This Ain't Easy

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I told Jade the minimum cuz I didn't want to scare her. I was still a little scared wondering how she is alive! I bet I looked like a pervert and am idiot for picking up a random girl in a McDonald's parking lot. She got in the car hesitantly after I told her the basics. I called my boss and told him I wouldn't be in. He says it's fine so I drove Jade around town for a while talking.

Me: so you don't remember a thing?
Jade: no nada everything is confusing
Me: well basically, you died but somehow came back to life.
Jade: how did I supposedly die?
Me: really bad car crash. You died two days after.
Jade: I remember something like that.
Me: really? What do you remember?
Jade: not much but I remember someone saying I love you and I remember saying it back but then I got cut off by a big bang. Does that help anything?
Me: *voice cracks* yeah I remember that to.
Jade: so... if Sam's not my boyfriend anymore who is?
Me: I was your lover. We were gonna get married and have a family but you died so that never happened.
Jade: oh... Well am I still your lover?
Me: *grips wheel hard almost cried* no I married and found a new lover. I'm sorry.
Ashlynn: it's fine I didn't really know you.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I gripped the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turned white. I choked back tears that were threatening to over spill from my eyes.Jade must have noticed since she put her hands over my knuckles. I relaxed a bit but not a lot. I decided that driving around want helping so I just decided to take her home. I pulled up into my driveway about 7 minutes later.

Matt came running out to greet me. "Hey buddy!" I hugged him and ruffled his hair. Jade smiled at him. Matt was shy was went up to Jade and started talking to her. Then Anastasia came out of the house. She smiled warmly and kissed my cheek. "Babe why are you home?" "Well I ran into an old friend and she's lost all her memory and didn't remember anything so I'm taking care of her." Anastasia looked towards Jade with disgust. "Why?" I sighed and just walked away.

I dragged Jade over to Anastasia with Matt trailing closely behind. Matt grabbed Jade's hand but Anastasia ripped it away. I looked at her shocked and Jade didn't know what to do. I cleared my throat. "Anastasia this is Jade. Jade this is Anastasia my wife." Jade smiled kindly. "Hello Mrs. Caniff! It's so nice to meet you!" Jade extended her hand for a handshake but Anastasia turned it down. "The guest bedroom is upstairs." She then grabbed Matt and stomped inside. Jade stood there awkwardly unsure if what to do. I realized that this wasn't gonna be easy.

The Pawn of Fate (Previously known as 'Adopted by Cash') Under HEAVY EditingWhere stories live. Discover now