Part 17

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Joel’s POV :

I woke up in the morning and I saw that it was already 9.30. “SHIT” I screamed. A little bit too loud because I woke Hannah up. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing, nothing babe. Go back to sleep. I overslept. Adam is gonna pick me up in half an hour” “Where are you two going?” “I don’t know. Adam asked me. Go back to sleep babe. You don’t have to get up for me” I smiled and kissed her on her forehead. Then, she turned around and fell asleep again.

 I quickly jumped in the shower, took on my clothes after it, grabbed something to eat. Just when I was ready, I heard a car. I walked outside “Morning mate” “Morning Ads” “Oooh… someone has to go to bed earlier tonight. You look like a zombie Joel” “Thank you for the compliment Adam” I said sarcastic. We both got in Adam’s car. “I’m sorry… Or… Or it’s Hannah’s fault. Maybe you two were..” “No Adam!” I interrupted him “You never know” “Adam… Hannah and I wanna wait with that”

 “Really?” “Yes, after what happened with… you know who I mean. I don’t wanna make the same mistake again…” “Joel, Hannah is nothing like Alexis, you know that” “Adam… I don’t wanna talk about her, please?” “Ok, got it. Erm… let’s go to the store, ok?” “Good idea”. We went to the shopping center and luckily for us, Adam could park the car immediately. “Ok, found the jewelry store” “God… this is so difficult, you know” “Joel, even I know that Hannah loves wearing necklaces and earrings” “You don’t have to tell me that Adam, she has a whole collection of them. The thing is, a necklace or earrings? Or both?”

 “Good morning gentlemen, can I help you?” the lady of the shop asked “Yeah erm.. we are looking for something, for his girlfriend’s birthday” Adam explained “Ok, well, what about this necklace. It’s new in our collection”. She took a silver necklace in the shape of a little heart, the word “LOVE” was written in it. “It’s amazing…” “The price is 80 pounds. I also have the earrings who match with it” she said and took them “I take them. The necklace and the earrings. They are so beautiful”

 “Ok Sir, so I guess it’s for a present?” she asked, smiling “Yeah” “Together, that makes 130 pounds Sir”. I paid and after it, we left. “I need a present for her too. She’s a friend of me too” “A hint maybe, she really wants the DVD of ‘Magic Mike’” I winked at Adam. Adam decided to buy it. “She will love your present, I think” “I hope so” Adam laughed “Wait, before we go home, I wanna go to the Jack Wills” I laughed “Seriously Joel?” “Yeah” I laughed and walked to the entrance of the shop.

 Adam and I spent the whole time in the shopping center. I texted Hannah that I would go to Andy’s immediately so she didn’t had to worry. “Joel, it’s already 2.30pm. We have to be at Andy’s in half an hour. We should go now” “Yeah, you’re right Ads”. Adam and I left and went to Andy’s. “Wow, Ryan is already here. What a surprise” Adam said sarcastic “Yeah.. Normally, he’s always late”

 “You are too late boys” Andy said when he opened the door “Only 5 minutes Andy” “Still… You’re too late” Andy laughed “Right, now we are all here” “Let’s start, I guess…” Andy sighed “A little bit more enthusiastic Andy” “Sorry… I just… I don’t have any inspiration for the moment” “Maybe I know something” I said “What?”

 “Well… it’s a song I’ve written. It’s about… a girl” “Are you being serious Joel?” “Yeah, here, read it” I said and gave the piece of paper to Ryan. Andy and Adam leant over Ryan’s shoulder so they could read it too. “It’s actually really good, you know that?” “Thanks boys” “Hey Joel, did you actually bought the first thing I told you?” Adam asked “Yes, it will arrive tomorrow, hopefully” “What… what are you talking about?” “Nothing Andy, you are way too curious”. The rest of the afternoon and evening we continued writing. Around 11, I went back home. Hannah was already asleep, I crawled next to her in the bed and fell asleep too.

 I woke up around 8 in the morning. Hannah was still asleep. I’m not gonna wake her up, it’s her birthday today. I got up, hoping not to wake her up, which succeed. I immediately went to the mailbox and found what I wanted to find, the ticket to LA. I really wanted to surprise Hannah today so I decided to make breakfast. I first went to the baker, just around the corner. Then I made the table ready, even with some rose leaves.

 Suddenly I heard someone asking my name. Hannah woke up. I hided myself around the corner “Joel?... Oh my God…” I heard her saying. I guess she saw the table. I sneaked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her “Happy birthday babe” I whispered in her ear “Joel.. I don’t know what to say anymore..” “You don’t have to say anything. Just enjoy” I smiled and pushed my lips on hers.

 We were just ready with breakfast when I got a message. It was from Andy ‘Come to my place @11.30am for Hannah’s B-day. Don’t tell her. It’s a surprise. Ads and Ryan will be here 2. Andy x’ . I answered him ‘We’ll be there ;)’ “I’m gonna take a shower but maybe I’ll help you first with the dishes Joel” “No no babe. I’ll do it. You can go” I smiled “Yeah.. but.. erm.. maybe we can take a shower together? I mean, only if you want to” “Erm... yeah sure” I smiled. Hannah grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs hand in hand.

 “Joel... I don’t know what to wear...” Hannah sighed. She was now only wearing her bra and underwear. “Babe, you look hot in anything” “Joel... help me. I wanna look amazing, especially today” “Babe...” “Yeah yeah, I know what you’re gonna say but still.. help me” Hannah laughed. “Let me first take on my jeans babe” “Owkay” Hannah smiled. When I had my jeans on, I went to our bedroom “Right... erm... This one”. I took her cute summer dress. It looked like it was just a top and a skirt but it is a dress.

She immediately took it on “How do I look?” “Amazing babe” I smiled and kissed her “No my turn. Which shirt? The light blue one or the brown one?” “The blue one” “Ok babe” I smiled and took it on. Hannah took on her earrings, necklace, bracelet and ring. “You look so hot, you know that?” “Stop it Joel” “It’s the truth” I smiled and kissed her. It was already 11.15. Shit, we really should go now. “Babe, take on your shoes. We have to go to Andy’s” “Why?” “No idea babe” I said. Hannah took on her black heels, I took on my shoes. My presents are already at Andy’s. I quickly texted Andy ‘We are leaving now. Ok?’ . I immediately got an answer ‘Ok, everything is ready ;)’

Love is taking over me - Joel Peat StoryWhere stories live. Discover now