Waters breaking

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Ashton's POV

I didn't know what to say to Ava. Part of me wanted to believe her, but I just can't. I've spent months thinking she's a cheat and a liar, so now I just can't unthink that. As I watch her sit tiredly next to Luke's bed I can't help but think how gorgeous she still looks. Despite the eye bags and comfortable clothes, she just looks flawless. Her swollen belly looked painful for her and I wondered why she had barely been home.

"Do you not think you should go home, maybe you should get some rest." I tell her, but she doesn't answer me for a while. Then, she speaks.

"I can't leave him. I know he's doing better, but I don't know what I would do at home. The baby is keeping me up pretty constantly now." She tells me, whilst rubbing her stomach.

"Is he hurting you?" I'm a little intrigued.

"No no,it's more uncomfortable. He's been moving around loads since the crash. Like he was really happy in there and now I ruined it." She laughs slightly. I chuckle as well. The accident meant Ava and I had spent a lot of time in the same room and it was making me miss her. Seeing her interact with Luke made my jealously bubble, despite him making it quite clear to me that their relationship was purely platonic. I was still a little angry with him for not telling me she was the secret girl he was always messaging. I now know they have spent a lot of time together behind my back, but I'm trying to not let it bother me. Every time I get jealous I make myself remember that she cheated on me and I could never be with her again after that. I also have to remember that Luke was just being kind hearted, he was trying to be there for her when she needed a friend. So, I can't stay angry with him.

Luke has been slowly making progress and we've been told that hopefully he can be discharged in less than a week. His eyes flutter slightly and we both sit up expectantly.

"Hey." He murmurs.

"How are you feeling?" Ava asks, grabbing Luke's hand soothingly.

"I'm great, I'm more worried about you." He tells her. "You're always here. You need to rest, it was even the doctors orders." He laughs quietly, wincing at the pain. She nods and goes to stand up. Suddenly, Ava gasps and a flow of liquid spills from between her legs. She looks up at us both in horror and says "My water just broke."

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I'm sorry it's short and that I haven't updated very frequently. I will be updating more quickly now I have a lot of free time. Love you all

An Ashton Irwin Pregnancy story: left alone with your beautiful mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now