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7 months pregnant

I was now 28 weeks pregnant and Luke had rang me at work, telling me he would be back from America tomorrow and he had some kind of 'surprise'. It was ten to 11 at night and my manager had called for last orders. There was one man who had come in around 7,propping himself up against the bar drinking shot after shot. Now,his eyes were bloodshot and his entire body was swaying. I sighed and walked round the side of the bar. "Um,excuse me? Did you hear,it's last round. Are you gonna be able to get home okay?" He nodded and his eyes wandered to my pregnant belly. "Do you know what you're having?" He murmured. I sat down on the stool next to him. "A boy." I grinned excitedly, just saying those words made me the happiest person alive. "Bet his dads pleased..." I laughed and he looked at me strangely. "His dad kicked me out when he found out,he couldn't give a shit about me. So no,he wasn't pleased." I laughed awkwardly. His eyes widened. "Oh I'm really sorry-" "It's fine I'm over it. I have my little boy." I interrupted,rubbing a hand over my big belly. "He will regret it,believe me. He will.." He sighed and stood up from the stool,stumbling slightly. "Do you want me to call you a cab?" His sudden change in mood scared me and I felt obligated to get him home. "No,no,no it's fine. I can walk." He began to stumble to the doors and I walked after him,catching his arm to steady him. "Please,I insist,I wouldn't sleep knowing I'd left you." I pleaded. He rubbed his eyes sighing,but then nodded. I smiled and took out my phone. "My names Ava by the way." "Good to meet you Ava, I'm John." He smiled.

20 minutes later we were in a cab,travelling through the deserted streets of a little town a few miles away from the bar. "So Ava, when are you due?" John asked. "2 months,8th April." I grinned. "It's really brave of you to do it a-alone. Not many people could do it.." He murmured. Soon,we were entering on to a posh housing estate in the suburbs. The houses were huge,some even had electric gates surrounding them. Who was this guy? The cab stopped outside one of these houses. "That will be $8 please love." The cabbie told me. I reached for my purse and handed him the money. "Could you take me home,I was just dropping him off? I will pay obviously..." I looked in to my purse and saw it was empty. "You can stay here." John told me. "No,it's fine. I will see if I can get someone to pick me up." I thanked the cab driver and helped John out of the cab. His fingers hovered over the keypad to unlock the gate then typed in a code. "Please,at least come in and wait." I considered it for a moment then nodded. I really hope I wasn't going to regret this. He stumbled to his front door,his key missing the hole every time. I took the keys and unlocked the door,revealing his home. It was lit with bright lights in a big chandelier and the floor was glistening. He led me to his living room and we sat down on big white sofas. I rang Ben and asked him if he could pick me up,I felt bad for waking him but I sure as hell wasn't staying at a strangers house,no matter how nice it or he is. He agreed and John told me the address.

"H-how old are you?" John asked after a moment of silence. "17..." I mumbled. "Please,please don't judge me,I never meant for this to happen. We'd been dating for 2 years. I'm not a slut or anything." I got up from the sofa and grabbed my stuff. Stepping out of the room and going into the hallway.

"Ava." I felt a presence step beside me and it was John. "I was never going to judge you. Mistakes happen all the time, it's a part of life. But what I said earlier still stands. What you are doing is very brave and very difficult. Most girls your age wouldn't have kept the baby,I'm not saying getting pregnant at 17 was a good idea, but facing the consequences takes a lot of guts." He told me and I smiled at him. "Thank you,that means a lot. I'm ready for anything life throws at me, but if it means I give my boy the best life I can,I'll do anything." John turned his head and looked at me with wonder in his eyes. "Anything?" He asks. "Anything." Part of me was worried I was about to be asked to perform some sort of strip dance for money or something, but when I looked at him he didn't seem the type. "Well then I would like to offer you a job at my company, as my assistant. Angela who's my current assistant retires in a month and I was about to begin advertising for the job, but I couldn't ask for a nicer girl than you...Obviously I'll want to look at your CV & check your records, but from what I've seen you seem like a suitable employee. So,what do you think?" My head was spinning. A new job? As an assistant? This guy,who was drinking in some shitty run-down pub has his own company? Has his own assistant? Too many questions were spilling over in my head. "But,I'm due in 2 months,I won't be able to work until after I give birth and I want to spend as much time with my son when he is born as I can." I sighed. John laughed quietly. "Ah the devoted mother. I guess I'll could see if I could get a temporary cover for a while, until you want to begin working. Also,you are not the only mother who wants to spend time with their child. We have a CRESH in the building and I might even be able to stretch to allowing you to having a cot in your office, so your little boy will never leave your sight. So what do you say? I know it's quite a lot of information to take in." My mouth hung slightly open,as I tried to process all the information. The only words I could muster up were  "Yes! Yes thank you so much!" I grinned. John grinned back at me. "My pleasure,here's my business card." He pulled out a card from the inside pocket of his suit. "And ring the company landline and tell whoever answers who you are and we can discuss all the details properly." "Okay,yes that sounds fantastic, thank you I will try my best at everything you ask of me, I promise I won't let you down." I told him sincerely. Suddenly, beaming car lights moved slowly through the gates and up the drive towards us. John opened the mahogany door and we both stepped out into the cool night air. "Ava, are you ready?" Ben called me,his head popping through the window. "Yeah I'm coming now." I turned back to John. "Thank you,honestly I cannot tell you how grateful I am." He smiled and gave me a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. "I can tell don't worry. Call by 4pm tomorrow." He told me sternly,changing dramatically to a businessman type person. "Yes,of course I will. See you." I toddled over to Ben's car and climbed inside. We drove off and I was soon telling him all about the nights occurrences.


When I woke up the next morning I jumped out of bed (well as much as any heavily pregnant women can jump) and grabbed my phone and bag,pulling out the business card John gave me the night before. Nervously, I dialled the number and waited through the prolonged rings until it was answered. "Good afternoon, Globalise Hotel Company, you are speaking to Julie." A women answered sullenly. "Hi this is Ava Williamson, could I please speak to John?" I realised how idiotic I sounded only giving her a first name and I could practically feel her smirking through the phone. "Well, do you have a second name for this John?" She asked. "No, however he told me to tell whoever answers who I am and it is in relation to the new assistant job."

"Hmm,well we do not tend to forward calls from women who don't even know second names. Also, that job isn't even being advertised for as of yet. I'm sorry, I do not think I can be of assistance today-" she suddenly stopped speaking and I could hear a murmured argument before a different woman took the phone and spoke. "Hello Ava, this is Angela, I've been waiting for your call and the first time I step away from my phone you call ha ha! Anyway, how are you sweetie?" We chatted away for a good 30 minutes and it was probably one of the best conversations I'd had in months. "Anyways, would it be possible for you to come in some time next week? I work from 9 till 5 Monday to Wednesday, then 10 till 6 Thursday and Friday, so whenever you can come in between those times will be fine." I scrolled through my diary and upcoming events,I had lessons all day Monday, until 12 on Tuesday,all day Wednesday and the only other time I was busy was for an ultrasound on Thursday. "How does Tuesday 2pm sound?" I asked her. "Hmm,let's see...yes that's perfect. Do you know where our building is?" I had no idea, so she explained its location and I wrote it all down. "Thanks Angela, you've been a massive help." I told her. "Aw,don't worry about it sweetie, I will look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Bye Ava." "Okay, same for you, have a nice day, goodbye!" I hung up and plonked down on the sofa. Things all seemed to be fitting in to place and I hadn't been happier in months. I turned on the TV whilst rubbing my belly, I was going to work hard to make sure my son had everything he needed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Sorry for not updating,been really busy with school and this chapter needed a lot of tweaking. This is definitely the worst chapter so far,but they will be getting better and things will be heating up soon!

Love you guys

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now