole story at the moment. Could you give me a bit more time to get situated?"

He nodded in understanding before giving me a tight hug. "You take all the time you need, princess." He kissed my forehead. "Oh by the way, my pals are coming over today, just saying."

I separated from the hug. "OK I'm gonna just get ready. Oh and Cameron? You might want to flip the burned pancakes."

"Aw fuck!" he practically screamed. I just giggled slightly before climbing the stairs.

Quickly getting ready, I heard the doorbell ring, signaling the guys were here. Well the screams sort of tipped me off too. I really wanted to meet Cameron and Nash's friends so I quickly threw on a shirt, slipped on my vans and walked out to greet the guys. They were all pretty friendly but there were way to many to remember all their names. I kept talking to them until I met eyes with the one guy of the whole group whose name I could never forget, Taylor.

The sun was setting along the horizon of the beach, looking as beautiful as ever. My hand was intertwined with his, our feet walking in sync, his scent surrounding me, letting me sink into happiness. It was at this moment I told him the horrible news. I was moving back into the foster care system, leaving him for good.

I didn't know what to say. I was heartbroken when I found out but I knew he would feel worse. He would go back into his depression. But there was nothing I could do about it. 

I took my hand out of his and stepped back, immediately missing his warmth. "Taylor, we can't do this anymore."

He looked confused, like a little child with his eyebrows furrowed which just made my decision harder. But I had to stay strong.

"We have to break up. I'm just not feeling this relationship anymore and frankly I'm tired of it!" Each word was like a stab to my heart and by the look at Taylor's face, he felt it too.

"What? No, what did I do? Whatever it is, I'll fix it. I need you Jade and I'll do anything to have you. Just please don't leave me. I wouldn't be able to bear it."

I took a deep breath, controlling my tears. "No Taylor. Nothing can fix this! It was broken before it started. There is nothing you can do and I don't want you to do anything. Just leave me alone and get out of my life."

At that, I turned on my heel, leaving a broken, crying Taylor on the beach with the no longer beautiful sunset. The sunset was tainted now with the bad memory of what just happened. He called out to me and I could hear the emotion in his voice. But I just kept going like the monster I am. The sky turned grey, almost as if reflecting my mood. By the time I got in the car and was on the road, it started to pour like crazy while I looked out the window, the haunting image of Taylor's face replaying in my mind with no stop. 

The Pawn of Fate (Previously known as 'Adopted by Cash') Under HEAVY EditingWhere stories live. Discover now