Part 15

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Joel’s POV :

 After we had lunch, Ryan arrived too. “Are we gonna tell them now?” Hannah whispered in my ear “Yeah maybe”. Hannah looked at Andy, he immediately knew what she meant with that “Erm... Ryan, Adam, there is something I need to tell you” I said “What?” “Erm... I’m not longer single” I smiled “What? Really? Who?” Ryan asked “Do you really have to ask that? Hannah of course” Adam said

 “How do you know that already Adam?” I asked “Well, first of all, the way you two look at each other. Secondly, you wanted to call her ‘babe’. Yeah, I’ve heard it, you know” Adam winked “Well yeah, it’s true. Joel and I are dating” Hannah smiled “Finally” Adam smiled “You two are cute together, that is true. I’m happy for you two” Ryan smiled

 “And what about you Andy?” Adam asked “I already knew it ... since this morning” “So we know it now, what about the fans Joel?” Ryan asked “I’ve been thinking about that too. What if I tweet it? With a twitlonger or something? Then I can explain everything” “Yeah, that’s a good idea Joel” Adam said “You guys need to help me with that”

 “Joel, what about a video?” Andy asked “Yeah actually. That’s even a better idea” “I know, I know, I’m a genius” Andy smiled “Yeah sure” Hannah laughed and rolled with her eyes “Don’t laugh with me. It’s the truth” “Sure Andy” “What do I need to say?” I asked “The truth, idiot” “Yeah but... how? I can’t do this alone. Will you guys be in the video too, please?” “Seriously?” Andy asked “Please Andy” “Ok, we will help you”. Hannah decided to film it. “Ok. Are you ready?” Hannah asked “Yes, we are” “Ok, and it’s recording... NOW” “Hi, guys, we are Lawson” we all said together “So basically, erm..., there is something we need to tell you guys. Actually Joel needs to tell something. Some big news” Andy winked

 “Yeah, indeed. Well erm... I actually don’t really know how to tell it but erm... I’m just gonna tell it anyway. I just really hope I won’t get too much hate or bad reactions but ... I’m not longer single actually. I have a girlfriend now, since a few days. You all know her, I think. I’m dating Hannah” “My best friend” Andy interrupted me “Indeed Andy. I hope you guys are ok with it. Please. I wanted to tell you first, before the magazines would started gossiping or something. Please, don’t hate on me or Hannah. I still love you all and I always will. Never forget that. It’s not because I’m taken that I’m gonna ignore my fans. I love you all” I said

 “Also, we have something else to say. Lawson is going to.... LOS ANGELES” Ryan shouted “Yesss we are. We are going to LA for a week for writing sessions. Sooo UK fans, we are away for one week. Only one week, after that we are back” Andy smiled “Now you know everything” Adam smiled “See ya next times guys! Love you all! Byeeeee!” We all said and Hannah stopped the recording.

 “Right, now, uploading on YouTube and posting the link on twitter and facebook?” Hannah asked “Yes. God, I’m nervous actually. Is that normal?” I asked “Yes babe”. Hannah gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. Andy uploaded it on YouTube and put the link on our official Lawson account. It didn’t take very long before it got retweets. There were a lot of people who tweeted us back.

 Surprisingly, all the fans reacted really sweet and I didn’t get one negative tweet. I mean, I haven’t seen one. Everyone was happy for me. “I’m gonna call the management now and tell it. Ok?” I asked “Yeah sure babe” Hannah smiled. I walked to my room and called the management. Everyone was happy. I’m so lucky. I didn’t expect that. “Everyone know it now. The management, the fans,... SHIT, MY PARENTS. I... I... I haven’t told them yet” I panicked “Call them babe” Hannah said “Yeah...”

 My parents reacted really good about it. I told them that we would come over to Nottingham as soon as we are back from LA. “OH MY GOD” Andy suddenly screamed “What is wrong with you Andy?” Ryan asked “HANNAH, IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY IN TWO DAYS. Oh my God, I almost forgot that” “What a surprise” she winked “You’re turning 21. Shit mate, you’re getting old...” “Well thank you Andy” she said sarcastic “No no I mean, I’ve known you now since you were only 10 years old. And now, 21...” “Yeah indeed” she smiled. For a moment, I was kinda speechless. I actually didn’t know that it was her birthday the day after tomorrow... I don’t even have a present yet...

 “Ads?” “Yeah?” “Can I talk to you for a sec?” I asked him “Erm... yeah... I guess”. He followed me to the bedroom “You need to help me. I don’t have a present for Hannah... yet. You really need to help me. Please...” “You didn’t know it, right, that it was her birthday?” He asked “No... God... now I feel like an awful boyfriend...Did you know it?” I asked “No... she never told us when it was her birthday. I only knew that it was in August” “What the hell do I need to buy her?” “Erm... I don’t know...”

 “Please Adam, help me...” “And... and what if you would buy her a ticket... to Los Angeles maybe?” Adam winked “ADAM, YOU ARE A GENIUS” I exclaimed. I was so happy that I hugged him “Then she can come with us. And wait, you have to do something romantic too... erm...” “Flowers?” I asked “Something a little bit more creative please Joel?”

 “A ring?” I asked “Yeah.. but then people will think bad things.. that you’re already engaged or something” “God, that’s hopeless...” “A necklace maybe?” “Yeah... maybe” “You know, we will go to the jewelry store. I will come with you. Deal?” Adam asked “Yes, good idea. Thank you Adam!” “You’re welcome Joel”

 We went downstairs again. “Where have you two been?” “I had to ask something to Adam” “We actually came here hoping to write a song... it already 5pm... I don’t think we will write a song anymore” Ryan said “No... I don’t think so” Andy said “Is it ok if I go home then? I wanna take a shower and I’m actually really tired” “It’s only 5pm Ryan?” “I know but I haven’t slept well last night” He explained

 “Well erm... yeah, see ya tomorrow Ryan” “See ya guys. I’ll be at Andy’s at 3pm” Ryan said and left. “I’m going home too” Adam said “When will we go to the.. you know?” “10am?” “Good for me” “See ya tomorrow” “Wait Adam, I’m coming with you” Andy said “You don’t have to go Andy” “No no it’s fine. I’m gonna leave you two alone” Andy winked “See ya Andy” Hannah smiled

 Hannah and I both jumped on the couch, Hannah with her head on my lap. “What time is it now?” “Erm.. 5.15pm. Why?” “I wanna show you something” “What?” “Let me surprise you babe” I winked. “Do I need to take something with me?” “Nope” I smiled. I grabbed the keys of the car, locked the front door after me and jumped in the car. “Can’t you give me a hint or something?” “Hannah… be patient” I winked “I don’t have patience…”

 It was like 20 minutes driving. “Hyde park?” Hannah asked “Yeah.. but just follow me”. I grabbed her hand so she had to follow me. I took her to a really nice spot on the south side of the park. We sat down on a bank and now, we had an amazing view all over the serpentine, the lake. “It’s amazing here” Hannah smiled

 “Yeah, I used to come here a lot. Most of the times with my friends. Before I was in Lawson. Now, with all the gigs, it’s been a long time since I was here for the last time. I know this place because of my parents actually. They love it here. Every time when they come to London, the come here. I don’t know why but it has a special meaning for me. Have you already been here before?” I asked “Yeah, I’ve been here with Andy a few times. I love the fountain, the Diana fountain” “Yeah, it’s very beautiful. You wanna go there?” I asked “Yeah, if you want to” Hannah smiled

Love is taking over me - Joel Peat StoryWhere stories live. Discover now